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Real Psychic Experiences

The Dark Side


As I've written in another story, I have seen the dark tunnel. I went through this while in surgery. It's been years and I still remember it clearly until this day. I never wanted to go back to that place again, ever. It was so pitch black, I couldn't see a thing. I felt my way around and realized I was in some sort of tunnel. I could think as I do while I'm awake. I knew I was somewhere, but didn't know where that was and I felt fear grip me while trying to think back on how I even got to where I was. That's when I heard it, the growling sound that still haunts me to this day. It was heading my way getting closer. I ran as fast as I could, although it was difficult since I couldn't see a thing. I kept my hand on one side of the wall while running. I remember coming to a split when I felt the edge in the center of the walkway. I just guessed on which way was the right way, not even sure if that existed at the time considering I wasn't sure how far I was in the tunnel. It didn't take long for that thing to catch up with me. It grabbed me by my hair in the back of my head which caused me to fall back. I could feel the pain as it dragged me by my hair while I was on my back through that dark tunnel. I that point I knew I was going and I wasn't going the right way either. It was then I heard my name echo from far away. I finally came back and thanked God. I opened my eyes and looked around me. My hospital bed was surrounded by people all the way around it. They stood standing hip to hip. I had surgery before and never have I ever seen so many people around my bed when I came out of surgery. I still to this day believe God and his angels pulled me out, along with the doctor.

It has been at least 21 years since that happened to me. I've had other surgeries since then and I can tell you that each and every time I get nervous. That memory will always be with me. So far so good, for the most part anyway. I hoped I wouldn't ever be brought to that place again, and up until about a year and a half ago, I was right. I just sat down for my daily meditation. My doctor's actually taught me this to help relieve my chronic pain. I sat down, put my headphones on and started the DVD with the sounds of nature. It wasn't two minutes later that I was pulled into a vision. I saw myself sitting on a bench, almost like a reflection of where I needed to be. I walked over to myself and joined myself. As I looked around, I was thinking how odd it was that there was only one bench and how it was placed directly in between the light and the dark. The bench was strategically placed directly in the center, halfway in between the two and it was also sitting centered in between the two walls on each side of the bench. It seemed so odd to me, but what really had me concerned was the fact that the bench was facing the darkness. I didn't exactly feel completely uncomfortable at the time, although I didn't like seeing the dark tunnel again even from the outside of it. As I looked all the way around me, still sitting, I saw two women come out of the light and walk right past me as they socialized. The strange thing I couldn't understand was the fact that they were walking straight into the dark tunnel. I kept thinking, "That can't be right. Why are they walking into the darkness"? I was really confused. Then looking behind me, I saw a man with two women on one side of him and another woman on the other side of him. All four of them were talking too. As they came out of the light I began to walk towards the light, something made me very uncomfortable. Something didn't feel right. That is when I began to freak out. I've had visions before, but none that got to me that bad. I wanted out and I wanted out now. I never noticed this before, at all. Did my spirit travel passing through a dimension or was it an actual vision? I wasn't sure because I never paid attention to how my body felt during these times. I was too busy paying close attention to the scrolls I was seeing in previous visions. In this one, since I wanted out, I then realized how I felt. I felt absolutely nothing. It was very strange. I knew my physical body was sitting on the couch, even though my spiritual body was sitting on that bench. I couldn't feel my physical body at all, not my eyes, legs, arms or even my chronic pain. I kept thinking, "How am I going to open my eyes if I can't even feel them"? Well, that is about when I really started freaking out. Those walking out of the light were getting closer and I wanted out before they got near me. I began to shout, "Close Out! Close out"! I said it over and over again. It was then I started to see the fuzzy screen and it close out like an old picture screen...poof! I opened my eyes and was thankful to God again. Since I didn't see the entire vision, I'm not sure exactly what the meaning behind it was. I'm thinking maybe that I am now sitting in between the light and darkness, but that I'm starting to go into the wrong direction again. I'm not sure. I was wondering if anyone else might have a clue on the meaning behind this. Just curious on what others think and if anyone else has ever seen this tunnel. Bad thing is, I don't meditate as much anymore and I can feel the difference with my pain level. With everything going on in my home and with this vision that struck me, it's kind of made me edgy. I almost wonder if that's what they were trying to do too. Wanting to make stop meditation. Meditation, I believe, helps me ground myself better and helps make my spirit stronger and also helps with my pain. What are your thoughts on this? Also, is there an easier way of getting out of these visions if need be? Not sure on that one, but thought I'd ask anyway. Thanks all.

