When I was younger I used to see shadowy figures all the time after dark. It was usually after a shift at work, driving home, or some other time when no one else was around. I was 16.
The figures were all very different, some seemed female others male, some seemed sad. It was all very weird. Yet almost all of them appeared to me as black, shadowy, humanish figures.
At first I passed them off as hallucinations because I was scared, but I could definitely just feel on a deeper level that they were much more than that. The figures kept appearing more and more often and closer to me. It got really scary for me as they began to appear more frequently at night and I couldn't sleep. These ones seemed to be male, and more frequently they seemed so evil, full of hatred for my existence and they wanted to hurt me, to kill me.
Not knowing what to do, I went to my mother. She revealed to me she had similar experiences when she was my age. She told me to banish them, with my arm to the square. I did this one night because I was scared. The spirits were so malevolent.
I haven't seen any spirits, but I can still feel them now and then. Sometimes I'm glad that I can't see them, other times I have a strange longing for them in my life again. I also have a feeling that if I really wanted to, I could call them all back into my life, if that makes sense.
A few other things. Mostly the figures were shadows, but sometimes they were naked and fleshy if that makes sense. These ones didn't feel evil, but just like they wanted to be feared. Sometimes I could feel them smiling at me. I have also had many people close to me die, but before they did I could always feel it was going to happen. I also am very in tune with the emotions of people close to me, I know when somethings wrong, or if somethings on their mind, or if they're lying to me.
Anyways did I do the right thing? Any advice for me? I'm very new to all this and it still is weird to me. Any help would be much appreciated.