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Psychic Experiences in Category: Visions / Trances / Altered States: Page 5
Dark Smokey Shadows by giftedone77
I am 39 year old women with 2 daughters- 8yr and 6yr old respectively. From childhood I was spiritually inclined and have this strong belief that I have physic powers. I got married and came to know that my mother in law also has some physic powers which she used to cure people. In the meanwhile I b...
Auras And Angels by Indigo72
As long as I can remember I have been interested in spiritual stuff. Palm reading, astrology, mediums, anything and everything about any of that stuff got my attention. I have collected many books over the years on all kinds of spiritual stuff. Anyway, 42 days ago I decided that I had to become so...
A Sleepless Night by buthaya
This is the first time I am posting here. I had paranormal experiences before, but none of them was anything like this. I know that I can see ghosts, but the issue I always had was that I can't see them anywhere I go. I personally know some people that can see ghosts anywhere they go, all the time. ...
Shadow People/other Apparitions? by cigaretteburn
This is a really short story, and I am just looking for clarification or if anyone has experienced something similar. So recently I've been seeing shadow people. A lot of them. Multiple shadows, multiple times a day. I thought I was going crazy, that maybe I was developing some sort of schizophre...
I Have Felt The Death Of Others? by cigaretteburn
Maybe the titles not the best way to put it... But I couldn't think of another way. I feel the death of others. I have had dreams of deaths the day before they happen. I've had 4 major dreams of bodies being discovered after they were murdered the day before they are found. I'm not looking for anyon...
Sparkling Lights by princesadelsol
I was having dinner with my boyfriend yesterday 3/1/17, and he had mentioned that he had been waking up at 3:20AM for the past few nights. I told him it probably was a coincidence and not to worry about it. We went to sleep shortly after. I was in a deep sleep, all I remember was I woke up and my ey...
Imagine Another Life/relationships/ Alternate Reality by ariahmont
I'm not really sure if this qualifies as "psychic" but I can't find any answers to the questions I need answered. At night when I lay down at night I feel like there's someone laying next to me. Like I feel like someone is holding me. This doesn't happen every night but it happens more often than no...
Am I Having Visions? by MaggieQuartz
I'm sorry if this is weird, but I'm on a psychic experiences website so it's probably ok. For the past year I've been having what I call "episodes". I thought they were a mental illness symptom because I have depression and anxiety, but my therapist isn't sure what they are. I'm hit with an odd feel...
Real Thought-broadcasting by corta
I've been suffering from real thought-broadcasting for a long time. My thougts and all five senses are transmitted to other people for real, like uncontrollable telepathy. It is not thought-broadcasting in schizophrenia nor a delusion. People really react to what I'm thinking. you have no idea ...
Electrical Changes Around Me by sunshine_taylor
Things seem to be out of whack and I am trying to avoid being pointed more as a weird person that is living out here in America. I can no longer hide anything much longer that has an explanation behind it. I stayed with my Dad and experienced light bulb outages that did not occur with me being at th...
Warm Hand Shakes by spiritamethyst
I'm new here and looking for guidance. I have been experiencing things for all my life now. I'm not sure what you would like to call it. Some of these things are visitations in dreams from the dead, Dreams or thoughts that pop in my head that predict future or answers (so much that I have ruled ou...
Taken Over by purplelight0
A couple of years ago I started to experiment with automatic writing. I would protect myself before I would start, so I don't get bad energies. The first person that came was my ex. He was a very powerful energy, he would appoligise constantly. My father was the second one to come through. He was so...
Experiencing Alternate Realities by abcd
I am a 27 year old girl some information which will probably help you understand the story. I woke up several times finding myself maybe in another version of reality I found myself in bed surrounded by a family I suppose (brothers and sisters) I suppose, I knew I had full control but I did nothing...
I Think I Can Put Thoughts Into People's Minds by AriLuna
I'm a 19 y/o female and strange things are happening to me lately, almost every day. It all started 2-3 months ago. 1) In 2 cases, I wanted to hang out with my crush and I would say with my mind 'Please invite me" and seconds later, he would call. 2) After that, we had a test on school and I...
