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Psychic Experiences in Category: A Psychic's Life Story: Page 5
Experiences Through Out My Life And Now My Daughter by aca68172
I have had many experiences happen throughout my life and never really figured these things out. Now I think my oldest daughter is having them and I don't know how to help her through them since I have no idea myself. When I was little I use to see people dressed in 1950 cloths coming out of my gran...
I Come From A Family Of Psychics by joeysabilities
My name is Joey. I come from a family of psychics possibly? When my mother was pregnant with me she lived at my grandparents house. She would tell me that while she was pregnant with me she would hear cries of little children followed by a deep laughter, she believed it was the "devil" laughing and ...
My Uncommon Childhood. Your Opinions Are Completely Welcome by missy101
So I am a 14 year old girl, just to start things off. Ever since I was little I felt that I was different. When I was in kindergarten I used to talk to spirits (sorry if this is in the wrong section) at least at the time I never thought that they were spirits. They looked like normal people but I wa...
Rootworker by Makayla
Before I tell you what going on, to maybe try and help you out, I'll tell you a little about myself. I'm fifteen am very creative (I've published a book, write, draw, write poetry, play guitar, etc.) and have a wild imagination. My dreams have always been amazingly vivid, colorful, and sometimes too...
Why God Gave Me This? by miss_day_dreamer
I'm really wondering why I'm not like a normal person, yes I'm not crazy but what in this world can explained for what I see in the of nowhere seeing unknown abnormalities for what I hear and esp. For what I sense. Example of these are I've see some rays of light going through our tree that is in mi...
Scared Teenage Boy With Telekinesis And Other New Abilities by mopar
My name is Kyle, I'm fourteen, and I have telekinesis, as well as many other things. It all started about a two years ago. I had procrastinated about projects and they were all due tomorrow, so obviously I tried to finish them. In that super anxious moment, pictures started flying off the walls. ...
Will Someone Please Believe Me I Know I Have The Gift by cwallace61
Since I was a very small child I have had "experiences". The home I grew up in (my parents are still there) was a very active house. I have had experiences in almost every house I have lived in. I was told that the reason for this is because I am "sensitive". My maternal grandmother and her mother w...
Does My Culture Have Anything To Do With What I See? by keerli123
I am 14 years old (female) and all my life I have been seeing things before they happen. Usually when something really bad is going to happen I will have really bad nightmares about the situation, and they are super detailed. When I wake up I can remember everything so specifically like it really ha...
Story Of Ash by frankienicole
I have always felt different. I would sense people's emotions before they said anything. I could just "read" them. My whole life I have consulted with my inner gut feeling or spirit guide. I grew up in North Dakota but my linage traces to the middle Eastern Europe Czech Romanian Lithuanian and Polis...
Practicing Mediumship by iScorpio
I've been practicing mediumship, and psychic abilities (Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, telepathically hearing spirit, Clairsentience and being sensitive to energy, and being an Empath), along with other practices such as Crystal healing, and aura reading. The past stories I've made make me sound stupi...
Basics by DerekRene
A brief history of what I know about myself so far. I am a middle child including my mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. I've always had an interest in the paranormal since I was younger. I don't remember having any experiences until my eighth grade summer leading into my freshman year. I had...
I Think I Am Psychic, I Am Afraid by bren89
I have come to believe that I possess some sort of psychic ability. Since I was young I would find myself having visions such as reaching into a cupboard full of all kinds of different glasses, having the vision of a glass with a chip in it, and pulling out that same glass. My dad was gambling one d...
Haunting? New Ability? And A Bunch Of Other Questions by KaalaLilee
I recently discovered that I have some psychic gifts; precognitions, ('feelings' about things that happen later), and a sensitivity to the spirit world, although I'm not sure whether that makes me a medium or not. Now I've got a bunch of questions that may not necessarily be related, but I think I'l...
A Past I Just Now Pieced Together by the-animal-inside
Ever since I remember I've been able to see things that no one else can see, to be more specific I could see entities of those not on our plane. I never really made contact with them until I was five or six, when a man dressed in black with hoofed feet came to play with me in my house, he looked exa...
