I am really confused, puzzled, and concerned whether I have a spiritual gift or if I have an eye problem. You see since I was a child I saw lights. Colorful lights and they would be random patterns but I always saw them. Then I started to see orbs such as fuzzy ones that were black or white ones. Those stopped and I know those may be spiritual but what I really want to know is if the things I see other than the orbs are spiritual. If they are not I am really worried abouy my eye condition. Now at 19 I see static everywhere and when I look in the sky I see sparkles or static. I also see swirls when I concentrate as well. Then when I look at lights I see a bolb of light that is colorful that comes out of it and follows my eyes. This can happen when I am staring in the mirror right at myself and I also see light blobs dimly behind me too as well in the mirror. I see flashes of light on an everyday basis as well as the things I described too. I truly worry if it is a spiritual or eye condition because everywhere I look I can not seem to find answers of the things I see. Or maybe even somethings I see are spiritual while others are an eye condition. I trufully am so confused and puzzled by it all. I also am really confused as to why my vision keeps changing. As I have written above I used to see brightly colored shapes everywhere or most places. Which changed to orbs which I know are spiritual so that helps. Though the things I see now and before when I was a child is something I really need answers on. Its hard to be a spiritually aware person and not know if you have an eye condition or its sonething spiritual.
Thank you so much for reading.