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Psychic Experiences from Maryland, United States: Page 1
Black Wolf by d_bholfds
When I was in 4th grade, at my cabin, I had just gotten into a fight with my mother and I had taken my pocket knife with me and I planned on killing myself. I got to an open spot, I stood there, crying. Then out of no where, my left hip hurt. There were teeth marks, there were a very very large amou...
Feeling Misunderstood by Intuitive1_2019
I don't exactly know where to begin. So, I will do my best to convey what I desire to share at this time. Ever since I was a child, very unusual things have taken place along the realms of paranormal activity. Me being a child, I never understood it all, or had the adequate knowledge to articulate m...
Deja Vu Every Day. Anyone Else Experiencing This? by Ethe1andonly
It all started on September 5th, of 2018 when I was in college. I am no longer in college (I'm 18) but pretty much what happened was I was high off an edible and I noticed how everything that everyone was saying around me was exactly as I'd seen it once within a dream. I found myself saying "I've se...
I See People That Aren't There by Kate0192837465
Most people think I'm either crazy or I'm lying, so I figured that I'd share my story here and see if anyone can relate or provide me with some insight. For as long as I can remember, I have had the ability to see people that aren't there. Most of the time, this happens when I'm driving. I'll be ...
Confusing Paranoia And Presences by myvet33
A few days after the last day of school I began feeling scared when I'm alone. I felt like I was being watched and the possible spirit didn't feel too friendly. I can't watch certain shows and movies anymore because I'll freak out and nearly have a panic attack. I also see figures out of the corn...
Hearing Voices by Phenoixfire
I had a off experience last night, and I'm not sure what to make of it. Last night I was laying down, and felt like I was awake but paralyzed. I started hearing what sounded like robotic voices in my right ear. At first it sounded like hundreds of them talking at once. I tried saying stop, but I cou...
Ascending & Descending In Dreams by Fitnesstactic
I cut the information short so this wouldn't be so long, but added what I thought was important. So I'm writing in my dream journal and noticed that in many of my dreams I am descending or ascending. When I am descending, I am aware of myself but once on the ground I may be in another body, time, di...
One Life Two Lives. A New Beginning by Truthtobeknown
The morning of September 9,2013 I woke up from having a dream like others I have had, except this one felt unlike any of the others I was sweating confused and immediately told my then husband that I just dreamt that a lady named Gail wanted me to leave from there and take care of her husband and 2 ...
Help Naming Ability, And Hoping To Find Others Who Share It by MyNameIsLukas
The main focus of my post is about a new ability I have. I have always been very intuitive and empathetic, but these past few weeks. Nothing like anything I have ever experienced and have changed my views on reality completely. A few weeks back I began uncovering a lot of emotional trauma from th...
Is This What Psychics Experience Or Am I Weird by Fitnesstactic
I have been having some very odd experiences in my life and now have the courage to talk about it and I see I'm not the only one. I have tried to share these experiences when I was a youngster but was shamed by many and even put away. So I have been very afraid to share my experiences. I have checke...
Reiki Unlocked Psychic Abilities by Fitnesstactic
I would like to know if anyone else has had the same experiences that I have had. I have had many psychic experiences throughout my life, starting from an early age. I'm not going at the beginning though. I had a reiki session done the summer of 2016. I had been interested for sometime and after a f...
Multiple Interactions, Both Me And My Son by Salvation2012
I'm just beginning to explore this online, never knew that others has experiences as well because I never shared with others. I am older now, and know I am a stable, healthy person so these experiences were quite possibly what are considered paranormal. As a child, I can recall laying on the floor i...
Heightened Awareness by laurencat
This story is rather simple. I have been noticing a lot of repetitive numbers such as 111, 222, 444, 555, 1010, 110, and varying numbers ending in 11. I see the number 911 the most. This began to creep me out at first, but I learned to accept that I am becoming more aware of the bigger picture that ...
Developing Premonition/precognition Abilites by laurencat
I do not even know where to start. Ever since last October, I have been laughing hysterically for no apparent reason. Sometimes these episodes will be so strong that my stomach starts to hurt after awhile due to all the laughter. During meditation, sometimes I will slip into what seems like a lucid ...
