At night in my bed I hear music (with singing). It is faint but I can make out the song and the words. I have to put earplugs in to get to sleep because it goes on for hours. I collect my family members and have them listen, I sing along with the songs. THEY CANNOT HEAR A THING. What is happening here? This does not happen anywhere else but my bedroom, not at work, not in my car, not at anyone elses house? One night it was Amazing Grace, it repeated over and over like a broken record. Last night it was Christmas Songs... Little town in Bethlehem, Silent Night. Occasionally it is Country Western songs. The songs are not ones I heard that day. I am wide awake, once I get to sleep I am not woken by the songs and don't hear them in morning. When I come home from work at 5pm, I hear them throughout the evening. If I have the tv on, I hear the tv but not the songs. Once I turn the tv off, I hear them again. I have walked all over the house and can't find the source. I go outside and I can hear the songs out there but cannot trace their origin. I have asked so many family and friends and they cannot hear them at all. They think I am nuts. These songs and voices do not talk to me, don't say my name, don't command me to do anything (etc). Some nights I don't hear them at all. Other times I don't hear them, but they start up later and keep me awake. Could someone give me advice? Has this happened to you?
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Hearing Music
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I experienced it only once and it was so loud...
Read this story, it was writen after yours but it's basicly the same matter. I have the same experience, you can find my story in the comment below.
In my case it's not faint, it's pretty loud and I have control over the process in extention.
I think it could be something along lines of neural discharging in your case, tough, if you want it to stop, you may want to try with the Binaural beats. But my personal advice would be to engage creatively with this phenomenon while it can be very gratifying 😊
When it comes into you you will feel it in one or several of the conduits located on your body once this happens you you feel it and let it completely link relax feel embrace cherish link feel take it give
I had a friend who used to get a song in his head then hear it in the store. But he had a twin, most often who'd be singing it a little later.
At least your tunes are something you know. Mine sound familiar, but from another world or something. Hope they're not too annoying.
Next time this happens at night in your bed when your totally alone, focus completely and wholely on the music welcome it embrace it help it grow, and make a place in your mind for it to exsist and ask it how can I help you. This act of pure kindness may be really all it needs and it may pass on to where it wants to go. Or it may need you to release it energies. Either way show it pure kindness.
My mom has heard what she calls "funeral music". I think she said it has happened 7 times. The first couple times she didn't know what caused it, then she heard this music and found out a little latter that day that a lady in a house next door to where she was visiting friends, had died. The other times she heard it, someone in the neighbor hood had died. She has no explanation for it. No one else heard it either. I don't know how this story could help and probably doesn't but there it is anyway.
This second one you have probably already heard, but it wouldn't explain the songs repeating over and over I don't think unless someone somewhere was transmitting them like that, or maybe playing them on some kind of player over and over.
There has been one case, and I think more where someone has had a filling put in their tooth and have picked up radio signals. I think it has to do with the shape of the filling, the materials, maybe other things. Maybe the dentist wired you for sound. Are you wearing a retainer that you only put on at home?
Something else, but of little use to you I suppose. I remember hearing a story when I was a little kid and can't remember the details very well. Someone who was on a stagecoach must of had a radio transmitter. The stage was being robbed. A man in town was sleeping in a bed with a metal head board on it and he had somehow hung his tuba on the bed stead so the big end was toward his head. Somehow the combination picked up the radio signal and the horn amplified it and the guy woke up hearing the robbery. I think they caught the robbers. True story.
But you say no one else in the house hears the music? Or do they? Does your family have a wicked sense of humor?
There are ways of receiving radio wave's that we don't think of. I suppose there are different ways of receiving other kinds of transmissions, waves, what ever.
If the song keeps repeating maybe someone is trying to send you a message. Look up the words to the songs or keep a list of titles and see what they might tell you.
Maybe you're telepathically linking up with a musically challenged person trying to learn a couple songs. Boy, what a bummer that would be.
I may have some actual good advice here though that maybe would help a little bit.
When I, and I think most people sit down to meditate or relax, there might be some sort of distracting noise. Maybe like a lawn mower or something like that. If a person tries to shut the noise out it can become more and more annoying, the more you dislike the sound the more time you spend on it. Disliking it, hating it, being mad at it. It can become all consuming if you get annoyed enough. But, if you try listening to it, try listening closely and getting into the sound of it, your mind will automatically start to drift away from the sound. Your mind will go back and forth on it but for the most part you can go on meditating, just sort of checking in and out once in awhile. Letting the lawnmower do it's own thing without hating it and spending time worrying about it.
So maybe just learn how to not fight it and it won't occupy all of your time. Fight it and it will become a big deal. Maybe try listening to the background and between the notes.
Some people can listen so closely to music that it can become like a meditation.
Also you might find somewhere where you can get checked for alien implants. I hear they are finding them in lots of people lately. Sorry. Just kidding. Good luck with the songs.
Merry Christmas
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My husband and I lay in bed at night and hear the faintest of music. The music is not a song either of us knows, sometimes we can almost make out words. We can never hear it any other time or anywhere else in the house. We go upstairs to bed and watch tv or play on our phones for a minute, then shut it off and try to sleep. That's when the music will start. We turned off the air conditioner (just to see if it was coming from that, it was still there) I even put my phone by my head to see if an alarm was going off. We checked any drawers that might have something making noise... Nothing! It started to drive me crazy, I just wanted to know where it was coming from. I even went outside to see if something was making noise out there... Again... Nothing. My husband and I also work night shifts and don't go to bed usually until at least 3am so there is never anyone awake or making noise in the surrounding homes... This has been going on for sometime now and just recently when it does happen I will start having anxiety and becoming scared of it until my chest hurts. Any help please?