The Voices Are Getting Stronger by amandac9616
I've always had unusual experiences my entire life, I have been visited by people that have passed on, I have experienced the supernatural since I was a little girl. I remember waking up in the middle of the night to turn around and see the figure of all angel staring at me. But around 8 months ago ...
Feeling Energies by Sayra_kheng
I am a 15 year old girl. It is been an year since I have realized my psychic abilities. I want to share my experiences with you people so that I can understand them more because I don't know anything about them. In my life until now I have been through a lot, and during this process. When I just kin...
Getting Scratches In My Sleep by jacobcoco
It all started a few weeks ago while I was trying to fall asleep. Suddenly, I get this man just standing in front of me. I just looked at him for 10-15 second then I tried to get around him, but he would not let me get around. Then I decided to use force. I had made a sword and charged at him (I do ...
Hearing Yourself In Your Own Home? by RavenFeeders
I need help. I have been suffering from depression and sadness. Then the next day I feel good and happy. I feel drained on bad days and energetic on good. On bad days it is as if I can't shack it. It is as if I and being drained. I try to have positive thoughts, but only hear bad. I just can't shake...
Attempted Possession? by PaigeWage
Things have gotten better, but I will never forget that one night, on September 17, 2015, when I started my grade 12 year. This happened about a year and half ago when I was 17 (I'm 19 now) but still haunts and scares me like it happened yesterday. I have no way to describe this story other than an...
Saw Orbs & Shadows by Cezzy
Since I was a little girl I always felt I wasn't like everyone else. I had a imaginary friend. I saw and spoke to spirit, recently my mother went to see a spiritualist which my lovely nan came through she recently passed, the lady also spoke to me at the end of my mothers reading in which she said t...
Shadows Appear When We Do "something" by Cassie_1008
My best friend and I are not mundanes. She was born with it. I wasn't, technically. So, if you've read my first post "Dreaming Prior to Meeting", the person I met was my best friend. My Best Friend is a Taker. I'm a Giver. Many would say it is dangerous to just pass on energy to one another to susta...
Vibing by Perfuro
"Vibing" is the only explanation I have of what I feel in certain situations. When I smoke marijuana I feel really silenced and I can think clearly, and with that I feel I can control my surroundings. When I say "control" I don't mean make things move, it's more of just thinking about it and to my s...
Power Surge/overload When Meditating? by infping
Firstly I would just like to state that I am new to this site, but I've seen a lot of people post stories they need help with here, so I was hoping someone may be able to offer me some help too. I am younger (in my teens) and I haven't been actively meditating or doing a phychic tasks that often,...
Am I Just Seeing Things, Imagining Things, Or Is This Real? by quintana_2420
Since I was a child, I have always been very in tune to people's feelings. It is as if their feelings are my own. I could and still know how a person is feeling just by walking into their home. If that makes any sense. I have walked into a home and immediately felt this oppressive, dark, and hos...
Meditation Malfunction by xcsx
This "story" I suppose will be a tad long, so I hope someone reads it all the way through. For starters, I'd say that I've always been drawn to the spiritual realm, and probably manifested around the age of 5 or so. I can't necessarily recall having anything happen directly, but as I got older, I re...
I Saw Eyes And Faces With My Eyes Closed! by AriLuna
Last night I got up around 3.30 (some noise on my dormroom) and tried really hard to get back to sleep. I don't fall asleep easily. I stayed "awake" until 6 am but my eyes were closed all the time. I would feel the "sensation/feeling" that you get when you are about to sleep repeatedly but I couldn'...
Something Calling My Name by carriwill
I was sleeping last night and slept most of the afternoon. I was in a semi sleep state. I had prayed a Catholic prayer and was in a semi sleep state. I heard an Alto angelic voice calling my name. "Carri, Carri." The Alto angel keep calling my name. I woke up at 7:30 am from this loud Alto voice cal...
I Can Sense Auras by DauntingSoul
I've always heard about people being able to read auras based off of colour but never being able to 'sense' them. When a person walks into a room I can sense their presence, even if I don't get anything (I'm listening to music) or see anything, I can sense they're there. I don't feel on edge about...
