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Real Psychic Experiences

It Followed Me Home 4


Some of us here have all spoken about premonitions, visions and such and how they always leave a big piece of the puzzle missing, leaving us to think and search for answers. Sometimes I wonder if the spirit world enjoys doing this to us while sitting back watching us scramble for all the missing links. Now I know that this isn't a true fact, but it still crosses my mind from time to time. Fact is, we, meaning the spirit world and human world, are definitely from two different worlds. Our thinking level is definitely much different than the other.

I have been going in circles lately trying to figure out the clues I have been getting from this dream that I have had twice now. Maybe I've been going in the wrong direction or just maybe it is meant to throw me off in the wrong direction, unsure. Everything always seems to make a wrong turn just when I think it can't get any more complicated, when dealing with the spirit world. Again, in my dream, I can think. This is how my dream went:

I stood in the center of what use to be my son's bedroom. The thick cobwebs flowed throughout the dark, dreary room making the air seem thick from all the dust. I turned in a circle glancing at all the furniture and items lying around the room. Nothing seemed familiar, except for the fact that I knew it was my son's room. Now it looked like an attic being used for storage. It was a place where old furniture was put and forgotten about. Although I was looking at the items scattered, nothing really stood out or seemed important. I turned once again, and something really caught my attention. There was a white rocking chair sitting partly in the walkway. My mother-in-law saw it as well and we both stood there just looking at it. This was the only piece of furniture that seemed clean, no dust. It seemed odd to me and important. Suddenly this chair started rocking. It was rocking and no one was sitting in it, at least, no one visible anyway. We both continued to stand there watching it rock back and forth. My mother-in-law never said one word to me the entire time we were up there. Although she was with me, it didn't feel like she was really there, if that makes any sense. While we stood there, suddenly, a face appeared, coming out of the chair. The same ugly face I have seen before. She came toward us while her face grew bigger as she came closer. Thoughts just raced through my head now. I couldn't figure out what to do at this time. She was getting too close too fast. Not knowing what to do at the time, I just took off. I was out of there. First time I've ran from her. I knew this wasn't good, but it just happened too quickly. My mother-in-law didn't move. Once I got near the stairs I stopped and looked at her and questioned mentally why she wasn't moving. Then I woke up.

After the second time I've dreamt this, I knew and felt there was meaning behind all of it. I questioned my mother-in-law. I didn't want to give her any descriptions of the chair so I left some information out. I know premonitions can twist information so I asked her if she had a chair stored in her attic. She looked at me and told me, "No". I said, "Hmm, that's strange. I keep having a dream about a rocking chair and you are always in the dream with me. You are connected some how". She sat and thought for a minute and something struck her. She told me her father, years ago, had gotten an old antique rocking chair, but she wasn't sure where he got it from. He fixed up the chair and painted it white. Now I thought we were getting somewhere. I asked her, "Where is that chair now". She said, "I had it for a while and then I gave it to (changed name) John". John is my boyfriend's brother whom we take care of now. She said, "Well, it should be upstairs in your attic".

I searched through our attic which is hidden behind a book shelf in my son's room. I can't find the chair anywhere. It was once there. We are thinking that John's ex-wife may have taken it when they divorced. I wonder if maybe a small piece of the chair had broken off and is still in there which she could be attached to or maybe it was destroyed and the spirit came back here. Perhaps this is another tactic to throw me off in another direction, not sure. I have so many questions and keep getting thrown in different directions. Even if there was an attachment, why show up now? I mean, did it follow me or was it here all along in hiding. Before all this started, I had another sensitive person in my home and she didn't feel anything negative then either. I've sensed a man in the past but, he never caused any issues. Maybe I'm missing something or maybe I'm not piecing everything together properly. If anyone has any ideas, I'd appreciate it.