Growing Perception by laurencat
I started meditating back in May of this year. I have been experiencing a lot of mini lucid dreams. I have become extra sensitive to loud noises as of late. I was in a restaurant a week ago, and I could not stand the sound of an electronic hand dryer. I also jump when my cat sneezes or meows. Someti...
I Don't Know What Type Of Pyshic Power You Call This? by JADEMOTO
When I turned 7 my mother and I had just moved away from Pennsylvania to Maryland and it was okay at first but after the first couple of weeks I began hearing someone talk. It didn't sound like anything I've heard from my mom or step-dad at the time it was like a whole different language unfamiliar ...
Message From My Spirt Guides by laurencat
I had a peculiar "dream" a few nights ago. My room looked mostly the same, but there were these cats that somehow entered in from the doorway. They were tabby cats. These cats kept rubbing up against me, and they did not have any pupils in their eyes. At first, I thought my father let our cat in my ...
Spirit In The Bathroom by laurencat
Earlier today I was doing dishes and cleaning up the house to a degree. I then had to use the bathroom. When I went into the bathroom, I did my business and washed my hands like any other person. When I walked passed the mirror, I heard a quiet voice say "helloooooo." The voice was sweet and seemed ...
I Might Be A Healer Someday. by laurencat
I was celebrating my brother's and Nephew's birthday today. A storm came through scared the dogs to death. The name of one of the dogs is Maggie. I am not huge dog person at all. This dog keeps jumping on me over and over again even though I have pushed her down multiple times. I go over to sit on t...
A Spirit Watching Me by laurencat
For the past couple of weeks since I had experiences regarding paralysis, I have noticed that I have been getting the feeling that I am being watched. There is always this air that is behind me. This happens at nighttime for the most part. The feeling of being watched has happened during the day, bu...
Two Spirits During Sleep Paralysis by laurencat
I have been having sleep paralysis issues for the past two and half weeks or so. The first experience I had with sleep paralysis was at night. I had a dream that I was outside in the hallway next to my room. The suddenly, I found myself actually in my room. Everything looked rather normal. Nothing s...
Why Do I Feel This And See Shadows? by Slayeralice
My story started after my great grandfather died. I was about eight at the time. I was very upset at the time and just kept wishing for him to come back or for someone to comfort me. After he died my family moved into a new house. I was excited to be in a new place but, something was off. I hated be...
Strange Lights Outside by officially-crying
I've only shared this incident with my mother and father who dismissed me at the time for being too imaginative. To be fair I was 10 or 11 years old so I wasn't the most reliable source but I know what I saw. I'd been sent to bed as it was 9:00 but I was not tired at all. I played with what toys...
The Black Cloud by karlr1
For the last (20) years or so I have awaken from sleep (4) to (5) times nightly. I have seen Doctors to try and get help but to no avail. For the last few years I have not worked. About (3) years ago after taking NSAIDs and asperin for many years for rheumatoid arthritis I experienced severe stomach...
Lifelong Lessons And Still Learning by Rieski
I'm from the Washington DC metropolitan area in the United States. I am 39 years old and have known that I was psychic, to some extent from a very young age. I used to be visited by entities ever since I was 3 years old. They would come to me and teach me different things throughout the night. Every...
My Soul Mate In Another World by officially-crying
Hi! I'm a medium with pretty good clairaudience and a green witch. I learned very quickly that my dreams aren't just dreams- they casually manifest into reality. Sometimes it's as simple as seeing the exact same moment to life changing information. A few months ago I had dreams of a different world ...
I Suspect I Might Be Clairaudient by Olga
There have been multiple times in the past where I heard a low conversation in the distance, but when I go investigate, no one is there. This has not happened recently, though, at least over a year. It also normally happens at night, and I only recall it happening in my current house. I don't think ...
Sleep Paralysis, Strange Noises, Uneasy Feelings by mayday223
I'm an agnostic 21 year old girl who usually has a reasonable mind and scientific thought process, but I've seen enough strange things that I do believe in the presence of things that are unexplained or supernatural. Over the years, I've always felt like there were things just beyond my field of vis...
