I am in need of guidance. Recently, I have been getting visions or sensing a strong presence of a Native American Indian in my house. At times I can see an Aura of him erect, about 5'7 facing my backyard window. He stands there, staring. His head held down at times in grief and sadness. He raises his arm up about half way and points into the distance. I dismissed this as imagination.
I didn't really pay attention to it until after I attended my uncle's funeral service. In my head, I had images, similar to memories but were not the memories of my uncle. He would be pointing at someone and trying to gesture to me.
There was a point that the pastor was talking about my deceased uncle. I just knew that my uncle was with us, in that room. I didn't physically see him, but I could visualize him moving about the funeral. He would gesture to me, put his hand on my Aunt's shoulders and look to me, sad. He put his hands on the shoulders of my cousin, his son. I knew he was trying to convey "I'm sorry. I'm proud." to my cousin. It was as if he noticed I was paying attention.
He was in his motor bike gear and then the image sharply changed to him in his tux/ tails with an open music portfolio. It was black, leather, matte in color. He continued to mimic singing and hand miming projection. My mind paid special attention to the detail of his tux shirt. His mime of singing was an over exaggeration. This action kept playing in my head over and over. I didn't understand. Then my living uncle went up to the platform which held his ashes and a photograph of my deceased uncle and stated that my Uncle would want his music to show. That was what he was trying to tell me. Next, my deceased uncle clapped and gave a thumbs up with a huge smile. Images didn't stop. Eventually, the last image was of him in front of everyone doing a big, gracious, stiff bow. He closed his portfolio and exited beyond the niches through the glass, and was gone. This seemed to be his final and grand performance.
Unrelated, in my peripheral vision, I can sometimes see a hot white yellow lighted person figure who is incredibly tall and very thin. I sometimes think I can feel random warmth.
I want to know if these incidences are worth pursuing an answer for. How do I develop my senses? What exactly have I experienced? I am not on any medications and do not have a family history of psychiatric diseases.