Wanting To Learn More by hydrostaticcreep
I just discovered this website and I want to share my experiences in hopes on getting some feedback. I am currently 20 years old. My first experience happened was when I was five, I saw an angel at the foot of my bed. It was female, all white, had wings. Typically what you would imagine, I suppose....
I Think I'm Crazy? by StrawberryMoon
To even begin to explain what goes on in my life, I need to explain a little of my background. My grandmother is a Cherokee Indian and a dreamer. She is shown things that will happen in life through her dreams. And everything she's seen has came true. Now my mother has always been very different. Li...
A Psychic Calling by ElectricBlue
My name is ElectricBlue and I am new on this site. I am 15 years old and I am going to share one of my [but not the first] psychic experiences with you, which occurred around November of last year. I have a skype and I used to speak to this 17 year old, who I'd been speaking to a few months prior. ...
My Own Story by mysteryalchemist
I was given gifts from the god. Many actually (1) I can sense and to an extent control emotions of anyone (living or dead) (2) I am sensitive to energy fields (3) I can read someone's or something's past by their energy vibes but also I can up to a point communicate with spirits. As a child I was me...
Psychic And Partially Medium by Newmoon45
I have some questions. I believe I am a psychic, maybe partially a medium, but I have some questions about it. I dream weird things all the time. Whenever I remember my dreams they are odd. Like murderous dreams, Although I have apparently had premonition dreams. Like once I had a dream about what m...
Life Long Spritual Journey by shinesprite
My spiritual journey started when I was 2 or 3. I can remember talking to people and being told no one was there. My family said I had an imaginary friend. This "friend" was with me through my adoption at 3 years old and all the way through school. I was adopted a month before my 4th birthday. Ro...
Empathic And Clairaudience Occurences Making Me Ill? by willowsong
Namaste, Although it says to avoid saying you need help, I feel that I do, and are not sure where to turn. When I was a child, I would frequently get high fevers that made me delirious at times. So high, in fact, that at 2yrs old, I nearly crossed over. Everyone in the family remembers the night ...
I Have Always Known by AlwaysKnown
My name is Susan and I have an ongoing story. It is ongoing because I still live this way, what I am about to tell you, today. I was four when I gotten hit by a car in a city. That's when I started to really remember things. I was five when someone starting talking to me and I knew was not an im...
I'm Confused About What Is Happening. Am I Gifted? by Colorfulpeep
Dear readers, I have always known that I am different, but until now, I had no idea why. To begin with, I was born and raised in a devout Christian family, which makes my experiences a little bit trickier. I am more gifted (or at least I think I have gifts) in premonitions than I am in my medium ...
I Have Felt The Presence Of My Grandfather With Me by KaiLynn
Ever since I was 4 years old I have felt the presence of my grandfather with me. I always thought that it was somewhat creepy, but also something that was normal. In the past few years I have been getting many feelings that something is with me and is watching over me. It wasn't until a few days ago...
Never Felt Human by chrissbauer
I've never felt human, never been able to connect on the human level, whereas most people have felt psychic powers occasionally, I've felt like a human occasionally. I have been told since I was basically born that I was meant for something amazing, but I can't find it. I see spirits as normal every...
My Intuition Is Extremely Strong by gothicmama
This is something I've experienced my entire life and never questioned: my intuition is extremely strong - so much so that I'm not sure it's only intuition. Premonition is a closer word for it, as the things I "know" are things I shouldn't be ABLE to know. I am almost never wrong about these things....
Life As A Developing Sensitive by vsecret82
Where do I start. I have always been fascinated with the spiritual world since I had my first psychic experience. I was pregnant with my first daughter and I kept having crazy dreams that I was talking to spirits, in particular, one that told me that he used to live in my house a time ago and that h...
Finding My Way Back by Mom2AllBoys
For as long as I can remember, I could see spirits, I could communicate with them, sense them and feel their emotions. This was normal for me; I did not know anything different. Around age 17 I stopped seeing my spirit guide and felt abandoned and shut myself off. Almost a year ago, the sight sta...
