I'm new here and looking for guidance. I have been experiencing things for all my life now. I'm not sure what you would like to call it.
Some of these things are visitations in dreams from the dead, Dreams or thoughts that pop in my head that predict future or answers (so much that I have ruled out coincidences.) I have had dreams in which I know for a fact are my husbands dreams and not my own. I have once been told that as when I was a child my fathers spirit used my body to communicate with my father the night of his passing. I have no recollection of it though. I think I have seen a spirit passing by although I'm not sure because I feel like they play tricks on you and make you think you saw it yet you still feel like you didn't. I need guidance in this. I have noticed certain peoples hand shakes are warmer than others and it almost feels very powerful. What is this? Also, I have been having visitation dreams from the same passed person and for some reason I can not get the message. What tips if any can I do to accomplish a clearer dream to receive the message? I Do not meditate. I feel that maybe I should and I have before and the quiet sort of scares me. I am always on edge and very anxiety filled. How can I, if at all, encourage this to be better and yet positive and what is it? How does one spiritually connect with ones self. Sometimes I feel so drained and not myself at all. I feel like I have out of body experiences that I know aren't but they feel like I'm not me sometimes. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks to all!
I may be able to help with the hand shake thing. Some gifted people can pick up information through touch. Some people are healers or hand workers and can sense and control energy flow through their hands. I myself can read people and objects by touch. I can gather a large amount of information through a hand shake. If people allow me an extended grasp I can learn a lot about their life and past. I also have the ability to see through the facade someone puts up to hide behind. I once had a psychic who manipulates others try to attack me. I projected heat and energy into his hand and arm at the same time telling him I enjoyed meeting someone like him. He told me that I had a firm genuine hand shake. He let go immediately and said wow you have hot hands. He understood right away that I knew about him in a second. I replied that I work with them a lot and spend a lot of time outside in the cold. Many times if I touch someone or something they just held I can get information from it. I also can sense changes in the electrical field or static charge in the environment around me. Unfortunately I seem to zero in on negative energies without even trying and have to constantly try to tune down or counteract it constantly. I am a Christian and this helps me a great deal with protecting myself. With time things may change for you and clear up some of the confusion. Be mindful of everything you do but take time to relax and ground yourself.