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, mystical2, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

lrkmedium101 (7 stories) (105 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-14)
i think the chair is connected to a girl in a way I'm just not so sure. Be carefull this little girl may be trying to tell you something, try and figure it out.
Best of Luck
❤ Leah
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-04)
Glad you figured out the meaning behind the word. Wish they were straight forward though, using our definitions, be easier. Been quiet around here. Maybe they took a vacation and won't come I know I could use one.
Have you been able to fly by yet?
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-03)
Mysti - a blessing can't hurt at any point. Felt a little weirded out a few months ago. I was told, "To live on Planet Earth, you need to be 'occult'." Well, being Baptist, you can imagine how that felt. I asked for him to repeat it and watched his lips move as he said it. Finally I'm beginning to understand that word just means hidden, inner things, not weird stuff. The weird part is a modern interpretation of what once meant just hidden and inside so I do feel better.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-03)
Hi! How are you doing? Halloween busy for me with little one. Felt it for 3 days, rough. Now it's time to prepare for Christmas. Be nice if the Holidays were spread out a little better. Younger one's are so much easier to buy for than the older one's.
I should be having my house blessed in 3 weeks. Was in my oldest son's room couple days ago and it was knocking on the wall right behind me. He hasn't been staying home at night much since seeing them. A lot of activity occurs in his room, of course, he doesn't have to sleep in there.
How's flying going? Feeling better about certain things?
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-31)
Mysti - went to one 40 hours a week that got extended to two weeks. Then was off a week. Then this week was 30 hours a week for one week. I work in the office. I got my weeks work done the first day, not high expectations I think, so did a variety of things. The variety is nice, but learning the office dynamics takes a bit. I got hugs today when it came time for me to leave. I'm not a touchy person, but it was nice.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-29)
Hey! Been a busy week for me. Took kids to a halloween thing. Helicopter actually dropped bags of candy into a field for the kids to run and collect. They loved it.
Glad you like your job. When I could work, I loved being busy. Each day hoped we were busy with paperwork. Slow days were boring. Miss working. A lot of people say they wished they could stay home; if they only knew. I'd trade the pain in to work any day.
The temps... What do they actually do? I believe my aunt worked for one years ago. Do they send you to different jobs weekly or keep you at same one for a while? Curious.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-27)
Mysti - Meekly, today, I went to a temp job, I get bored so this fits me, to the accting department. I finished this week's work a little after noon, so maybe they have stuff for the rest of the week. Found something for me the rest of today anyway. I found myself questioning the head accting person and fixing stuff. I guess part of astral voyages is learning to know who we are in life. I would have never known... I just do it nicely without offending, but do it always. It didn't occur to me until I remembered the words, The Questioner. People around me seem to not notice. Unless I tell them something that will happen, then they do.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-25)
I think of myself as a nice person as well. Always tell my kids to treat others as you would want to be treated, with kindness and respect. I am amazed when I hear of people fighting in stores over "things" and especially during the holidays. A time for giving... Have 2 people that don't even know each other ready to kill each other over a stupid toy. Not exactly sure what is wrong with people today, but have some clue to the craziness. I've already started my shopping, trying to avoid the unkind, impatient people rushing, not caring one bit about anyone else around them. In the past I've had my feet ran over, been pushed fairly hard, etc...
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-24)
Mysti - I consider myself a nice person and things (psychic things that are helpful) always happen to me. Don't let "things" freak you out. You are here and you know what you'd like, a good job, a good spouse, whatever, but just because you are sensitive does NOT mean you are bad. We get that maybe from the weird people who claim stuff that hasn't happened. I was told my title was questioner. I thought that was funny because I'm sooo easy going. Do you know, I realized today, that I've been questioning about 6 months why my title was the questioner. I do it with everything, but never realized it. I grill grocery clerks, politely, if their cash registers are off. I'm a detail person but nice.
Edmund (578 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-22)
mystical2... Not a difference chemically big difference spiritually its Kosher produced under the supervision of a Rabbi... You can find it in the larger grocery stores... For about the same price Sea salt is not spiritually clean won't have an effect.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-22)