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Timfaraos (426 posts)
10 years ago (2015-02-28)
If you've tried everything else, and nothing works, invite a greek or russian orthodox christian priest, to sprinkle your home and family with holy water, TELL HIM YOUR PROBLEMS, he'll be glad to help, because he CAN! Trust me! You have nothing to lose... Close all doors you might have opened to demons, by sinning, or by occult spirit practices, like tarot cards, witchcraft, contacting spirits through psychic mediums etc... Don't visit psychic mediums, to pay them thousands of dollars, they'll only make things worse, by bringing more spirits into your life... Sad but true! Go to church, it's FREE! LOL! Pray, and fast from meat and dairy whenever you can. Read the bible and psalms. PRACTICE the bible. Simple as that! Also, for more advice, visit the website: 'real life angel and demon encounters', and read the excellent best selling book: 'out of the devil's cauldron', by John Ramirez. God bless! My phone: +61416412185. Timfaraos [at]
Edmund (578 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-30)
mystical2... Can you get people over the house to pray the rosary? And get the parish priest to come over and bless the house maybe 3 times a week for a while? This needs to be done... Like yesterday.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-28)
thank you humindigold and edmund. I called a friend of mine away from the house to search Catholic churches in the area. I told her to call me when she had them and I would leave again to get them. It wasn't one hour later after I got home that my oldest left the house and moved out. I still really do not understand why he was so mad. This is the second time he has talked to me ever the way he did. The language was awful. He told me his friends mom was willing to rent their home to him and his friend for 1200. 00 a month. He got very snappy when I asked him if they could afford it and to make a list of the costs. He was hopeing to get a job getting 13. 00 an hour while his friend could only pay 450.00... 😕 Strange thing is I don't understand why he got so angry about it. I was trying to be helpful and even told him there were homes in another area for less if they couldn't afford the 1200.00. He doesn't even have a job yet. He's been looking but with no luck so far. So now he left and has no job on top of it. He was never like this. His uncle heard him yelling but didn't hear me and thought I was getting hurt. That's how bad it was. His uncle is disabled so he couldn't see what was happening. This is my son who made national honors twice. I'm very concerned and not to mention very confused. I haven't heard from him but keep in touch with his friend. Now what? The big cloak figure told my son he wasn't leaving and told me I couldn't get rid of him. Is this how it was worked out right before I seeked a bishop to help? Or is it just coincidence? He now refuses to pray and on top of that he pretty much invited the spirit in and didn't care.
My youngest has been hearing voices. Yesterday while playing at the end of the yard with a friend, he heard a child like person say his name. They both heard it. Freaked out they came towards the house and as they ran away, it growled at them. I've seen something in those woods before. I was taking pictures in the evening. It walked side to side. Only way to describe it and it was coming my way. I had to do a double take and when I did it was still there and coming. There is a vortex in the wooded area too.
Anyway, I guess I just wanted to know... Now what? As far as my son. I have his friend watching out for him in case he notices anything even more odd about him. This is the same friend who was clawed while my son stayed at his home. I am trying to release all my hurt and sadness to God and trying to stand strong but it is difficult. I just feel like they are attacking and doing whatever they can to make my life a living h-ll.
Edmund (578 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-24)
mystical2... At this point anything from the other side is not to be trusted. And shutting down that portal is so important because there is nobody who can handle all that comes with it... And your right the Bishop needs to believe in what you are saying or its not effective... In fact it could make it worse if he does his blessings half hearted... What would help is if you could get a group of people in your home to pray with you and your sons a few times a week.