Lights Flicker Whenever I'm Around by Cocomomonkey
Here's a little about me so you can get an idea of what's been going on before I jump into what's been going on with me. I've always been out of place in my family. I can sense things they can't, I understand things that they don't, I can hear things nobody else can, I've had prophetic dreams, I...
Rorschachs Gift by KikiGirl
Let me begin with a bit about myself so that you can better understand my character, scruples and regimen. I am a Pisces, 32 years of age and reside in South Africa, although I have moved around quite a lot, particularly between 1 - 16 years of age because my Father was a key player in the larger go...
Multiple Interactions, Both Me And My Son by Salvation2012
I'm just beginning to explore this online, never knew that others has experiences as well because I never shared with others. I am older now, and know I am a stable, healthy person so these experiences were quite possibly what are considered paranormal. As a child, I can recall laying on the floor i...
Tough Childhood by DariusCohle99
I'm native from Costa Rica, i'm 17 years old, and this my history. -When I was more younger, around 7 or 8 years, I started to seing things, mostly of them, was related to my dreams, some others turns into reality, the fact, that one night when I was sleeping, I felt something that jump on my bed a...
Negative Attachment by TruthSeeker1
I've been struggling with a negative entity attachment for little over 11 months now, it came to me one night and never left. I was foolish at the time and invited it in thinking it was a positive thing. It was very sexual and we had some relations I'm ashamed to say. At that time I thought it was f...
More Than Just A Feeling by Loren717
For the longest time, I have had this sensory that is different from the other 5 senses. It developed right around the time I turned 14 or 15, so I am trying to remember what sparked that transformation. I can feel the true emotions of others without them telling me. However, this feeling is much st...
Memories That Never Happened by Lynxshadow
At times I will see something, and it will trigger a memory that never occurred. The memories that I remember obviously aren't mine, because it's impossible that it could have happened in my life. The first time it happened was when I was going over a bridge that was over the ocean. It was at n...
Heightened Awareness by laurencat
This story is rather simple. I have been noticing a lot of repetitive numbers such as 111, 222, 444, 555, 1010, 110, and varying numbers ending in 11. I see the number 911 the most. This began to creep me out at first, but I learned to accept that I am becoming more aware of the bigger picture that ...
Win The Lotto Story by KikiGirl
I was in my early twenties when my fixation, observance and matter of course attracted me to delve into using my gifts to win the lotto. I have been an outstanding guesser all of my life and I became even better when I applied myself in games of chance. To be honest, originally this happened entirel...
The Red Man by RedMissy222
Honestly, I never really believed in ghost and such things, but I have no other way to explane what is happening. I'm posting this story because I hope somebody here has had a simmilar experience or maybe knows about something like it. It stared around 4 years ago. One day I noticed a red silhou...
The Screaming Girl by DifferentKindOfGirl
During the summer, my sister and I decided to switch rooms because she was pregnant, and needed a safer room (her old room had a concrete floor). A few days, about three, before we changed rooms I heard a little girl, probably around five or six, screaming from the comer across the street from my be...
Felt Possessed by kittykath
I was just in bed. Its 3am here. I couldn't sleep so had been up watching tv. I went to bed and was praying for direction as things are pretty tough at the moment. I have a 23yr old son who has gone through a bad breakup and is staying with us and not coping real well. Anyway I was wide awake and su...
Candle Vision by Tmckean
I've been feeling like someone was trying to contact me. I've felt someone trying to contact me, lights flickering and I went down to my studio and one of the glasses I was working on was on its side and glitter was poured all over my desk. Things have been moved from where I've left them. I've felt...
Dark Shadow Figures In My Adolescence by Puzzler89
When I was younger I used to see shadowy figures all the time after dark. It was usually after a shift at work, driving home, or some other time when no one else was around. I was 16. The figures were all very different, some seemed female others male, some seemed sad. It was all very weird. Yet...
Animal Shadows by Hemsworth
This is my first time publishing my life's paranormal occurrences so I am very nervous. But ever since I was young I have experienced shadows in my room and outside in the world around me but only when I am nervous or in inner conflict or feel unsafe or unsure of my surroundings. Most memorably shad...