I've tried ignoring things often, but don't know why it normally doesn't work for me. Have went through many years even not thinking about gifts and things, but things still happen to me. Don't know why seems hard for me. Some spirits are so demanding. As I ignore them, they try different ways to catch my attention. I'll be sitting down talking to my father while feeling bugs, not visible, crawling up the back of my arm. In another room hear banging, while my father doesn't flinch. Sometimes wonder if he's losing his Things can be so persistant. Only thing that I've found that works in my home is to tell them to quit it while being firm with them. Then they stop until another time. If they don't get to me while I'm awake, they get to me while I'm sleeping. Not sure what to do. I know Bill has said he has someone who can help me learn and gain control. Waiting.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-22)
Mysti - I like the expression, "Stand strong." This is your place you know. I suggest ignoring a lot. I realize that might not work in some instances, but I do suggest not giving in...
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-22)
That is how I get when I walk into my father's house. Suppose to inherit it one day. After learning how exactly blessing is done, plan to start on his. Not sure if strong enough to do his though, alone anyway. The stuff that happens there, at least when I'm there, is stronger than here. I think my father feeds it a lot giving him the energy.
Haunted houses can be interesting, but not living in Told my kids, don't need to go on haunted tour this year for Halloween, got one right here for free.
Another big thing I think, is once the house is blessed, keeping all the others out as well. Sea salt will be apart of our decor I guess. It was quiet last night, at least that I know of. Not sure for my oldest last night, need to ask. I walked through the house last night saying prayers... St michael and such, especially in most active areas. Kind of letting them know I'm not playing.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-22)
Do you know why I am getting tingling sensation? Have not seen anything about this. Feels very strange.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-22)
Kosher salt? Never heard of this. Have Sea salt. Is there a difference between 2? What is kosher salt normally used for as far as spiritually? Curious. Have my youngest pray outloud with me nightly. Although, entire family is better now think of it. My youngest and I more spiritual than rest of my family members. My youngest since very young has strong belief in God. Possibly result of Gift, unsure.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-22)
I'm not doing my work. Haunted houses fascinate me! I've never had one, on purpose. When we've gone house hunting, made it a point to find a "happy" or "neutral" one. I do remember walking through the door of one, it took 2 seconds, getting chills and telling the real estate agent and my hubby, "I would never, ever live here." He looked at me funny - it was one of the prettiest we saw - We went through it anyway and partway, the agent, a business person, told me she'd never show that house again. I nodded. It was a weird feeling...
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-22)
Good morning. Can't stay long, work things to do, but I was thinking that too - the remodel is messing with her domain...
Edmund (578 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-21)
mystical2... I forgot to add that she is P.O. About the remodeling... That's a part of it too.
Edmund (578 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-21)
mystical2... The haunting will intensify until the blessings are done. It knows what is going to happen but until then the Entitys, Ghosts, or whatever we call it are pretty much free to harass. The blessings need to happen soon. And I know you told me that you say prayers and have bibles around the house. You can also get some temporary relief by praying together as a family and blessing the house everyday... I would go full bore and sprinkle some Kosher salt in the corners of affected rooms and have some sage incense burning quite often.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-21)
It was messing with my cat last night. My cat came into our room and was meowing loudly. My guy took our cat and put him in another room. After he leaves room, I felt someone sit on bed against me. Dragged my blanket down while doing so. Felt a tingling sensation, not sure why. Sat up and just sat there, didn't say a word. It finally went away. My cat is still acting strange today. Got him to come out of basement and he stood there tail straight out and hair straight up, creeping. Didn't last long, he took off down stairs again. Not sure what happened to him. Not happy with it.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-21)
I have tried ignoring it. Same lady that came out of chair my youngest and I saw clearly before. I think she thinks she is staying. I guess she'll be surprised. Bad stuff, normally don't go there. For people that look into it, don't think they realize they can pull it in. Don't know why I'm going through this. Perhaps a test of some sort. I guess we all have to start some where.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-21)
Have you ever tried just ignoring bad stuff? Yesterday was taking a quick nap, pooped, and felt the cat jump up on the bed. Both are trained not to go there. So I rolled over and no cat. I went back to sleep, maybe thought something like, bug off first.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-21)
