From the time I was four years old I have had serious cases of deja vu. I am now fifteen and over the years the deja vu got closer and closer together. When I was thirteen I realized that I was having dreams and when I had the deja vu I would be seeing my dream play out before me.
After I turned fifteen I had an accident and since then the dreams occurred almost every night. And along with the dreams I would see shadowed figures and animals out of the corner of my eye. I would also wake up in the middle of the night from a dream and look above me and see large glowing masses of light, this has happened on several occasions.
When school started back up the dreams spread out, so much so that I had thought they'd completely stopped until I had one last month. The dreams aren't really all that important, just things I would say to someone, or actions I would do, or things people would say to me. And I don't see shadows anymore or the lights but I do feel like someone is watching me, I don't know what to make of this and this week the dreams started back up again, I really don't know what's going on, MY relatives told me that my family on my mothers side was made up of a very long line of psychics, I don't know if it has anything to do with what's going on with me or not. But I'm confused and upset and a little bit scared. Any comments would be appreciated.