Seeing A White Orb Above My Head? by Bhavick
This is my first story on this forum but after this experience I felt I had to share it and see if anyone else has had any similar experiences and give me some insights in to what it might have been. So I woke up on Friday the 23rd of December at around 7pm as I had worked the night shift the day be...
Discovering My Psychometry by Jalen_93
I am psychometric. For those who don't know, that means I sometimes get images or feelings from touching inanimate objects. I first discovered this several years ago. I must have been somewhere in middle school. It was at the Whydah Pirate Museum in Provincetown, MA. It's a really cool place if you'...
Dreaming With Different Memories by Enzo
My whole life I have dreamed every night as being a new person, I feel like I am them, I always have been them and nothing is abnormal. But the weird part is I have all of there memories of there whole life in my head and none of my own memories. I am not watching from the perspective of the person ...
Did I See An Angel? by AriLuna
Hola everyone! A few weeks ago I saw a big blue orb near my neck and I though it was my aura (energy). I saw the exact same orb on someone else yesterday and I googled it. I learned that those orbs may be angels and I DO believe in angles. (I'm a psychics, very spiritual and i'm developing my abil...
Last Night's Events by DauntingSoul
Last night I went to bed pretty late because I didn't feel tired, however when I got in bed I felt exhausted. After I turned off the light and curled up and prayed. Then after a while I felt a heavy weight on my legs which is odd since I sleep in fetal position. It almost felt like when the toddle...
Conversing Through Telepathy? by bleachedcobain
I believe I have had psychic experiences since I was a young child (I believe the term is 'indigo child') when I communicated the spirit of my deceased great-grandmother. I have a few empaths in my family so the idea of the afterlife or spirits were never taboo in my household. Although, I have kept...
My Name Was Called, Not Sleeping, Also Hearing Music by Gtail1327
I am 32 years old and I do not consider myself a sensitive. But last night was so strange I found it necessary to seek out this page and submit my story. I came to bed with my wife very early in the morning around 330 in the morning. I was about to fall asleep and like some other nights as soon as m...
Aura Experience by ngreen
I've read many stories about people who can see auras on themselves and others, but I have yet to find one who has had the same experience as me. Most of the stories I've read involve people who look at people and when they look away they would see the shape of that person in a color. Personally I h...
Panic Attack? by bacicam
I have had several unexplained 'gut feelings" over my lifetime, not too many, about once every 5 years as an average. I am 57 years old. This last experience 3 days ago is what has caused me to now write this story. I have been low on energy for several months, diagnosed with Major Depression over 2...
Spots Of Light And Others by Snowflower
I have been seeing small, brief sparkles of light for a few years now. Most of the time they are white, sometimes black, blue, and rarely, gold. I'm wondering if these are entities, energies, or the effect of aging eyes (I'm 51). Something a bit more substantial happened about a year ago. I saw n...
I Think I Saw My Aura by AriLuna
I have been seeing "transparent'' auras for years, mostly mine. I would always see a "white" line around my body, better on mirror. I didn't know that they were auras until a week ago. Since I learned what they are, I have been practicing half an hour everyday to see colors but without results: (Tod...
Is This A Dream? by Stormdbahdguy
I am new here and this is my first time of posting here. I am 17 years old. This happened about two months ago when I was staying in my uncles house. I wasn't feeling very fine so I slept very early (I think around 8pm). I woke up from sleep around 2am to urinate, there was no light so I used th...
Seeing Animals And Entities That Aren't There by Maggie88
Since I can remember I have had experiences which is hard to explain. I used to shrug it off as just having a vivid imagination, as that is what I was told from a young age. My first experience which I am able to recall is one night when I was about 4/5 years old, I was sleeping on a mattress in my ...
I'm Just A Nice But Odd Guy Who Can't Be Read by ian_uk
It first starts off when I was on holiday, doing some stuff and perusing the streets as one does. We decide that there is enough time to kill and find a shop for mediumship, tarot and palm reading. This was about 10 years ago and after seeing my friend having a good time, was £10 for a quick palm ...