Peculiar Blue Orb Lighting Up My Room by Dolney
About 9 years ago when I was around ten years of age, I would occasoonally see small orbs of light in my room at night. These orbs varied in color, they were usually blue or a reddish-orange in color. Varing in size from an inch to several inches in diameter. They never actually emitted light from t...
Late Stage Medium? by jmccullough86
I don't remember much of my childhood. Technically, I choose not to because of reasons. But my mother has always raved over my extremely vivid imagination. I used to come up with stories at the drop of a hat over anything. As I got older I have started to wonder whether my stories are just stories. ...
Are These Just Coincidences? I Am Missing Something? by glassfish
Lately, I have been experiencing odd things happening. I'm not sure if these things are just coincidences or not. When I was little I had an imaginary friend named charlie. I used to talk to him and even buckle up his seat belt. I don't know if that is important or not. I've always felt different th...
Feeling Blocked In My Ability by earthangel75
First off I am new to this site and I am so glad I found somewhere that I can read up on peoples stories and know that there is a place to go where there is others like me. Although not sure if anyone else has or had what's going on right now, that's why I'm asking this question. Since I was arou...
Telepathic And Astral Projection Annoyances by leo9401
Ever since I was a kid I've been (I'm not going to say able because I can't control it) hearing questions or comments in my head and then a few seconds later a person says what I was thinking. I have also always been able to feel emotions of others and I just thought that it was a normal human thing...
I Feel The Person's Emotions by bloom44
This school year, I met this new math teacher on "meet the teacher day" after I met her I got this terrible headache. As the year has gone on I feel more connected with her, we went on a field trip and she just kept her eyes on me. She's always looking at me. Sometime later I woke up in the morning ...
Dark Energy In House by krystalblu123
We have been in our house for 5 years now. It was built sometime in the 1920s. A few things have happened in the past that we have ignored. But this happened for the second time last night... There is an island in the kitchen and I had a half of a head of lettuce in a ziplock bag sitting in the cent...
My Experiences Of Levitation, Projection, Intuition by Kristina301
My story begins with my great grandmother placing her hand on my mom's tummy when I was still inside and said it's going to be a girl. She died before I was born and her name was Nana McNeil. It was believe that she had a 'shine' on her and would occasionally have some prediction. I think whatever m...
Heard A Voice Call Me And My Boyfriend Heard It As Well by jenniedemaio
Tonight I was watching TV, sick and my boyfriend was in the kitchen making me dinner, I heard his voice call out to me "baby". I yelled back yes, no answer. I said What hun? No answer. Then I walked in the kitchen my boyfriend said to me "stop that right now. I heard someone call your name and i...
How Do I Stop Having Visions Instead Of Dreams? by Beginnerpsychic70713
I'm not sure exactly when this started going on, but it seems like its been ages. Lately thee past few years I have been having visions at night instead of dreams. They are always dark and scary and no matter what I try to do they always seem to come true. A few years ago, I had a vision that my ...
Depression Setting In As My Awakening Comes To A Halt by BrightEyes
Was hesitant about even posting anything because I didn't really receive much feedback on previous stories, but this is the only forum that may understand my plight. The last few months I have really been seeing things differently and experienced many unexplainable things happening to and around me....
Body Aches And Shadows While Meditating by BrightEyes
As of late my body has been going through some type of transformation. I have actively been trying to connect with my spirit guides through meditation for a few months now. Since I've started I have noticed an awesome change in my attitude and all around mood. Things that would have me angry, frustr...
Change In My Vision by BrightEyes
This all may have a very simple explanation but considering I have been recently trying to awaken my dormant abilities I'm not sure what to think. Lately I am seeing various shaped dots or squares grouped together that just appear out of nowhere when I'm just randomly looking about. They vary in ...
Empath Seeing Auras, Entities And Blue Lights. What's Next? by lola2013
I've been reading on this site for several months and wanted to start sharing some of my experiences. I am looking forward to any feedback on how to manage / fine tune these abilities for the greater good. Thanks for your feedback. Lucid Dreaming: I've been a lucid dreamer since age 5 or 6 which ...
