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A Gift Or A Curse?


We always hear or say that famous saying, "Is my gift a gift or a curse"? I've read this plenty of times on here and must say I go through these stages myself questioning things that I go through. Of course, everything we choose in life has its own pro's and con's. The spiritual world can be quite confusing and at times putting us through some hair raising situations, after all, we are only human. I guess what I'm saying is that I wouldn't trade my abilities or gifts in for anything since it is God given, however, there is some pretty scary things out there lurking around just waiting. I just hope and pray I am able to properly deal with what comes or appears next.

Lately I've been on this website on and off taking time, not only with everyday activities that need to be done, but also trying to figure out exactly what I am supposed to learn and do through all the haunting activity in my home. Not protecting myself properly has surely brought this all on, but I have learned a lot about protection since it started thanks to others here and my long dragged out research. I guess that is another step I've taken through all this.

I've also learned through all this that having the gift doesn't only involve me or others who have it, but it also involves our immediate families at times. The decisions we make while having this gift has to be thought out and responded to carefully, otherwise, it can affect our loved ones as well, especially if these spirits decide to move in. Maybe I'm wrong and this doesn't happen to everyone, but it has happened to me.

I believe the world is becoming a more complex, scarier place. There is so much more evil in the world today. We hear about murders, rapists, increased suicide rates, thefts, and even parents killing their own babies because of their own illnesses or the fact they think their babies are evil. I believe this is where evil has taken over. Not only is the veil thinning but I believe so many more portals are being opened each day by cults and such which allow more entity/demons to come through to terrorize others who were never even involved. There are kids, even adults out there playing around with witch craft and Ouija boards not understanding it fully then releasing something they cannot control. They end up selling their homes leaving their mess for the next homeowner's. I have heard of this on several occasions.

I am still dealing with things in my home. I believe the spiritual world can complicate things even when the time comes to clean the mess or rid the entities that prowl and force themselves into our lives. My home was supposed to be blessed this past Friday. It already hit me the week prior that the chances of it happening were very slim. The last letter I wrote to the man helping me, I had told him, "I hoped he felt better". I never asked and don't think he caught on to that. I just felt he was sick for some reason. He got sick several days later. I also felt my youngest would be sick the same week and it happened. The meet was canceled. Three weeks prior to this during our arrangement to set a meet date we also had complications. I needed a date two weeks prior for my son to take off work. I never got a confirmation. A week too late I got an email from him telling me something strange had happened. He had sent me an email and for some reason that same email he tried sending went back to him a week later. I never received it, but he received his own. Now that is strange. Luckily my son was able to take off work. Just another complication before the illnesses arrived.

I have been going back and forth about my gifts since my family has been through so much lately. Just last night my oldest ran down the stairs shaking and sweating. His television went static, so he tried changing the channels for another program. All of them were also static. As he got up the static began to change somewhat. A spirit of a man with a deep voice began to speak over the static. My son freaked out turning off the television and running for the stairs. He never heard what was said and didn't stick around to hear it. He said the movie "White Noise" came rushing back to his mind. That actually scared him more than lying in his bed while two spirits stood there staring at him for a long period of time. Weird things happen around here quite frequently. The only solution I have come up with through all this is to leave my trust in God asking him for guidance and to guide me down the right path giving me strength and knowledge and to help me accomplish what I am here to accomplish no matter how difficult it may seem to be at times. It can just be so frustrating at times especially when I can see spirits, predict things, but yet I struggle to remove the spirits that affect our lives negatively. I suppose this could be the road I need to take to learn. Only time will tell I guess.

Just some things I've thought about for a while. I know for me, although my abilities call for some tricky issues, I have had a few good laughs from some. The spirit world can have a good sense of humor at times. It is not all negative. It's just the negative spirits that makes things seem tougher at times, but I guess that is why we call them "negative"