Waking Up by tabane27
When I was a little girl I had a invisible friend called Sarah, I would sit, talk and play all day with her. I do not remember much as I was very young but my memories are still there. When I hit 4 years old I felt like I come into reality and asked my mum millions of questions of my purpose here. S...
Mother And Son Looking For Advice On Psychic Abilities by Zeiro
My mother can have precognitive abilities including predicting deaths. An example would be that she had a dream the night before her sister's husband died. In the dream she saw his soul along with many others in a train that was stationary in the sky that wouldn't move with all of the souls in it un...
Clarification Of Abilities? by Noyr
I'm 16 years old, and ever since I was young I always thought I was different in a sense. Or maybe destined to be different? I was born a red head with brown eyes (which is quite rare), my name is an ordinary name that is spelt differently, I've always been interested in everything that has to do wi...
Wondering And Looking For Answers by mzlala2u
I've been trying to find some help in this matter for some time now. I'm really confused about some things and would really appreciate some feedback, help, and/or answers. I'm going to list a few things I have been dealing with for years now. I have a crazy habit of speaking things up a LOT (songs, ...
My Many Strange Experiences by RedAngel
My first experience happened just after I got pregnant with my first child. I started getting headaches and pins and needles on my skull, and this was always followed by a 'vision' of a situation, usually normal. A few days or weeks later I would get the same feeling, but then it would be the situat...
Coping With My Gift by topazgirl
When I was a little girl watching movies, I remember being able to finish the character's dialogue. My mother would turn to me in a hushed tone and say "How did you know that?" I would answer "I don't know, it just makes sense to me." I think this was a sign of things to come. I've always been ve...
Fighting My Gift by WhitneyW
I just had the most crazy experience. I was talking to this guy by texting and it was like all of a sudden I saw he could be my future husband and a lot of happiness was around the people. I have always known I was different in the "meta" sense but never thought i'd understand why. I thought that ev...
Varied Experiences by bafodo
VARIOUS EXPERIENCES: I'm going to share several experiences that have occurred throughout my life which I don't understand. Wish I could decipher whether or not there's something spiritual to all of this and whether or not there's a connection between any or all of it. So, please bear with me - I...
My Gifts And A Spirit Friend by lauralou
It's quite a story since from the days of my youth. Since I was a little girl I have experienced seeing and hearing things. I had a little spirit friend that used to leave a strong fish smell in my bedroom, not me of course. Only come when I was angry or going a away for a few weeks at a time. I...
Need To Identify by kwsuscc
I have been what I call sensitive my entire life. I have always sensed things about people. I have had several experiences where I would touch a person and get a picture in my head about them, or experience a color, or a really strong feeling all over my body. I had experienced this with strangers a...
Does My Daughter Have Abilities? by martha
My daughter who is 11 years old called me in the bathroom one day while taking her shower, she was terrified and said someone turned off the water while she was still showering, I go into the bathroom as quick as I can and she was right the shower handle was set in off position, when she never turne...
Phenomenon My Miracle by jessmwright1
I think I'll start by sharing my experiences with both psychic phenomenon and my experience with angels and miracles. Maybe I'll start with my first experiences as a very sensitive child with the ability to not only sense peoples true selves but feel their pain like it was my own. I spent my childho...
Cloud Reading, Dead Relatives And Predictions by mart21472
Just recently I got onto the topic of psychic experiences with my parents, and since the age of 8, my Mother had noticed some strange things of which I would like to confirm are psychic experiences. Initially, I used to come to her two to three times a week and I would tell her in the morning of...
Similar Moment? Hard Time Coping, Gift Gone & Regained by Candy_Jane
All of this stuff seems very fantasy like. Sometimes I need to make myself realize these abilities are real. Anywho the ability I lost was being able to see things or should I say "being clairvoyant?"Correct me if I am wrong. First time I have ever seen something was when I was 1 1/2 years of age an...
Odd Psychic Abilities Since Age 9 by PsychicMike
Lately I have been able to predict things moments before they happen. I also have a knack for sensing other's thoughts. Such as one day, in the middle of class, some kids were whispering to each other and were mouthing to someone across the room. I looked over to the other person and suddenly thoug...
