This is something I've experienced my entire life and never questioned: my intuition is extremely strong - so much so that I'm not sure it's only intuition. Premonition is a closer word for it, as the things I "know" are things I shouldn't be ABLE to know. I am almost never wrong about these things. At times they happen so frequently that it's frustrating, especially when others are asking me advice but won't heed what I have to say. Friends come to me for advice often, and it's rare that my advice is bad, even if the friend asking isn't happy about what I have to say on the matter.
The knowing is often associated with a "gut feeling" - quite literally. Depending on what I "know", I may experience headaches, severe nausea, or even unexplainable happiness/depression. Usually what I "know" is about other people. It's rare that I know an event about myself specifically.
Sometimes the knowing is a specific event, but I will not know a timeframe for it. Sometimes there is a vague knowledge of an immediate event, but I won't know what it is. When it is about a specific person, there is generally a feeling "of" that person, much like when a familiar person is in a dream. I am extremely sensitive to people - within a few moments I can "know" whether someone is trustworthy, will be in my life for a long time, or is someone who should be avoided. There has only ever been one person in my life who managed to get through my defenses and fooled my intuition.
I am empathic to the point of literally feeling other people's pain at times. Even cross-country. I have had some experience in taking physical pain into myself from another person when in contact with them. I must keep a "shield" up around myself frequently, especially in public places (for instance, in a shop, I may come within range of a truly evil person, and cannot avoid the nausea they cause). I crave being close with someone, but find it difficult to let down that shield in order to do so. It used to be out of fear of being perceived as weak, but I think that now it's just been so long that I don't know how to let it down.
Dreams have also always been extremely important throughout my life. I've had prophetic dreams, but generally they are more introspective - whatever is happening in my life (or around me) may be described, and I may be led to better decisions based on those dreams. I am not well practiced with lucid dreaming, although I have done it a few times by accident. It seems the more I try, the more elusive that lucidity becomes. Keeping a dream journal works best. Sometimes my dreams are indistinguishable from waking life, or seem even more real.
My latest experience with knowing something was a few weeks ago. I was out in town, and was suddenly overcome with a wave of nausea, and "knew" things at home weren't right. Rather than hurrying home, I finished running errands and was met with disaster upon arriving back. Thankfully all was sorted out within 3 days, but it was a reminder to always trust my instincts.
I would like to speak with others who have a great deal of experience with "knowing" things they shouldn't. Someone close to me is an attractor to other "knowers" - this person just seems to accumulate them, and is disturbed/afraid of learning more about that ability. I "know" what this person is, but don't have a term for it. Or for my own ability, for that matter. Some further insight would be really nice!
Feel free to contact me on samantha.fairhurst [at]
Oh and ONIpsychic and Mubashir.
I believe that God (whomever He may be) is a dual being. One half is good. That is the half that many worship. But one half is bad. That half is Satan and all things evil. I do sincerely apologise for butting in but it seemed to me that it was a very good debate.
P.S Sorry I am really very random... 😊