Maybe your mother-in-law's father just wants to be remembered and thought about - take out his picture and acknowledge that because of him, you have your husband. Find out more about him. The woman, scary one, that might have been your imagination kicking in when you didn't understand what was happening. Your mother-in-law didn't seem scared. Our brains work and create to understand I think. We expect scary stuff. It might have been a nice contact, a relative.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-20)
Found out couple days ago, my oldest is being messed with nightly. It is in the attic which is on the side of his room through the door. They bang on the walls from one end of the room to the other side ending beside his bed. Been doing this for several nights to him. Ticks me off actually. I've been saying prayers daily and nightly trying to keep everything under control. At times when they start messing with me, know it sound strange or funny, but I'll sometimes start singing a religous song really loud. Makes me feel calm and at peace while it is probably hating This blessing is going to be a learning experience for me. Perhaps I'm suppose to learn from all this. Maybe in the future I'll be able to help someone else. I do have a feeling it is going to get a little ugly while blessing being done. I pray my guy will hold up through all of it fine.
Edmund (578 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-20)
mystical2... She will use everything within her power to stop the blessing and get more entrenched. She knows a blessing especially multiple blessings are the end for her. The trick is to use lots of prayer and anything else before the blessings so her grasp on the house is minimized. God dosen't let children get lost for long a blessing will push them towards the light.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-17)
That is one way of looking at it. That is why I wanted other's thoughts. Thanks! If happens again before blessing, which blessing should happen soon, I'm going to have to give her a little surprise and stand my ground as I did in the last setting. So perhaps she has done same setting twice because this is the only way she has been able to build fear in me? I'm curious how this blessing is going to go since they have some feelings thinking it is a child. I guess with Bill and me together and God we can all defeat whatever this entity is together. I just hope they are prepared to see what I did if it shows. Thanks again Edmund. As always, you are very helpful.
Edmund (578 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-17)
mystical2... Well anyway I don't see the dream having a specific meaning. I see it more as a "gotcha" moment by the spirit. The attic/bedroom is a metaphor for memories past and a white rocker a metaphor for purity or a sort of mental comfort. But even in this setting she wants you to know that she can strike. Its a harrassment technique used by her... Like I said if your getting bitten and with these dreams do not waste time in getting the house blessed.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-16)
I've got bibles throughout the house. Went to the library and checked out some more. I know it looked strange checking out so many different bibles at one time. Lol... Other than those 3 episodes and some I think we are all handling it fairly well. My guy isn't being messed with as much anymore. Had to teach him about his fear and worry over it. Since his nerves have calmed so has the activity towards him. I guess this was all a sudden surprise for him. We've been together for 16 years. He knew of me knowing things, but I never spoke to him about my experiences with spirits. Didn't want to weird him out. Had no choice over all this. On top of learning more about me now our son is starting his. He didn't take it very well at first, but he is coming around. Even with at my father's house with activity he learned earlier on, I let him believe just a haunting and I never really had anything to do with it. He thought it was weird how he had had some strange experiences since meeting me. Maybe I was wrong not saying anything, don't know. Too late now.
Edmund (578 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-16)
mystical2... I hope the blessing of the house happens soon and they do it several times. When your getting scatched and bitten its not a good sign. I would probably go to a second hand book store and put some bibles in the bookshelf and one or two prayer books for good measure! Kind of keep her locked in her room.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-16)
Nothing has been blessed yet. It will be soon. We have been working on our home. Hard wood floors holding us up now. Once that is done and we get our new furniture we will be ready to go. The investigations just take a while. They have came out twice now. In the mean time I've been trying to figure this all out myself. I don't feel this girl is a girl still. The dark figure my son saw standing next to the man whom was surrounded by light stood about the same height. Now in the evp I got I hear a girl. Maybe I'm missing something. Maybe there are 3. Lost children still hesitate me. They do listen to me though. I'm firm with them. Just feel like I am meant to figure this out, but I'm not getting anywhere. I'd send you the pic and evp but you don't have an email listed. Oh, and I know she hides in that part of the attic in behind the bookshelf. I can feel it at times when I go up there.

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