Accepting Myself by lr11
Most of my life I have been fighting who I am, you can say it hasn't been easy being me. My experiences started when I was very young. When I was younger than nine I told my mother that something was wrong with my sister she blew it off as me being funny about an hour later a woman came to our house...
Being A Spiritual Healer And Psychic by CatherineCampbell
I had believed as a child and for many years that everyone could see, hear and know the things I naturally could, I assumed in my innocence that everyone was psychic... I had always seen auras and spirits, could always tell when someone was ill or unwell. Seeing and chatting with spirit was to me...
Energy Manipulation To Control Weather? Can I Do More? by zephyrsong
It's been ages since I last visited this site but I decided to pop in again to see what's been happening and the first story I read was about energy manipulation and the situation described is uncanny to my own experience. I left a lengthy comment on the post so if you re-read something I posted the...
Feelings Forever by amberjade95
Ever since I could remember, I've never been able to get away with anything. My mom seems to know everything and I don't understand why. Until I was about 10. She would tell me stories of how she would get "feelings" about people, and they'd happen. She's predicted 4 marriages, 2 breakups, job accep...
My Average Life 2 by devoidair332
A couple years ago when I was in high school I started to see events unfold/dreams come true, I had dreams of people close to me disappearing/dying, of course I thought it was just a dream but they weren't, my grandpa had passed away when I was a sophomore at my high school and the night before his ...
Who Just Spoke Through Me Now? Said The Psychic by Sini42
As a psychic, I see the answer, when a person presents me a question in reading sessions. The answer comes to me in images, words and other knowledge. Usually the question is about issues of the heart. Relationships in the family, passed members or present and love. When the answer starts to come ou...
A Little Information For A Little Psychic? by MeekyJade
Ever since I can remember I have been different, I have so many examples I'll just list a few below: - Astral Projection from room to room as a child - Knowing what's on a grave before I could read as a toddler and saying " awww poor baby " It was a baby's grave. - Predicting situations, feel...
Maybe It Just Runs In The Family by TheLittleMermaid
It has just recently started happening. No one believes me, I told my friend and immediately it sent goose bumps down her. I thought what I experienced was normal. I can feel when there near. When a ghost is near, my ears ring. And I also receive a wave of emotions. Confusion, sadness, anger. Th...
I Think I Was A Psychic When I Was A Kid by adofri
At age 10 I think I was going to a new school in a new neighbor hood I didn't know anyone so when I walked in the class room I saw plenty other 10 year old kids, when I was walking in I looked at a guy name axel and I knew his name was axel just by looking at him then I looked at another student and...
A History Of Weird Experiences - Related? by kirstolena
I'm not quite sure where to begin in this, so I'll start from my earliest memory and move forward, though I'm not sure that all is related. The first time that I remember sleeping in my own bedroom was when I was probably 5 or 6. (It was upstairs.) I lay down in my bed and in the windows across th...
My Gifted Uncle by RTL89
This is my first posting on this site, and I just joined:) I have known my uncle for my entire life as we used to always have get-togethers with his and our family. In 1999, his mom (my grandma) passed away from cancer. This was my dad's mom. My grandma was the glue that held our families togeth...
Getting In Tune With Old Abilities by JJbsu21
I'm new to the site, but I thought I'd explain a few main experiences I had when I was younger, between the age of 5-17 as I wish to get back in tune with them and hopefully develop them, I'm 21 now, this may help with the reference of time differences I mention. Just so you know I'm not very well e...
Ability Gone. Just Gone by Icedre
It all started a couple years ago. There's a whole long and painstakingly slow moving story to it all but eventually it all ends up here, so here is where I'm going to start. I'm fourteen years old. I think I've seen a tad bit more than your regular teenage girl ranging from the 'super natural' to s...
My Connections by psi399
Wow where do I start? How about that I'm an indigo child (hate the title by the way) who has had many experiences and many things to tell you but I'll start with the most basic thing. Well as the title suggests I have Psychic Connections. I have friends from around the globe whom I can talk to by si...
Every Two Years by RainCloudanzer
For as long as I can remember I have had the ability to see spirits, but that is not the extent of my ability and this is not a story entirely about "ghosts". I can remember seeing and talking to people that no one else could see before I learned to walk and I feel as if spirits might be drawn to me...
