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Real Psychic Experiences



Before I tell you what going on, to maybe try and help you out, I'll tell you a little about myself. I'm fifteen am very creative (I've published a book, write, draw, write poetry, play guitar, etc.) and have a wild imagination. My dreams have always been amazingly vivid, colorful, and sometimes too real. My childhood days were filled with abuse, poverty, and were quite lonely seeing how there were no other children around and mom and dad were always busy doing something. We moved around a lot, from state to state, leaving life after life behind. My dad was gone at work a lot, and even more so now. My parent's marriage has always been rough and they nearly divorced once. I've always been expected to not do anything less than perfect. An enormous amount of responsibility was shoved onto me at a very early age, and I have a younger brother that is a little slower than most people. My great-grandmother on my mom's side was a witch, no lie, and me, my mother, grandmother, and various other relatives have experimented in Wicca or voodoo religions or practice it. The three of us all have abilities. Though, mine are the strongest of the three of us.

Now, I've always been able to hear, see, and feel things that most people can't. When I was seven, I had a friend that was a tree. I didn't think anything of hearing a tree talk to me (well inside of me). There was also a woman at one of our old houses, an old woman wearing a traditional nightgown, who felt mean and bitter. At night she would stand at the end of my bed, just staring at me. This happened every night we lived there and sometimes I couldn't see her but I could feel her there. I would hide under my blankets, crying, and singing myself to sleep. When I told people of this, no one believed me. I was always really sick at that house, only a couple days at a time before I would catch something else.

Then, only a few weeks before we moved, my mother was on the computer in the other room when she turned and saw the woman just scowling at her. The woman turned around and went into the room where my brother and I were sleeping. Of course, when mom went in there, she wasn't there. A little bit after we moved, they found out that the house had a major carbon-dioxide leak and it burned to the ground.

After that, I didn't see anything for a long time at other houses. But, I felt things. Very strongly. Being young though, they didn't scare me too badly. This went on for years with only the occasional unexplainable noise at night. Instead, my dreams became more and more interesting. Then I started having visions. Seriously. Before long I was predicting deaths, events, even stranger's life events. Now, though, we moved into our current house, things changed.

As soon as we walked into the house with the realtor, I had an odd feeling. There was an old recliner in the living room. The realtor casually pointed out that the chair was the chair that one of the last residents died in. Pleasant, huh? The house was built in the early seventies and two residents came to pass here, John and Loid Mercer. Well, after only a little bit of living here, things REALLY picked up. The visions became extremely frequent and about things as simple as eating breakfast, my ability to guess people's thoughts and what they were getting ready to say or do increased immensely, I felt people's emotions more easily, I began constantly seeing things in the corner of my eye, and I ALWAYS hear noises at night and sometimes in the day now too. Sometimes of a man and woman talking, sometimes footsteps, people moving stuff around in the kitchen. Things like that. Of course, no one is up and about except for me.

I have started having out-of-body-experiences, and astral projecting without knowing it for a long time. When something bad is going to happen nearby me or related to my life, I start having nightmares. My nightmares anymore are horrific and about many different things. I wake up in sweats, sometimes crying, sometimes shaking. I'll hear random voices, breathing, and other noises.

Well, last year I had been sleeping soundly when all of the sudden I was wide awake for no particular reason. But within a few seconds I felt a VERY heavy presence in the room. It felt dark and like whatever it was its eyes were boring down into me. I squeezed my eyes shut and as soon as I did, the bed started to shake and it felt like something was pushing me down. I could hardly breathe and I was so-so afraid. Suddenly it stopped. This has happened three times, but the second time was the worst, and it only happens when its pitch dark in my room so I sleep with a light on most of the time.however, I can turn it off for a day or two, but as soon as I get comfortable thinking nothing will happen, it happens. During the second time, I woke up again; only, the shaking was SO intense it felt like I was going to fall off of the bed. Everything was so much worse, and whatever was there, felt angry. Then suddenly it stopped and I felt something sold, like a human, sit down on my bed and touch my leg. Luckily, I heard my dad awake just then and screamed for him to come in there. It took less than a minute for him to be in there with the light on and no one was there but me.

