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Psychic Experiences in Category: A Psychic's Life Story: Page 2
Physic And Spiritual Experinces by Liam39876
First off I want thank you for taking the time to read this. I for one have never actually published a story like this talking about myself or really talked to much about these experiences I've been having. I'm making this because i'm trying to seek some clarity and some direction on what I should d...
Loss Of Ability by Pbarilla101
For as long I can remember I could read energy. It was so easy and so natural that I never considered it an ability. It was how I perceived the world. Before I trusted my 5 senses I trusted my energy reading. When I hit puberty I discovered sexual energy. It's power was addictive. I lived in it for ...
Finally Admitting This by Synergy
I have not spoken much to anyone about the abilities I have, one due to fear they would reject and criticize me and two, because it still blows me away when these things happen. I don't like to use the word psychic because it's so commercial, but I will share a few experiences to give you an idea of...
Unprepared, Overwhelmed, And Forcefully Reawakened by Poqits
I think that before I begin telling the story that brought me here, I am going to have to share a little about myself. Everyone in my direct bloodlines has an ability, so I am "gifted" from both parents. I'm not sure how common it is for families to all have the same basic core for their abilities, ...
"he" Scarded The Hell Out Of Me! by love2dogs
In 2002 I was 35 years of age but have had a gift that I had been aware of since I was 10. In 2002, we were shopping for our first home, I was looking at probably our 5th house to pick from that day and realized that this "gift" was way too much for me to try to handle or understand on my own......
Confused About My Abilities And Abilities With Spirits by youthfulwalkerancientsoul
I've NEVER talked about myself like this before... But last night I had a very unique lucid dream. Its still so fresh in my mind I needed to share my experience with it! I never dream of people I know, I dream of complete strangers or mainly people I "know" of (like a beloved role model or something...
My Experience With Psychic Abilities That I Think I Have by artemis89
Last year I went to a Brian L. Weiss workshop (The author of Many Lives, Many Masters) because I been through a lot during my childhood and teen years and I was looking for ways to heal and self develop. I was also suffering from depression and dealing with a panic/anxiety disorder so I started read...
Me And My Abilities! by Atmokinetic
I am a male, 16 years of age, I have known about the spiritual for years now, my earliest experience was around 1-2, or so, I don't remember them that well though. I have been practicing psychic abilities since 10-11 years of age, of course, I quit for a few years sadly, but I am back now, and have...
Sceptic Psychic by RayBowski
My father has always been in touch with the spiritual side. He can tell stories of witnessing ghosts and apparitions. He can sleep somewhere and wake up knowing who died how and when. My brother, a strong believer, bought all the books, crystals, everything, keen to find something like my dad has. H...
Are Psychic Abilities Hereditary? by breefromage
Since before I was born, my mother's side of the family have always been in touch with their psychic abilities and beliefs. From predicting numerous pregnancies to seeing signs and spirits. Being a mostly female family, we all have a sense of connection to one another. My aunty and her daughter s...
The Curse I Live With by RogueBunny
I guess I will start at the beginning. I have always had the ability to remember things most people don't, such has being a baby or my very 1st nightmare. I was about a 18 months old, I wore a soft white footie pajamas with the pink flowers on them. It was me on a roller-coaster and it was awful, bu...
Unbelievable Things Can Happen by TheresaGargano
All my life I've had dreams, divine interventions, and Déjà vu's but this one went the long haul. Over this past summer, June of 2015 more specifically, I was being taunted by June bugs here in San Diego, California. The fact that I'm deathly afraid of these critters is only one reason for me to t...
A Psychic Blockage by Crystelle
I have always wondered if I have some psychic ability. There have been several instances throughout my life that seemed more than coincidence. I have noticed that recently, there seems to be a decrease in my sensitivity to ghosts and also my general clairvoyance. In research and meditation, I have c...
A Door I Might Accidentally Opened by bluemoon77
First of all,I've encountered with spirits for six months and I think I might have accidentally opened the door of spiritual world. I had great interest in these stuff, being psychic and all those supernatural things. I had some psychic experiences when I was about seven years old.But,as I grew up, ...
My Spiritual Experience, Is It Just Me? by angel124
I have been able to see auras recently, from the help of another psychic, she awoke me, and told me that I really do have these powers of a psychic and she told to believe in myself, that was a year ago. She told me ever since I was born, my third eye has been or already had been opened. All my ...
I Feel It's Becoming Second Nature by adixon1122
First off let me say thank you for taking the time to read my stories. I have been searching for a serious forum about these experiences. Growing up I didn't watch too much tv but when I did it was always a paranormal show; never knew why I was so attracted to them, just was. It all started when I b...
I Have Always Had Gifts by whimsicalang80
I'm Angie. I'm almost 36. My abilities come and go my whole life. Stronger now because I\'m more in tuned to them. And I'm not crazy. It started out when I was 5. I had an imaginary friend. Still do. Its a spirit who follows me everywhere in my life. No shes not my gairdian angel. I do have one ...