My Life Story by truely-unknown
So this is to tell why I am on this site. I was a loner except for one close friend until I got to high school. I met this close friend (Dustin) in second grade after I officially met his little sister. He was in 3rd grade and we hit it off right away. We were both good with technology and loved nat...
My Friend And I See Ghosts, Future, Emotions by CassieKat
I've been feeling things since I was very young, especially deja vu. When I was 10, my mom showed me the first picture I ever saw of my great-grandfather, who died 20 years before I was born, and instantly I recognized him and knew his name. When I was 5, my dad drove us past a building in the middl...
To Share Support For Those Who Have New Psychic Experiences by Sini42
I have become a psychic quite late, in my fourties, due to a traumatic separation, which made all things familiar to me change and vanish. This total change and lack of safety opened my third eye in two years time, but I was interested before also in spirituality. Today I do small readings for s...
Psychic Life Story by Tiffanie
Brace yourself for quite a bit of reading, I'm sorry in advance. I'm simply going to run my mouth tell what I'm trying to say really forms into this story. I'm 17 and I'm simply looking for answers, stories, similar experiences etc. Etc. Ever since I can remember I have only ever striven to be peace...
My Secret - Should I Be Happy Or Sad? by Little_Psych
I really don't know where to start. Well first I need to say that magical abilities have been following me for my whole life. When I was 4 I started with visions and science then I know what is happening in the new episode of cartoon, comic, who will die, what grade will I get. Since I was 6 I ...
Too Much Information To Deal With by TigerLady
I'm writing for a little advice. I've had so many experiences across the board that I'm not even sure what to believe, what's real and what isn't, what I am, etc. I've always kind of believed in the "out of the ordinary". As a kid I had a few experiences, smelling scents suddenly that reminded me...
Should I Explore This Ability Or Leave It Alone? by Shrimp92
I'm currently 19 years old and my family has some sort of spiritual ability connected to them. My dad is the one with this ability who got it from his mum who got it from her parents etc. Dad is able to sense when spirits are near him, he gets really cold and every hair on his body stands up. He is ...
Becoming Someone I Don't Want To Be by Zhabesha
Sorry guys that it took me long to post my story. I am 18 years old, a kind of guy who follows his feeling. I have had many psychic experiences since I was a kid. But I don't even know my exact behaviors for sure. I don't know what I am. All I know is I am becoming someone I don't want to be. I am ...
Mother And Grandfather's Ability, What Is This? by Megalodon
I'm going to struggle describing this one because I haven't inherited it but I'm very curious about it because my mom in particular is very good at it, so I'll tell you everything I know about the ability and a very short background! None of my family practice anything (other than me, secretly) a...
My Experiences In General by psychichexo
I don't know where to start with this. Sometime last year I started feeling things that were going to happen. It wasn't very strong at first, the first one I can remember is when I was waiting for my friend and felt like I was going to be hit and later that day, as I cycle home from school, I nar...
My Family's Gifts by rsal1990
Growing up right after my sister was born I was only 12 years old at the time, I started to speak to this little boy and this dark entity, I knew the little boy, he was a friendly spirit, for the fact that he was my little cousin who died when he was a baby, I knew it was him because he gave me his ...
I'm Psychic? Now What? by Danni
My name is Danni. I'm 17 years old, and I am very sensitive to the spiritual world. Since I was very little I have been having precognitive dreams and visions, and have been telepathic. About four years ago I started seeing white glows and glimpses of auras but not very strongly. Since I was about 1...
My Psychic Powers Dwindling by FeebleParadox
My name is Harvey. I would like to start by explaining the beginning and extent to my powers and how they are dwindling. I have always had the ability to see auras. Most people have a soft shade of white in most cases, people with other shades take a great deal of focus. And me being in the right mo...
A Life Time Of Strange by JessicaD27
Ever since I can remember I have had unexplained happenings. I grew up in the same house with my adoptive parents and my twin brother. Since the age of 7 or 8, maybe even younger, I can remember being very un-easy in the house. One of the memories I remember the most was the shadow of a man with hun...