White Lines Following Hands by Kodden
Ever sense I was young I saw dots, like migraine dots but this was since I was in preschool. They show up at random times. But since I've gotten older they've disappeared. They do show up at the oddest times though. Sense I was eleven I've been seeing white lines following my hands. They show up at ...
Violet Eyes And Travel by Arthwr36
If anyone had a similar experience, please do tell. It's been a few weeks since then, having this purple eye appearing out of nowhere above m... It felt like a mental surge, almost forced. This is where it gets weird, I was awake, or atleast I was awake somewhere else? Which I will reveal after I...
Eyes, Angels And Caverns by Raisin
From my recent entries, you can probably tell that I suffer from a lot of ESP problems. Recently my abilities have taken on a new form. Literally when I close my eyes at night sometimes it will seem as though my vision itself will be looking at a location that I've never seen before in my life. Like...
Strange Visions? by xx2short2cxx
I was laying in bed late one night and lights off completely I had been massaging my abdominal area due to some pains. Within the 6 or 7 seconds of doing so, scenery changed to be in an unfamiliar kitchen, details were sharp nothing fuzzy, I was standing next to a tall male, and hearing background v...
A White (phantom?) Dog by WolfsRain
I'm not 100% sure about this. There are signs that point towards the explanation of it being just a stray, or someone's outdoor dog. But the proof of it being something much, much more than that outweighs the "reasonable" explanation most people would stick with. And it scares me. I almost don't wan...
Over The Years by DauntingSoul
I'm 17, I've been having weird experiences for most my life, to say the least these past few years I've tried to block them out. When I was young I used to see orbs and I would get scared and tell my dad and mom but they just assumed it was a me having a vivid imagination. There's one problem thoug...
Shadow Across Someone's Face by Pebble
This is my second attempt to try and get some clarification on what I am seeing and in hopes someone else has had this experience I am posting this here. Several attempts have been made to find this information on the web and this site seems to be the best option for finding information. I am ope...
Connect With A Stranger by kennim
It happened a couple weeks ago. I want someone could explain this to me because I'm so confused. That night, I was in the middle of the night laying on my bed and I searched for my idols photo in pinterest. I don't know why it's happening but I feel like I want to see them before I sleep. I've nev...
Watery Dreams by gstories
In the middle of May I had this dream, I can remember being in this giant warehouse that was filled with water. In one part if the dream I was in a room that had no water in it but the room across from me had water filled from the bottom to the top. I didn't realize the room was filled with water...
Uasual Events by Latty17
At times the lights bulbs blinks. I even say it must be some coincidence. Even one day I tried a spell I saw online don't remember what it was about then suddenly I saw the light bulb blink like it was about to go out it was pretty weird even one time I saw my great-grandfather in my bed lying down ...
Purple Flying Energy by camilita
I was practicing looking at my aura by positioning my hand in front of my white wall. I began to see the glowing outline of my aura as usual. If I stare at it long enough, I can usually see the aura expand more onto the wall and breathe. It moves in and out, it pulses. Sometimes it forms clouds in t...
Dreams Of Being Murdered by Magpie121
Last night I had a second odd experience, and am now looking for input based off of what occurred, because it has me quite shooken up. For a bit of background, these experiences are not my first dabble in the psychic realm, but I haven't dealt with anything like these in my life and really don't...
Aliens And 'soulmate'? by TheLittleFaerie
This is related to my other post about wanting the guy in my visions. I was up in the morning, around 4. I feel more comfortable sleepint until the afternoon and then going to bed in the early mornings. A few hours before, I tried to drowse for the guy, and I kept going off of the map. It was in the...
Goldie Experience by goldie1954
Before I begin I would like to mention that the event (s) that happened were a re awakening (as I have come to understand all of this) of an ability or abilities that I can recall as I look back on some of the events that took place earlier in my Life. About a year ago, at my place of employme...
Psychic Connection by Peepers1314
I don't really know where to start. I never really believed in Soul mates/connections until recently. Now this however is completely different than what you think of when you the words soul mate. There is a kid in one of my classes at school that I know I have some sort of psychic connection to. I h...
