I am 21 years old and have been having psychic experiences all my life. My story is vague just like my experiences with my gift (s). Please read on if you genuinely feel like discussing this to help anyone else dealing with this dilemma.
Most would probably say I am an Empath, but I display characteristics from Clairaudiance or Clairsentience as well. I have always been able to sense emotional energies from people and I get these feelings in my body. I can also sometimes manipulate what I have come to know as "universal energy" maybe chi... I don't know exactly what it is, but I know I can feel it.
My Empathy works with what I'd like to call an "energy language" and I can usually translate it into words that are able to inspire, calm, energize, or anger people depending on what I say because somehow I know how they will react to the energy in the words. Another effect of my Empathy is that when I am talking to someone and am emotionally connected to them enough, the connection is so strong I can follow it into their "soul" (for lack of a better word) and I will know or understand things about them instantly. It's like I kind of read their mind. Weird.
About this universal energy I was talking about. It manifests itself in different ways. I sometimes feel it in my hands and can transfer it to others to heal or energize. I have used it to manipulate the wind and do a host of other small things. I always feel like I am pushing something when I try to will things to happen though, and it is easier to push some days than others... I don't know how to explain it any better.
Call me crazy, I guess maybe it's just me. Feedback, comments or critics are welcome. If no one understand enough to assist me, I guess I will continue to search for the answers on my own as I have been. Thanks to all who read this. Peace.
I can channel my energy to control the wind, animals or insects, people to a degree, events, and most of all, my self. It's easy for me now to manifest a large quantity of energy, press it into the atmosphere around me, and do what I feel. The matter of association is more difficult... Being an empath, you can no doubt 'see' pressure points and weak spots on people, and feel what they do if you concentrate. The same can be said for anything else. It's intuition-based in knowledge.