Humindigold (guest)
14 years ago (2011-03-23)
I honestly can imagine what you're going through mystical2.Well,in my opinion,there's no such thing as finding a balance by the way light and darkness (I say this because it's very likely that the thought must've sort of jumped into your mind).I've come to the conclusion that it's in fact satan discouraging you from the light, and God warning you of the consequences,hence,the source holds very little importance for your vision to me has become rather clear.It's perfectly understandable, your dilema I mean, and you're not alone in all of this. My suggestion would be:sit in a chair, get really comfortable,relaxed,and speak directly to God. Tell him everything you're feeling (he listens), submit yourself totally to him, and feel yourself bath in warm pure white light (you'll feel it if done correctly).Then,say this prayer "if we're your children, o lord, which we are, fill this home, and every one in it with only your presence of pure light and positivity, proove o God that you're only light, and light and darkness cannot dwell in the same abode, have them negative spirits vanish to where they belong, and rescue me (or us) from this dilema (or predicament) ".The most important thing to do, is think of God with love first, be honest and open hearted, and I can assure you that all shalt be well after.You'll find inner peace (he gives this), and as I earlier said, all shalt be well. I suggest you do all of this in a place where you're most comfortable e.g the church tabernacle (with your family possibly), in the sweet open of nature (the beach, a garden), just anywhere that works for you and doesn't remind you of your present situation. This small prayer is helpful for protection from them bad spirits "behold the cross of the lord, fly yee powers of darkness, the lion of the tribe of judah, the root of David has conquered,allelluia,allelluia,allelluia".I've written this this way because you wrote in your recent post, that bishops are flat out skeptical of this unfortunate reality. Blessed be Mystical2, I pray all shalt be well with you. (i'll say a little prayer to God for you tonight).
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-23)
hi edmund. I would like to search for a new Bishop, shall see. But for now, I'm getting the same one I had last time. The last one I had didn't believe much in Demons or the fact that they could hurt you. When he told me this I got very stern with him, although not angry. I told him that he had no clue. If they feel human, which they do, they can hurt you. He got really quiet and pretty much didn't know what to say at that point. It is going to be difficult for a bishop who doesn't believe in it because they are not going to put the energy into it that it needs. I too have thought of the holding hands with a church member. That is if one will come here.
We were right about that little girl who we spoke about a long time ago. Thanks.
My oldest is being effected a lot too. Yesterday he was thrown into a trance. He saw the little boy with a wheel barrel, a nun working at a desk who kept looking over at him and he felt a presence he didn't like to the left of him in which she never showed herself. My son said the trance last a half an hour. He actually looked at the clock right before he was pulled in. None of the entities said anything to him except for the one on the left of him. She said, "There is no need to fear boy"! I'm quite worried about him. He is being pulled into trances at least 2 times per week. I continue to tell my son to pray. He seems a little withdrawn from it which is worrying me. I believe the cloaked one is out for him. After all he is telling me I can't rid of him and telling him he isn't going no where. Maybe there is a worry on his side that I can, otherwise, why even bother trying to put that fear in me? Sorry I'm talking so much. I'm just going through a lot right now. I'm worried that if I can't fight my own battle than what's going to happen if there is a next one, one day down the road? My son and I did get rid of another one yesterday. We held hands and again he was hesitant and told her she needed to leave in Jesus's name and that we had that right because we are God's children and that we wanted her gone and we couldn't help anyway. I stopped once I felt her gone. This teen girl messed with me in my dream state. Even though I felt the negativity coming off of her, I tested her anyway to see how she would react. She came after me with these sticks which for some odd reason I didn't want to be touched with. I didn't fear her, I feared them sticks. I found out recently that native indians back in the day feared the white man's stick when it was pointed at them. Not sure if this has any significance but I have native indian in me. Who knows. Like you said, probably a bunch of bull right now. Lately my oldest has been seeing more strongly. I'm not sure whether I should worry about this since he has seen before, but considering what is going on right now. I keep trying to get him to sleep in the downstairs room while he is home but he refuses to allow them to scare him.