A Day In The Life Of by RyanAllen93
firstly I'm not someone who looks at the internet for advice but this is a bit different. I've got abilities I get that but it's not like they come with a instruction manual? Since I was tiny I've seen spirits connected with people seen past relatives, shown signs of empathy which is the least fun p...
The Beginning Of The End Is The Beginning by SnowAngel12
As we take our first breath into this life, it is our breath of life as well as our first breath of death; two sides of a coin that eternally coexist to balance out one another. Without one another we forget to look beyond what is given, and sometimes we look at the extremes of only one side. We for...
My Life Experiences Not All But Most by devinmarston
I would like to tell you some experiences of mine (USA Michigan). First when I was the age of 4 the first and only memory I've had was when me and my mom were living in west Richland Washington we shared a room and two beds. I had the strangest nightmare of a hand coming over the edge of my bed....
Some Psychic Experiences by slirpie125
I am thirteen and I have some stuff to say. I'm not positive if I'm psychic or not. But someone once told me that everyone is psychic, but we as (skeptical) humans tend to "turn off" that thought. In other words, we tend to dismiss it, and block that idea. Like atheists (no offence to anyone) tend t...
Could I Be Developing Psychic Abilities? by sapphirerose
Ever since I started meditating daily last December, a lot of strange things have started happening to me. I started getting a lot of pressure on my third eye, and I still do. Sometimes it gets so strong that it keeps me up at night. I also experience a lot of tingly feelings on my head, and sometim...
Deployed Soldier; It's Happening Again Why by ikaboo
I am a soldier currently in Iraq where things are more dangerous than they talk about anymore. The stress has been bad, but I'm more scared than ever because things that I dealt with as a kid are starting to happen again. In order for you to help me, because I do need help, I need describe the thing...
Psychic In Training? by Lillianaluv99
I take tons of psychic tests and got psychic and I have psychic experiences a lot but I need help controlling it. If this one thing didn't happen I probably would've thought I was psychic. When I was little (probably in 1st or 2nd grade) there was a school carnival and it started storming. They were...
Psychic Block by cloverskies
When I was a young child I could sense things around me. I would hear things that would sound like the chipmunks talking, very high pitched voices would be talking to me. My mom said I would be having conversations by myself. My grandmother's house was the most active houses, which freaked me out. I...
My Lost Psychic Abilities by 776
My name is Alfie. I'm 15. When I was not that young, I created an imaginary cult and became a member. It did not actually exist. In the cult I was given, (or gave myself) a number to identify myself. That number, 776, still feels very personal and significant to me. Is this madness? That is qu...
Not Sure What To Call Myself, Opinions? by jst3mpl3
As I said in the title, I'm not quite sure what to call my abilities so I'm looking to get some feedback. Ever since I was young, I've always felt spirits. This became so normal to me that I learned to just brush it off, but after my grandpa passed away and we moved into my new house, I began seeing...
Heartless Tragedies And Dark Beginnings by Impulsive
I don't know if you'll enjoy this story but this is the truth so there's no way to change it. I guess I'll start from the beginning. I was a pretty normal child I guess, well it seemed I always caused mischief, but that's normal isn't it? Anyway it was in the 7th grade when everything changed. I...
Gift Of Sensing Things Around Me by vicgal123
My name is Victoria. I have done my research on virtually every ability possible, what it means to be psychic, and all that. The reason I did that is because I am a psychic like most of you here. My dad told me that I have a "gift" of sensing things around me, good and bad, which is true. I also see...
My Psychic Struggles by 1993RA
I need advice. I'm struggling with what I am, mainly because I don't know. Since I was tiny I had blurs of things that ended up happening and later realized some of it had been murders, stabbings things like that and once my mum locked me and my little sister in the car when she was arguing with my ...
The Way My Mind Works by marieeberlein13
Why do I feel like I know everything? Like somebody asks me a question, or tells me a story of something tragic and I already know what happens. Not like assumptions or something, like "My daughter overdosed in pills" And I assume she dies. I mean like things I never encountered. Such as like, A gir...