Another thing I experience is I'll be having a dream, when suddenly, everything fades to white. Then I'll see a person that I've never met before and feel a certain vibe from them, they'll usually smile and/or wave then disappear and my dream will continue. Well, I found out that these people I've seen turned out to have died sometimes around my having a dream about them. I was SO weirded out. I wondered if I was seeing them on their way out to heaven? I'm not sure.

There are other stuff I could talk about, but that's the jiff of it. I am sort of wanting to extend my abilities. I've started learning and practicing the Wicca culture. I prefer to call myself a rootworker. So, I'm not a witch, I just work with the forces of the earth, okay people? Don't get high and mighty. I'm like a rootworker Christian lol. Until I discovered this site, I didn't know what the names of some of these abilities are or how some of this works. So with the thought in mind that I want to learn more about these things, I was hoping you guys could explain some of what's going on with me. I don't know why all of the sudden my abilities took a right turn at Albuquerque. If you have had some similar experiences, share them, please. If there is a way you know to get rid of the 'evil presences' I feel sometimes, let me know. I'm not even sure what I want to know lol. I just need someone who really knows what I'm talking about and can inform me about it. None of my family have these experiences. Please help?

Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Makayla, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Noorh (2 stories) (168 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-07)
it is were you focuse on leting your spirit out of your body you need to use protection powers andyou need to atack the ghost it might take more then 5 minutes but it is a good way to get rode of ghosts thatscare you
Hope I helped
Makayla (1 stories) (3 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-06)
Noorh-- Well how did you stop it? And what is spirit fighting lol?
Noorh (2 stories) (168 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-01)
me too in my prevouse house I used too always be feel something or someone or something looking at me, touching and following me around the houshiat e but I found a way to to know how to keep it way from me.
You need to spirit fight withit but what I can see that you are way more powerifull then me so it means you can easly spirit fight it.

If you don't or can't please add comment so when I read it I would be able to tell you how 😊 😊 😊
1truth (6 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-14)
Take refuge in God. Without God's will nothing can hurt you or your family.
jodenx12 (70 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-12)
You and your life style interest me. I would like to have a conversation over email with you and share a lot of similarities. I also feel kind of worried for you that you have to deal with always wondering if something will disturb you at night. You should try and find ways to shield yourself from negative, maybe I can help. Jodenx12 [at]
IslVoter (257 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-12)

Even though you didn't know those people, the ways in which you found out who they were were more than coincidence. Which leads me to conclude that you are being shown that you have these abilities--to see those who died and are not "earth-bound"--a specialty I've not heard of before. It is usually the other way around.

I see it as a good thing, a sign that your natural vibratory rate is high. Eventually you may be shown more. As Anne said, you've already got an arsenal of skills. "Rootworker" sounds good to me. Can you explain more about what roots it means to you? Just curious. It's not a term I've heard before, but I'm not familiar with Wicca.

Makayla (1 stories) (3 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-12)
Ann and Lora--

I didn't know the people at all, never even heard their names before... When I found out they died, it was totally by accident. Like one, I was on facebook one day and saw another friend of mine liked a page called, 'pray for madi' and I clicked to see what it was all about, to be at staring the girl I saw in my dream. I looked at the information about her and found that she died around the same time I had the dream The others were found in more or less of the same way. And no, there was no message... Madi had smiled and waved at me, and she felt soo happy and like such a nice warm person. But that's it. And thanks for all the inforation and adivce-some of this can be so confusing lol.