Re-awakening Of Psychic Ability by BrightEyes
I am 43 and just over the past several months have been going through many un-explainable changes. By that I mean I am seeing movement of things in my peripheral vision that disappear when I look directly at it, my chair has been yanked backward while I was sitting perfectly still with no one else a...
A Little Flame by kojimaTK
A day ago I wanted to resume some of my telekinesis exercises by working on something completely different. Something I had never used before like influencing a flame on a candle. So I turned off my air conditioning for a while and locked myself in the bathroom and made sure to eliminate anything th...
How Do You Put A Title To Your Life? by AlexMcCall2
It's so hard to write this and not just push the delete key and exit out this window. I want so bad to know that this is all in my head, I want what those doctors said to be try, that I'm just depressed and that I having some type of earlier onset psychosis. But deep down I know the true and I know ...
When The Third Eye Awakens, Interesting Things Can Happen by MysticalHappenings
This is kind of long. And if you don't want to read all of the experiences (don't worry- I didn't include them ALL), please at least got to the end about the third eye and see if you have any insight. Thank you! So, I feel like I should say that as a child I had what my Mom thought was an imagina...
Afraid by Jazmine
Since I was about 11 I could remember being really sensitive to spirits. I see them, I hear them and most of the time I just feel like I'm not alone. One time it got so bad when I was around the age of 16 I never felt safe in the house me and my family were living in. The was a male spirit in that h...
The Unpredictible by jane9
I never have understood what my grandmother said until now. When I was 6 years old, I went to get my hair cut. I looked up at the guy cutting my hair and said "You are not going to go home tonight." He asked, "What did you say?" I repeated myself but also saying, "but you will be okay." The man thou...
This Little Boy by seeingme
When I was 15 I moved into a new home with my mother and younger sister. The home was owned by a family member and I remember going to this place as a young child. Well from day one I had a strange feeling about the place but that isn't unusual for me because all my life I have had unexplainable thi...
A Ray Of Sunshine by jandt94
Not quite a year ago, I awoke to see a beautiful little blue eyed, blonde haired boy about 4 years old standing next to the closet door. Normally when I see an individual, it scares me, but not this time. I had the most amazing feeling and peace overcome me. I actually felt like I was smiling and my...
Who Is He? by goldenYES83
I am posting this, because I have been forced to explore the nature of what I am experience while awake, and what I am experiencing spiritually. For me, the line between my conscious experiences and my unconscious experiences has been blurred. But, I know that I am never "imagining" things. I don't ...
An I Psychic Medium Or Being Watched By The Devil? by Taynevada
I just turned 14 last month and lately I have been noticing weird things happening to me more than usual I used to wake up at 2:45 to 3:00 am constantly for a few weeks which was just strange. But the night my grandfather died I had a dream about him and he was sitting in his favorite chair and l...
Sleep Paralysis Or Something More? by Siannon
About a year ago my family and I took a trip to a haunted hotel in Gettysburg MD. Now before this I had this thing happen to me where as I began to fall asleep I would hear voices and noises, usually one of the voices would yell my name and I'd be shocked into waking up even before I'd fully gone to...
Psychic Dreams, Advice? by Siannon
I've just joined the boards because I was looking for some people to listen and I guess provide advice for something that's been happening to me for the last. I'd say four years. I have psychic dreams, they started out not being very strong, at first they were just little 'snippets' or images of...
Crazy by johnnnp
So this my story. I have always thought I could tell when something bad was going to happen. For instance I let my mother borrow my car once, and I couldn't shake the felling something happened, so I called her and my brother stole my car, but this latest thing has to do with the school killings for...
A Few Signs Of Being Psychic Medium by OsoKira
I don't really know if I am a psychic medium but I have had a few signs that I never gave any thought about it until my grandma's recent death. When I was younger, about 11 (I'm 24 now), my great-grandmother passed away, she was about 90 y.o. So it was a bit expected, even so, my grandmother and my ...