Abilities To Work With Pendulums by remus
I have been noticing strange things over my life that has been occurring a bit more often recently. I do not know much about the psychic world and I cannot give any definite clues as to what I can do. The facts are these: my abilities to work with pendulums are incredible, my grandmother tests me ...
My Daughter And I - Psychic Or Sensitive Or Both? by Larkspur71
I have had my ability since I was a young child. I remember psychic dreams that came true and like most children, I was told by at least one parent that it was all imaginary, so a large portion of my ability was. I wouldn't say forgotten but put dormant. But, regardless, I still had prophetic dreams...
Radio Interview With Ghost Queen Marveena Meek by trickropermw
The following is a copy of MarVeena's radio interview with Lois Wetzel about how she got started in Mediumship with a very powerful near death experience. Radio Interview With Lois Wetzel Lois: Good morning, this is the Lois J. Wetzel Show and I am your host and executive producer, Lois Wetze...
Psychic Females In The Family by DasRaben
My name is Melanie, I'm 26 years old and I come from a family of psychics. Apparently my grandmother is an extremely powerful medium, as are some of my aunts and female cousins. This "gift" seems to affect mostly the females, although I know that my brother has had dreams about our ancestors, which ...
No Longer Alone by Boltsboy24
For the longest time I thought I was slowly slipping in to insanity from the random feelings I would get throughout my life. I'm 24 now, the things I would see like people walking from one room to another but not actually anyone being there to dark figures in the night, having parts of dreams coming...
I Need Some Advice On Strengthening My Abilities by MarinesPrincess
I have been a psychic for as long as I can remember. I would deal with things as a child, such as hauntings, speaking to spirits, hearing people that other's didn't hear, seeing other things, you know the deal. As I got older, I tapped out of my abilities, and set them into hiding as I was scared of...
Future, Auras, Emotions, And Minds by 13years
Please do not read if you're here to call me crazy. I've heard enough of it. I know I do sound crazy; a thirteen year old who can see the future, read minds, see auras, and absorb people's emotions? But I'm not crazy. I'll start by explaining my dreams. I've read carefully about other experiences wi...
I'm Never Surprised by valentinebaby
This is my first story, so much to tell, for all my life. Where should I start? Also, I am hoping to find real people, who have had similar events happen to them. I can sense danger, such as a Mountain Lion stalking me, I ran home from my bus stop at age 8. Mommie, there's a Mountain Lion Stalking m...
Cloaked Figure Turned Me Into A Negative Person by CrescentEye
For some years ever since I became psychic (before I knew and a little after.) Somehow that's when things changed for me. For a long time I had been a EXTREMELY negative person. Of course people at school didn't help with this. I would have almost all the symptoms of depression, when I asked my pare...
I Am A Psychic by lolamisty2
My name is Samantha. I am 13 years old and I realized I was a psychic just a few days ago. For a couple of months, I have seen things and I recognize them when I know that I have never seen them in real life. Also, when I meditate I hear voices of the dead and I can talk to them sometimes. Now, this...
Family History by stephyw2001
To sum up, my family has a history of clairvoyant experiences. (On my mother's side). My great grandmother had it, my grandmother had it, my mother had it, and now my sister and I believe we may have it. My sister and I are practical people. We grew up hearing our mother's story, but always tended t...
I Want To Tell That I'm Psychic by Drewz
Over the past few years, ever since I was 11, strange stuff has been happening to me. I have physic abilities, the ability to feel and be effected by other peoples emotions around me, sometimes I see or hear stuff that isn't there and I have dreams about the future. I'm an indigo child and my wh...
Hi, I'm A Closet Psychic by sunbeam13
I have been reading the many stories and experiences on this site and I am so grateful that this site exist as it confirms that I am not "crazy" and there are many like me out there. Over this last few years I have been undergoing changes and have begun to notice this new power emerging that I ha...
Betrayal Of Bloodlines by destined3
Super natural isn't what I would like to refer to me or anyone else as, for the simple fact it is our true nature. Though as each generation passes it becomes less common and we are seen as delusional people. Society has changed deeply, even to the point I cannot tell any of my loved ones about the ...
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