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Technicrat (1 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-15)
i haven't read the comments but I was really curious and started googling and found had a very interesting life... I have been through alot... I'm 19... Alot of you will see that and think oh he doesn't know what he is talking about... But I have recently started beliving in something... My whole life I have dealt with rediculous horrible situations... But I have never had anything that I really had faith in... Well my grandmother is extremely spiritual... She meditates for 3 hours a day... Does astrology/astronomy...smartest lady I know... She knows all about reiki and all that... Now iv always thought she was crazy... But I recently started seeing a shrink... And he is all spiritual too, well he does spiritual work with me and it worked... I finally have something to believe in... Now I don't know if this is the right forumn to talk about this at... I don't know how everyone here feels about god, or a higher power... But I have to talk somewhere... See I love to talk... I will talk anyones ear off... And I feel since I have been through so much that I have come out better, I'm street smart... But I have a god complex... And I have serious anger problems... I quit seeing my shrink because of money problems... And I don't know what to do anymore... Iim so angry all the time... I feel that I'm better then everyone even though I'm not... Any helpful comments are appreciated...
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-03)
Hey. I get just as confused at times, I think we all do. Going through that now myself. Frusterating to have so many questions and never get all the answers we are looking for. Perhaps if we did, it would ruin our journey to learn here, unsure, just something that has just entered my mind. I think we all fly but just don't remember a lot of it. You have that wonderful ability. I remember so few. I think I go through same feelings with spirits as you do with flying and meeting spirits, especially now that I'm older. It holds me back from learning more I think. My biggy is thinking am I feeling and thinking this spirit is good and what if it isn't. A verse in the Bible always sticks with me... Evil can appear as the light. What if I'm feeling "good" but it really isn't. Not sure how to get by this one. I just pray and ask God to protect me and help me make good decisions and guide me. If I'm not meant to see or deal with it then don't let me see it. Are these part of what you are feeling and dealing with?
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-30)
Mysti - of course they play by our rules. This is our place. Now when we voyage or dream I guess, that is more their place. I kind of tend to be bossy there also. Not sure that goes over great. I'm laying low honestly figuring that out. Mostly, I stopped voyaging because I wanted answers about who they were and why or else. The show down. I came here to figure it out, I've read and studied and I'm still confused. So... I won't fly again. Period. That's fine with me. Or I will. I never asked to in the beginning. Life seems fun enough without it or maybe more so. And I am still "psychic." I can wait another eight years which is about how often I allow them.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-30)
It's amazing you are so patient. Long ago I would have not been. I'm pretty much a "play by my rules" or "get Lost" kind of person. Perhaps that's bad.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-29)
I'm staying strong, just getting frusterated I guess. Everything before, that I went through, only involved me personally. Now my kids are involved. I know my youngest is gifted, my oldest a little, but to go through this much this young. Things started off easier for me when I was young, at least it seemed so. I would do the blessing myself, but never did it before and don't want to mess it up making things worst, although we have had our battles already. Just want to make sure doing it right. What good is it having these abilities if I can't even remove the junk? Part of my frusteration right now. I guess after it is all done and I learn more I will be prepared if there is a next time. Still have to work on my father's house too.
While I was brushing my teeth, someone patted me on the hand last night. It is amazing how how they feel so living when they touch you. That has always astonished me. Went into the other room where my youngest was and she was standing near my son. Told her to go away. That I wasn't in the mood tonight. She went away. Is kind of strange how they listen to me at times.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-27)
mysti - I have pets and love them. Don't even think of them as a doorway to you. They are weaker. Their best defense is that you stay stonger. I'm not a judge. It's up to you from that point.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-26)
Thank you for your response. Never thought of the stress factor. I definately have a stress issue, but unsure how to fix I call my house the house of disabilities. Between dealing with my own pain, having my brother in law with paralysis as he deals with his pain and anxiety issues, and having a son with bipolar disorder, I guess we are a spirits dream come Not really funny, but something I've been told. How to relieve the stress is up in the air for me especially when I'm absorbing some of the others emotions around the house including the spirits. There have been times I've left the house to relieve an emotion that was not mine. Other than that not sure what to do about it.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-26)
Hi! I have always focused on white light like a bubble. Started working on Jelly thing. Some people visually see it, some mentally, me I see it mentally. Will start working on jelly thing and see how that goes. I think it/woman is focusing on my oldest now, trying to get to him. It's worked through our entire family. The other night my son and I went into other room to look at his new Christmas gift. He already knew what it was. I felt it mentally and physically as a strong cold breeze blew by me past the stairs. My son felt it as well, the breeze. Moment later it turned and a strong breeze flowed towards the stairs to go back up. I'm just worried lately. It's not just about me anymore and what I go through, now its my children. I've already lost a healthy pet, our chinchilla. I feel partially responsible since I left their cage up there in my son's room. He was completely healthy that day jumping, eating and such. 1:30am he just dropped over and began crying, it was terrible, and died. My son was angry, ready to take them out himself. He insists it is a warning from them. This just happened recently and strange so close to blessing taking place. I have now put our other chinchilla in the less active room in the house, so far so good. I have yet stayed in my son's room over night, but it is coming soon if this blessing takes much longer to get here. With that dream I had, for some reason, I think this is what they want. Don't fully understand the reasoning why I feel this way, but do. I can only rely on my feelings since almost always they ring true.
Anyway, I hope everything is going fine for you. Are you planning to see all your kids for the Holidays? I hope you enjoy yourself. Have thought about you, just have had a lot going on. My youngest son has been sick, almost going on, for two weeks now. He's not contagious now, but the asthma is bad.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-25)
Fura - I read with interest your response to Mysti, very insightful. I'm glad you are thinking of doing research later. I realize all sensitive people are different, but for me looking at cards with symbols doesn't work, unless I'm really zoned which is hard to do with cards with symbols. It's like remembering. What's the important stuff. Time perhaps isn't very meaningful in ways. Things past, present, future aren't really that separate. In the physical realm maybe, but not really. If someone asks me what's important, is my flight going to be delayed, is my child really sick or is it just the flu, it's just similar to concentrating and trying to remember. I hope if you do research at some point, you'll think of those things. I don't believe that sensitive people can be tested like those in high school or college taking a math test. And I think it helps if you make the person relaxed. Some people hear the word test and freeze. Then they try to start thinking instead of really "seeing." I know because it happens to me.
Furallicah (29 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-25)
Mysti I know how you feel. Your main question is our gifts a gift or a curse? I can not answer that, but I can tell you what I think. My powers are good but only when I'm not stressed. If I'm stressed my powers take on a darkside. And sometimes its like my ears are in hell and I can hear the torment of everyone scraming, crying, suffering pain... Its hard to cop with sometimes but when I'm not stressed there the greatest thing I have and love having. I use it to try to help people with out them knowing of course. It wouldn't be fun going to school and people calling me more of a freak then they already do. Dont worry you will find out weather it is a gift or a curse when you decide if the pros out weight the cons. I hope this helps in anyway.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-24)
Mysti - I read your experience curiously as I always read your experiences. They aren't easy. These are stressful times, and that's a biggie. I've heard people talk about the white light surrounding their bodies. I don't quite call it that, to me it's a jelly wall. That I've seen and reached out to touch, but it's hard to touch. Now, to the next level, do it with your mind and soul. I don't know what terminology to use, the inside part. Let nothing go there except you and what you let in maybe. Bodies are bodies. Protect the important part, especially if you are taking a trip or experiencing the paranormal. Know when to say, Not now. I'm not in the mood for games or puzzles. Perhaps that's mean or not good, I don't know. Set your limits.

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