Elementals And Power Animals by Rosemarine
Under the guidance of a medicine woman I experienced shamanic journeys. If you're not familiar, it is a ritual where you leave your body and enter the spiritual realm by means of a Buffalo drum, the power of the leader, and the particular energy of the night and your companions. I have had three...
Am I Experiencing Something Amazing? by jandt94
I have told my story about getting a weird feeling and then looking at my children's schools, and then the next thing, I get a phone call from the school messenger saying there was a bomb scare. This happened 6 times this school year, and I had the feeling at least 4 times. Then the incident in my c...
Visons At Night by jandt94
This all began when I was just a little girl. At night time, I would awake to seeing witches in my room. They would just be standing by my bed. Then it moved to little people also standing very close to my bed. Later in my teenage to grown up years, I would see bearded men. This lasted for many year...
Black Wings Of The Night by jandt94
Last night, I awoke to the vision in my closet of flowing black wings, and then a sound whipped over my little boy's head and I looked over and the pillow was on his face. This has not been the first time for me to see or feel things. On several occasions this year for instance, I got a bad feeling ...
The Countdown by Ethel23
It was the word 'holocaust' I heard on November 18, 2001 and I woke frightened. I had read the same word in "Bible Code II: The Countdown," and was too upset to finish writing that article I began several years ago. I wondered to myself, is there an accurate prediction about the 'End Times' in th...
Strange Sparkles At Night by Ethel23
I'm not sure what was happening to me so I typed in a couple key words on Google and got this site. I guess there are many other 'psychic' sites but I'll use this one for now and see if I can get an answer. In the past month when I go to bed at night I discovered when I shake my covers, top shee...
I Think I'm An Empath, But How Can I Grow Stronger? by Serchlight
I have gone into much research, for I always felt different. Since I was a little kid I felt like I didn't belong, and that something different was about me. I have ADHD, so I have a very hard time paying attention, and very hyper. I'm going to list some things about me that make me think I may be a...
Angels Are All Around Us And Closer Than Ever by sxh2g
After having seen all of the stories on this site, I could not help myself and had to write my story here. I have long wanted to go into business but had the fear that most people would of the unknown in this economy. I had prayed for this for a long time and meditated many a times to clear myself o...
Bad Feelings Becoming True by denishah
While I was at work today, I was reading an article about people going missing. It had me thinking about my little sister a lot and it started to give me a headache. Then I got a phone call from my older sister saying that my younger sister hadn't come home yet and no one knew where she was. Thank G...
Trying To Communicate, Not Sure What The Next Step Is by EmmaLee
I believe I have the gift (sometimes curse) of precognition. I typically get feelings when something intense is going to happen - death, violence, natural disasters, pregnancy, etc. Two weeks ago, I predicted a shooting at Virginia Tech. The feelings usually consist of a general "bad" feeling, upse...
Ever Since I Was Young by daniehiggins
I do not claim to be psychic or a medium or whatever but I do know that I seem to see things others can't. Ever since I was a little girl I have been known to react to/see things before they happen. In the spring of 2001 is when the visions I guess seem to have started. I was about 7 or 8 years o...
Spirals And Dots That You See But Can't Touch by findingout
I have never posted anything online about this before. So here it goes. For as long as I could remember I have seen these dots. Some where multicolored most were white though. When I was in kindergarten I saw all these dots it kind of look like they were moving toward me? Then I saw other things ...
Too Close For Coincidences by Talia
Everybody has those moments where they can guess who is calling on the phone, what song is playing on the radio, or what number another person is thinking. But what happens when someone playing the guessing game gets a little too good? For a few years straight, something really weird happened to ...
I'm Not Sure If I'm Psychic by colek319
So starting off I'm 14 and my girlfriend sees ghosts. A ghost in her room pushed my books down (I let her borrow some books) after I told her to tell the ghost, "Cole says hi." Since I started dating her I have been thinking about it more often. I also just noticed that (I think) I see auras. Anyway...
Sensing Death by nightmaresintodreams
I don't remember when it all started, exactly, but it was a few years ago. Life was great. Everyone was healthy, and nothing seemed wrong. But I just had this feeling that my uncle was going to die. I felt so bad about it, like I was hoping he would or something, but that wasn't it, because I loved ...
