I cut the information short so this wouldn't be so long, but added what I thought was important. So I'm writing in my dream journal and noticed that in many of my dreams I am descending or ascending. When I am descending, I am aware of myself but once on the ground I may be in another body, time, dimension, planet or country, while still aware of myself. Before my descent, there is sometimes someone there giving me instructions on what to do once I am on the ground. These people are not familiar to me, they are always kind. The conversations are spoken or no words are exchanged but I am still receiving instruction from them. When I am ascending, (sometimes quickly), I get a great aerial view of where I have been and I usually wake up immediately.
In my last dream the person who gave me instruction on what I was to be doing after descent, descended with me. She and I were in a structure very high in the clouds. We were so high up that all I could see was nothing but sky. We both walked towards the edge of the structure, conversing non verbally. Then I sensed another presence, when I turned there stood a shadow figure. The next thing I know we were both descended. She had a look of urgency in her eyes as she showed me a map of Africa. She showed me the map upside down for some reason. Around the coast line of Africa was submerged and Sudan had totally broke off from the country. It was shaped almost like a question mark due to parts being submerged. She pointed to 2 cities marked with an "x". The "x" was on Morrocco or Algeria & Ethiopia or Eritrea. The island of Madagascar was totally submerged.
Any feedback would be helpful.
Thank you in advance for any help.
Blessings to all.