Rosetta- Thanks for all the info:) and yes, I didn't really want to think of that, seeing how there are so many gohsts I see or feel, and knowing that that many are coming to me. Seeing them isn't always pleasant. But your explanation does make sense... Of course, I didn't even know that a person could be a 'beacon' to spirits. Again, thanks:)
Rosetta (1 stories) (52 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-11)
I have a few answers that might help you. For one the seeing the ghosts in your dreams that apparently died. You see them because they're going to heaven through YOU (thats the only explanation I can think of.) I think you're a mediator, someone who helps spirits pass on. It seems that evil spirist are becoming attracted to those that are, in spiritual means, pure of mind and soul. Of course, you're not the only one who experiences this. And apparently, due to your not-so-great life, your psychic powers are becoming more and more powerful. That is good, the stronger you are the more cautious and frightened the evil spirits will be. And since you seem to be a wiccan, see if you can find a way to make an amulet of protection, The only one I believe I know of is the egyptian beetle.
AnneV (4 stories) (1064 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-07-11)
It would help if you gave more detail as to who these people are that passed on. If you've never met them as you say, how did you later know they died? Seems more than coincedental. There must be some link there.
IslVoter (257 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-11)

I'm not sure about you seeing people in the "white" environment, but my understanding is that there are many dimensions, higher vibrationally than earth or the "astral" ones--where it is pure energy--no vision, sounds, etc. The energies there convey information without the sense information, which is what we somewhat rely on. Others have described areas of a midnight blue kind of darkness, but the darkness is comforting.

So it would be logical that those who had passed were in that dimension. And, yes, you may attract those who have passed because they "see" your light. You are like a beacon to all entities that are not in body.

These people who died--I assume you knew them or knew of them. Was there any information that would relieve those they left behind? Just seeing that they were in light dimensions could be a great relief to some who have lost people. I'm just guessing here, but perhaps, with time, revealing that information might help one of them. After all, when people die, the effects of it are harder on us, the physical, because we don't know where they are, how they are--and many that they are at all!

You're doing great in my book.

Isle - Lora
Makayla (1 stories) (3 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-11)
Thanks for the comments guys... I guess aside from a few questions I just really needed to vent about some of this, hoping someone else knew what I was talking about.

Anne, thanks. I do have a lot of things figured out, but one thing I still don't get is seeing the strangers in white then learning they died... Could you answer that? Like, what is that? And thanks for all the information.:)

Lovely Livvy, I'm going to my email now.
LovelyLivvy22 (2 stories) (4 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-11)
Hey there! My name is Olivia. You've said some thing in here that have piqued my interest. Recently I have discovered I am a Empath. I discovered that with my friend, Michalea (your name too!)
Michalea, you & I have more than one thing in common. She can see ghosts & her grandma's a witch. Her aunts a pyschic, & her dad sees spirits too. She has moved 14 times & her dad is never home.
We both have some questions for you & I'd greatly appreciate it if you'd email me ASAP. Popcorn_and_jellybeans [at]
Thank you
Life_Feeder88 (19 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-10)
Besides constant terror, sounds pretty cool. Sorry I don't have any help. 😢 I would help if I could, but I only have experience with my own demon guardian, and my own abilities. The only help I can offer is try to hone your abilities. I tried to hone mine, and have become quite good at them. Maybe you can hone yours
AnneV (4 stories) (1064 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-07-10)
Sounds like you have much of what's going on in your life figured out (astral projection, seeing into other dimensions, knowing even trees have consciousness, etc).

The violent shaking of you on the bed is related to astral projection. Before we project (if we are conscious), the astral form vibrates intensely which results in separation. You can read more about it on my sister site at This too is where we feel discarnate beings, hear voices, hear things that sound like a gunshot, get poked & prodded, etc.

Getting rid of "evil" is a bit harder than it sounds. One, just because you're frightened of it doesn't make it evil. I'm sure if I stood over you in the dark with your eyes closed, you'd swear I was evil. We fear what we don't know or can't see. Also, if you're in a house that has history, you moving would probably be easier than getting rid of a long term entity. If there was a quick fix, no one would have house/energy problems. What you can do though is not focus on fear (like attracts like), work on doing things that raise your vibrations like meditation, being in nature, staying positive, seeking the light, etc.

You're doing very well! I love your term "rootworker". Keep doing your research and you'll get to exactly where you want to be.


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