Going Back At Psychokinesis Experiments by kojimaTK
After a long year of my sophomore year in high school going through Ap test and finals, and pre SAT's I finally started back up with my psychokinesis experiments/training whatever you want to call it. It has been awhile like a few months since I stopped practicing for awhile. So since school has end...
An Empath With Questions by windswept_eagle
When I was eleven, a buddhist monk for whom my mom had been volunteering for many years told her after he met me that I was an empath. I thought it was cool, but didn't give it much thought until high school, when I started struggling with normal human interaction and my self esteem started to plumm...
When Two Empaths Collide by AlienVampire
I'm one of those empaths. I tend to soak up emotions of those around me and can instinctively know how people are feeling. I'm also good at figuring people out. At my school, there's this one girl I like. She seems pretty empathetic too (she's a Pisces). It's weird. Whenever we make eye contact, it'...
Could This Be A Demon? by manoverboard_92
I wasn't sure where to post this but recently I think I have "re-discovered" my psychic abilities. Something really weird has happened and I think I might have some sort of dark spirit attached to me and I don't know what to do. I'm going to give the background first so bare with me as it is probabl...
Are We All Psychic? by yuki109
My name is Yuki and I do have the oddest of beliefs. My belief is that everyone on the planet has a psychic ability, or a "6th Sense" inside of them. It could possibly be the reason as to why we get "Deja Vu", or "I've seen this all before" moments. The reason as to why we are able to see the fu...
Shadows That Talk by InsertSanity
When I was 10, I used to see shadow people in full figure. They used to be so clear. One time I had woken up a dream I later realized to be a past life, and as I ran from my upstairs room with a loft by it, this loft overlooked the living room when I looked down into the living room I saw a whole gr...
Shadow People And Their Eyes by DestinySky
The first time I saw a shadow person I was in the 5th grade sitting on the couch with my little brother playing with our jump start learners computer when something out of the corner of my eye caught my attention, it was the shape of a young boy with short dreadlocks and he quickly crawled into the ...
Voices In My Head by DestinySky
It all started back when I was living in my old house when I was about 4 years old. Whenever I would go to bed at night I would always hear these voices of a man and a woman talking and carrying on downstairs. So one night I decided to face it and go see if it was just my parents, but they were asle...
Seeing With Your Third Eye by DestinySky
About 3 months ago I was spending the night over my friends house, and we were playing video games in her basement. Out of no where I get this feeling we're not alone, a sudden picture of an old lady in a white shirt with flowers on it enters my thoughts. So I just shook it off. The next morning my ...
The Dark Side by mystical2
As I've written in another story, I have seen the dark tunnel. I went through this while in surgery. It's been years and I still remember it clearly until this day. I never wanted to go back to that place again, ever. It was so pitch black, I couldn't see a thing. I felt my way around and realized I...
A Mix Of Good And Evil And Closing The Door Behind Them by mystical2
It's been a while since I've been on here. I've been going through so much. For a short summary of my past, I've had psychic, medium, visions, and such since I've been a little girl. My antenna is up and down and not long ago I learned that I can control it if I concentrate hard enough. It's differe...
Spoke To The Dead? by mikitty555
I'm not sure what I am really. Sometimes I see visions of what may happen tomorrow or in 30 minutes, I get a word or a color a substance. But that's not what this story is about. This happened spring 2010, a year ago. I had allergies and had taken a nose decongestant spray one night. My mom had to...
Empathetic Psychic Experience by xi3
My name is Kristin and I am 13 years old. For a while I have been able to clearly read peoples emotions and almost 'feel' them. It's almost like when they are nervous, excited etc. I get an identical emotion. However, more recently, This ability is becoming stranger and stranger. What I mean is tha...
Hearing Music 2 by dave
I hear music at night at my house. When I come home from work I hear it. It is specific tunes and seem out in the distant. One night it was amazing grace with music and singing. It played over and over again. I do not recall hearing that song that day. The next night it was a silent night, o little ...
Hearing Music by dave
At night in my bed I hear music (with singing). It is faint but I can make out the song and the words. I have to put earplugs in to get to sleep because it goes on for hours. I collect my family members and have them listen, I sing along with the songs. THEY CANNOT HEAR A THING. What is happening he...