Reiki Session Not Sure What Happen by lzphillips
Let me first start off by saying I am a certified Reiki Healer level 2. I have been practicing Reiki for 6 months and have had some strange expeiriences. Recently, I made a new friend who is spiritual like me in the sense we believe in similar things about the spiritual world. I went over to his ...
I Dreamt I Was Someone Else, Who Died by gstories
Sometime, last year in November of 2015 and at least one other time I had this dream that was kind of scary in a creepy/weird in a different kind if way. I was kind of creeped out by It after I woke up. Maybe because it had felt real? I was a mom named Alison or it might have been Ashley. But I'm ...
Energy React Weirdly To Music by jacobcoco
Everybody hello, my name is Jacob. I am 14 years old and I have been experiencing psychic experiments for a little while now. I am new to this site after stumbling on it after a little researching and been researching about a weird thing I have been experiencing lately, that I have found nothing abo...
Trying To Understand by kimela
One of my first experiences was when I was very young. I was walking in the desert and came accost a small bush. On that bush were 50 to 60 June bugs. The problem was that they should not have been alive. They had holes in their bodies some had no heads but yet they were moving. I was amazed by this...
Electricity by Sophie1234
My friend is convinced that she has something to do with electricity and signals etc and that she has the ability to interfere with it (although unintentionally) and she believes it is now beyond coincidence, as do I and many other people. Her sister is very spiritually connected and is believed to ...
Cluster Of Glitter/sparkles by Slewis33
I have never been a super spiritual person. I believe in certain things and not so much in others. But for some reason I had something happen to me a week ago that I can't help but think it was some sort of angel or spirit. So about a month and a half ago I lost my mother. She was only 40 years ...
Vision Of The Past Leading To The Future by H7zAngel
I was walking through the kitchen and I saw a face flash in my eyesight. It was like it projected from my mind out to where I could really see it. Like I was dreaming. I saw my youngest daughter's face and than I saw her in Traditional Korean Wedding Clothes. I saw her marrying a Korean Nobleman of ...
My Lottery Story by Courtera
I have looked through several internet websites and stories, but none of them seem they relate to me. Growing up, I had very few psychic experiences. But when I turned 18 all of a sudden I had experiences I couldn't explain. My great grandmother had ESP. Now, I have similar experiences to what s...
Robin Knows Best by Lauramck
Firstly, a little insight to me. When I was younger I was very close to my nan on my mum's side. Unfortunately, we lost nan 8 years ago to a stroke. When nan was alive, she visited phsycics regularly whilst on holiday with my grandad. My mum told me only a few years ago, that a psychic once told her...
Developing Premonition/precognition Abilites by laurencat
I do not even know where to start. Ever since last October, I have been laughing hysterically for no apparent reason. Sometimes these episodes will be so strong that my stomach starts to hurt after awhile due to all the laughter. During meditation, sometimes I will slip into what seems like a lucid ...
Burned Man In My Dreams, In Love With Me? by Panthalassa
This has been bugging me for a while and I wanted someone to help me understand what is going on. I've always had dreams of being attacked. Stabbed, shot, burned alive, chased, etc. Those dreams used to bother me a lot when I was younger, but in the past 3 years they had almost stopped. In the p...
Am I Going Through Acension? by psycth
I will tell you the symptoms which I am currently undergoing. This all started two years ago after I had a nervous breakdown. I have had numerous head pain which are like energy and static going on. I feel dizzy, lightheaded and have nausea everyday. I can feel energy in my hands and when I put towa...
Energy Feeling? by artsylemon
Recently, I have discovered something. One day, I was sitting in class, and it was almost time to leave. Everyone was packing up and putting away their things and stuff, and I could feel that energy or something. Like at the end of the period, when it is time to leave, I get this weird feeling, like...
Five Fuzzy Black Ghosts Alerted Me To Possible Home Invasion by carri
I was late at night 4 am Sunday night. The date was 10-2-16. I had been up resting from a rough work week. I was real tired. And lied down and went to bed at 4 am. I lay in my bed with my door closed. The covers over me. I heard the silence of the night. As I started to drift into a beginning of a s...
