My experiences are like Kiath from Oregon, This has been happening for 10 years that I have recognized, but I'm sure farther back, I just didn't realize it. I have many experiences, but I will mention a few. A man I know as an acquaintance had a daughter that was murdered. The story was on T.V. On Forensic Files. I was at my home telling two friends the story in detail and told them to watch the episode I recorded since we all knew the guy. I told them I had to go to the mall to pay a bill. I walked up to the store put my hand on the door and at the exact same moment so did the man I was talking about. I hadn't seen him in years and was shocked at seeing him right after I thought and talked about him so intensely. Another was when I wanted to find my boyfriend and I drove looking for him for 45 minute and said out loud, God this is ridiculous, you've shown me signs before, tell me where he is now, not a minute later and I was compelled to drive down a street and sure enough.
He was sitting there in his truck. These things don't surprise me any more since they happen frequently. Another was when I was at a ladies home I had worked for, I saw a picture of a man, just a regular photo, never knew him or saw him before, but right away I had the strong feeling he was an actor that lived in Hollywood. The man came to the home about 30 minute later and I told him what I felt and he said he was an actor living in l.A. Up in Santa Rosa looking for a house. I wish I knew what this is that I have.
Many people have seen me experience these things.
For starters, try with these 8 Clair Senses and see which of them describe your abilities, all of them are here just in case you haven't written other types of abilities:
Each new information will lead you to another new information and that way you'll be building your knowledge and finding out more about yourself.