I don't know where to start with this.
Sometime last year I started feeling things that were going to happen. It wasn't very strong at first, the first one I can remember is when I was waiting for my friend and felt like I was going to be hit and later that day, as I cycle home from school, I narrowly avoided a collision as I came round the corner. Luckily, I reacted in time and we did not hit.
I had several others that I can't remember, but I do remember they were all things that nearly happened. For example, my disabled step-dad, when we were visiting his family in Manchester, we stayed at his flat and he went out in his power chair by himself and after he left I had a sudden feeling that he would get hit by a car that was speeding on the road. When he arrived home, luckily safe, he told us that he had nearly been hit by a speeding car.
More recently, the feelings have been little things, for example, the other night, I had my phone in my pocket and hadn't had a reply from my friend in a while. I felt like imitating my ringtone, and as soon as I had finished, I received a text. Also, yesterday, I left home, deciding not to take my umbrella even though I had a feeling it was going to rain, and it did. Also, I had a feeling when I walked into the house that my friend's Christmas present had arrived and when I walked into the hall, it was there.
One of the things that has made me come to this site now is that I have now had two experiences of hearing my name being called out to me, very clearly, the second being this morning, but it seems to be always as I wake up. I thought it was someone at home and when I asked they said that none of them had called me... I remembering answering them, but that is it and that has happened twice and I'm starting to wonder if it means something.