Edmund (578 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-23)
mystical2... Evil lies... The truth is not in them. So for now at least do not believe what you are shown in your visions or your dreams. If your being screwed with in a normal awake state the chances of being messed with while meditating should be greater. Neurologists have a lot of tools now to fight chronic pain other than meditation and pain pills. I agree with Humindigold distract yourself... Write your prayers down... Your mind will wander less and get the Bishop back for another house blessing.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-23)
hi Humindigold. You are right on the nose with the fact of looking for inner peace and trying to find my way. With all going on around me and especially dealing with evil and good in my home, my head has been spinning trying to sort everything out lately, not to mention fighting with myself in my other spiritual beliefs with God. Is it the fact that God is warning me or is that Satan is trying to discourage me from doing what I need to do. I do know one thing, I feel terrible. My energy level has been down severely since I stopped meditating. I'm not protecting myself as good anymore and am absorbing so much more of everyone else's feelings too which is so over whelming. Another strange thing too is, lately while in prayer I get lost. I'll be praying one minute and then in the mist of doing so (I know this sounds strange) I'll start on a subject that doesn't make sense right in the middle of prayer. Like I'm jumping from prayer and jumping in and talking about something that doesn't even make sense while sometimes getting these pictures in my head of places I've never seen before and then realizing a few minutes later why the heck I'm off subject. This has happened a few times while praying outloud with my youngest. He actually starts laughing at me which brings me out of it. I guess it would be funny to a child. Here I am in prayer and the next I'm talking about some off the wall topic. I don't know what that is all about either. While cooking last night, not even in prayer, out of the blue I start to get pictures of looking out a window and looking out across the street at this small rinky dink gas station which had a hugh red barn behind it. It really made the gas station look off like it was in the wrong place. I kept getting the feeling I was looking out a small diner. Then I snapped myself out of those pictures. This just really started not long ago. It's not like my typical scrolls and it's closing like a picture tube. Difficult to explain. Maybe I'm just exhausted, who knows. Anyway back to the subject, maybe I'll write about that later. I guess what I'm trying to determine too is where I'm getting my info, like you said. With all that is going on in my home, is it coming from the good side or is it coming from the dark side who are trying to throw me off my path.
I've been introduced to my guide and was surrounded by a group of them sitting in a big circle. With everything else I've been struggling on that issue too. I guess it all goes hand in hand. As you can see, I need to get through this and I need to do it soon, other wise, I'm not going to get through this easily. I was also told by another psychic that if I don't get my stuff together that the evil/negative spirits are going to continue to destroy my health. I guess my real problem is knowing who and where my information is coming from, whether the good or bad and what God expects of me to do, which path. I'll be doing good once I sort all this. As you see, this vision didn't help me and only made me more confused, even if it was or wasn't coming from the right source. Hope I didn't confuse you much 😕. Thank you for responding.
Humindigold (guest)
14 years ago (2011-03-22)
Firstly,this is what I would do if I were in your position:distract myself (u know to get my mind off the vision for a while), then when I feel a lot better and open minded,i'd review it (the vision), and ask my "guides" for a detailed interpretation, esp if I'm very perturbed about what it's meaning could be. After I make the request,i'd re-assume a meditative state, and wait... I sometimes undergo the kind of "temporal paralysis" during visions you talked about. I usually don't worry myself about getting out of them for I'm always shielded with the certainty that all shall be well. Now to my thoughts on your story.Obviously,light and darkness are the major themes here, and you stated that you feel you might be drifting in the wrong direction "again" (that should form a question mark).Well,what is easily deduceable, is that perhaps something is leading you to feel this way, or you are actually drifting to the darkness. You best can decide this.I'm very certain you're quite confused about some things in your personal life (I don't know why), but your surgery experience and vision have brought me to the conclusion that you're looking for inner peace, and someone, or some thing, to show you the way. As much as I've considered that I might be wrong in all of this, if it's the case, as I've narrowed it down, I suggest you look to whom it is you're always thankful to with a completely open heart, and consult your higher self. These are just my thoughts and no more, and I hope it helps.

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