A Strange Feeling In My House! by emmajayneyoung80
I recently moved in to a new home with my husband and two young children. When we viewed the property everything was fine no bad feelings, been here a month and now getting uneasy feelings down in my basement is writing in red and weird faces drawn in red paint. I only get these feelings when up lat...
Learning I Could Heal by Insira
The first time I found out I was able to heal people, my friend Michael had pulled a muscle in his arm and back. He had been working out really hard as usual but this time he had tried to lift too much. I helped him carry his bag home that day, we stopped by my house first. I went to set my stuff do...
Do I Have An Eye Or Spiritual Issue? by PerfectPrettyPinkPrincess
I am really confused, puzzled, and concerned whether I have a spiritual gift or if I have an eye problem. You see since I was a child I saw lights. Colorful lights and they would be random patterns but I always saw them. Then I started to see orbs such as fuzzy ones that were black or white ones. Th...
Does Anyone Ever Here Voices In Their Sleep? by Raisin
I have recently been having the experience of hearing people talk to me in my sleep. Sometimes the voices tell me things that actually are true even though I would never have thought of what they told me. For instance, one night I was asleep and I felt as though something was almost attaching to my ...
Growing Perception by laurencat
I started meditating back in May of this year. I have been experiencing a lot of mini lucid dreams. I have become extra sensitive to loud noises as of late. I was in a restaurant a week ago, and I could not stand the sound of an electronic hand dryer. I also jump when my cat sneezes or meows. Someti...
Visions by Bmarlow
Very recently I have experienced several "visions" which is the best way I can describe what has been happening to me. There is no catagory listed that I can be grouped in. So I need help to understand what is happening to me. I can only describe these event as such. Ex. When I look at a bank of ...
Visions Of Future Children by dreamqueen
I would like to share my psychic experience and maybe receive some interpretation, as I am at a loss. I very rarely have vision about myself. It's usually about other people and their energies, events, experiences, futures, but this vision I had was of my future. I was rubbing the back of my boy...
Foreign Language While Awake (update) by Ravenscar
I posted a while back about my language and not knowing what it means or what was happening. I still don't, but I've been able to translate and find more words. Luckily, I've been able to make more sense of this. The count is now seven words instead of two, and I even translated another word today. ...
Feeling World Changes by hummingbird222
I have always been intuitive, the earliest I can remember I was about 5. By the time I was around 8 my mom had realized and explain to me a little bit about ESP. At the age of 16 was my most strongest vision my gift will come to me in visions, feeling, and dreams. I've had many experiences none of w...
Dark Entity Experience! by Lycaonia
I've been having issues sleeping lately. Feeling not alone in my own home as if being watched. Today at 12:15pm, I was trying to fall asleep. Due to the abruptness of waking up after an hr or so of sleep. I know I can rule out Sleep Paralysis, cause I was just at the beginning stage when this happen...
The Demon Who Won't Leave by Unicornlove
My name is Cynthia and I moved to a trailer a good eight years or so. I had just recently lost someone special to me and I was going through a hard time. The woman who lived here before was into some type of witchcraft and had left a Ouija board behind. The neighbors had said about her doing rituals...
Demons In My Bed by luckyduck
I grew up in an old house next to a cemetry and it always bothered me. When I was about 3,I heard a dismembered voice call my name, ounce I also saw somthing with horns peering through my bedroom door, it disappeared quickly. In my early 20s, I use to be asleep in bed but half awake, enough to know ...
A Stopping Watch by Madonnam77
My husband's grandfather passed away a little over a week ago. Ever since the day after he passed away my husband noticed that his watched stopped at exactly 1135 pm. He didn't think anything of it and just fixed it. This keeps happening though every night since he passed on and the watch don't use ...
The Girl I've Known Since Age 5 by Jack165
When I was two years old my mother and I moved to a small town and lived with one of my great aunts. We lived with her until I was five years old. My mother had found an old house across town that she thought was perfect for the two of us. First look at the house and I didn't like it at all, I remem...
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