A Series Of Strange Occurances by ColleenClare13
From the time I was four years old I have had serious cases of deja vu. I am now fifteen and over the years the deja vu got closer and closer together. When I was thirteen I realized that I was having dreams and when I had the deja vu I would be seeing my dream play out before me. After I turned ...
I Think I'm Crazy by gabby2009
It's kind of weird but back when I was three I started seeing people in my room during the night. Being young it was kind of scary, then as I got older I would keep seeing them more and more. When I was in middle school I was visited by a dark cloaked figure during the night who told me not to g...
Voices Call You To The Dark by haton1111
I was writing, not because I think I'm psychic, but maybe haunted rather... But I need some advise from anyone. I have never really talked about it much to anyone but my mother, and couple friends. I was 6 or 7 years old at the time... I can't remember what I heard outside that made me open the ...
This Is Confusing And I Don't Know Where To Turn by XDahliaX
I really don't know how to explain this and I don't know what to call it, so maybe someone here can help. First off, if someone has a television on in another room I can "sense" that a television is on. I don't hear it but I can sense it. I can sense when someone is in the room with me, and have...
Visions Are Strange by blueberrygirl
I'm Ileana my abilities are acting weird. Like I had a vision that I was going to meet my best friend and the vision never came true my vision showed me going to school on the first day and the girl and I meet and we become great friends. I also had a vision that there was going to be a girl that lo...
Should I Pursue This? by alittleparanoid
I am new to this site (I know, it's shocking) and I've realized that I am an empath. I can also see auras, hear voices and muffled noises, and feel ghosts' presences. My abilities are very weak though. I'm not sure how significant these abilities are so I'll give you some examples and have you decid...
My Psychic Mediumship Experiences by blueberrygirl
I'm always told I'm different from the others of my age by maturity and the way I act I was also called old fashioned, I like uncovering things and exploring around my house to uncover things and go outside and study nature. I hate it when people call me immature it makes me angry that I feel so hot...
Paranormal Experience Dealing With Some Entity by lizzine07
I am 20 years old, and a junior in college studying Biology. I have been ignoring experiences which seem to be supernatural in nature because I've always been into the sciences, trying to explain things through reason and natural causes. What happened today pushed me to come here seeking help becaus...
My First Experience With Psychic Abilities by goddesshecate
This was a normal day on a weekend when my parents weren't home. I don't remember how old I was or even what time of year it was, but I'm fifteen now so I'm guessing I was pretty young. It was morning and my parents had already gone out, I wasn't even awake when I had heard a small and gentle voice ...
Emotional Energies And Universal Energies by Habeshabatu
I am 21 years old and have been having psychic experiences all my life. My story is vague just like my experiences with my gift (s). Please read on if you genuinely feel like discussing this to help anyone else dealing with this dilemma. Most would probably say I am an Empath, but I display chara...
Glow In The Mirror by kelsijohnson
Things are getting more weird for me. I have put my other story on here before. The other day I was taking my mother's picture when the mirror in the back has a white glow in it. I blow it off as whatever just a reflect from a light. Well I then turned the back lights down. I tried again and I saw t...
Seeing Strange Things by kelsijohnson
I am 15 years old and I need help. I see strange things out of the corner of my eyes. I sense something always. I have dreams that come true days, months, even years later but I somehow remember them. I need help. If I see a place I feel like I personal know it and been there. I think of vampire...
Spirit Guides by SarahSearches
I have been slowly realizing I am being followed by multiple spirits, I've tried contacting them through meditation and I get little feelings of who they are and why they are here. One is a little boy named Frankie, I think hes a son from a past life. And I've always been fairly empathic (Always att...
Are Spirits Trying To Contact Me Or Am I Just Paranoid? by skyfire_2_7
Since this is the first time I have visited this site let me introduce myself. My wiccan name is Skyfire but my given name is Theresa. I am 33 years old and am married with two beautiful children. I have talked to a couple of people about my experiences and they believe I may be a medium. I am not s...
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