Energy, Visualization, Spirit Work, And Empathic Abilities by victoriaelizabeth_
My name is Vicki and for as long as I can remember I have been able to easily visualize energy and use that energy in different ways. For example let's say I want a candle flame to move a certain way, ill put my energy into it and it will. This goes for other things such as wind and I am unsure ...
Reopening My Abilities by dreamer13099
I was wondering how I can reopen my psychic abilities. I have been psychic for as long as I can remember, but about a year ago there was a lot going on in my life. Two of my grandparents had passed away within months and I was just in a bad mental state. I found my abilities to be overwhelming and o...
Discovering My Abilities And Fears by CMTP
I am now 15 years old and I experienced them for serveral times. I will not say I am truly a psychic but I think I'm more than normal. For most times, they are not too strong but they can strong at times. I think it started with hearing. When I was young (about eight or nine years old), I started...
A Lot Of Different Experiences by Nancybast
I am Nancy, I am 29 years old and from Quebec. I have had the feeling of water drops on me a couple of times. Sometimes I will be driving in my car and it is raining outside and I can feel the rain drops on my face but all the windows are closed. Other times I am at home and I feel it from the ceili...
Too Many Incidents To Name by maskedmanx
My name is william. I'm 28. This has been happening for 10 years now that I remember and I can't stop it. Its out of control. I see guardian angels following people. I hear them and smell their scent that they use to smell like. I have dreams that come true. My girl friend got killed and I w...
Am I Having A Psychic Awakening? by ArabaDadzie
My name is Araba. I'm a Virgo 9/16/97 (Virgo Sun. To start off ever since I was 13 I've been having vivid realistic dreams. These dreams have always been a precognition of events that were to come in the future. These dreams were anything from warnings from my spirit guides of friends who'd turn aga...
Discovering Myself by Furyaivi
i'm not here out of fandom or anything of the sort. My life has been a rollercoaster for as long as I can remember. And one of the Things that keep crashing back into it is the Word "psychic" and i'd like to say that I know a lot on the subject, the honest answer would be "No". However. I've had...
New Powerful Abilities? by Xarath
As you may of read in my past experiences I am a practitioner of Biokinesis, and various other abilities. I have stumbled upon abilities I can't fully explain to someone that is experiencing them, Ill try to explain what happened before gaining them and what they are the best I can. I am fairly sure...
Abilities Are Getting Stronger, What's Is Happening? by helenlove872
I am 18 years old, and for all my life, basically I have been able to feel energy. Between my hands, in the air, off of other people, and when I say feel. I mean like physically feel, like as if the energy is a substance and I am touching it. Not only can I feel it, but I can give off my own energy,...
My Experiences by XylaLeBell
I am 15 years old and I have been experiencing these. I don't know what to call it. I usually say things and it comes true but it only happens when I've been hurt or angry, at least I think because it only happen to the people who hurt me. So usually someone says something to me that hurts me, like ...
Going Through Awakening And Seeking Mentor by CapricornLight
I have been an intuitive all my life. I always been able to read energy very clearly. And often times I can finish someone's sentence or tell them what they are about to say or do. Or what they have been doing. Or if they're lying. I've been able to do this my whole life. Up until a couple of years ...
Confirmation by Nepheara
This will likely be a bit shorter than my other submissions, and the purpose is to ask a question that will hopefully lead to some understanding or connection on my part, that I am not alone in this. Let me start off by giving a bit of a story to help explain my point of view. In case you ha...
Uncertain What's Happening by AspirantOfAlexandria
This is probably a longer story than usual. I don't remember specifics before I was nine, but I was happy. We suddenly moved two hours away and I shut down completely. This has bearing on my being a Sensitive in that, when I was older, my instincts and intuition roared to the surface. I intuitively ...
Learning In My Journey by empathdreamer
My story happened several months ago. When I say several months ago, I mean having to do with dreams, a nightmare and when I awake every night seeing things. I am an empath, (feel people's energy around me) I am "sensitive" to ghosts and spirits. I used to only hear and feel them, (now I also see th...
Believing Is Becoming by moonlitpath
I am about to tell the story on how I started being interested on psychic stuff. I was 1st year in high school then, about 14 years old. We were supposed to have a choral practice, but it got suspended. So, me and my choir members decided to just hang out for a while. One of the topics we happen ...
I Think My Sensitive Abilities Are Being Passed To My Kids by Andwyn13
I have always been told I was crazy. Since I was small, I was told the things I felt and seen were imaginary. And they haven't always been positive energy. Some has been bad, really bad. But I knew that I couldn't control what was going to come my way, and I knew they were real. I see everything fro...
What Am I Based On These Experiences? by Lexi_Bean31
In my earlier posts, I talked more about my connection with the spirits at my house versus how none of my other family can sense them. In this story, I hope to list out the different things I've encountered and hopefully someone can maybe give a name to what my ability is? The only things I've ever ...
My "familys", Mysterious Connection? by Xarath
My name is Shanon, I am a 15 year old boy, So, if you read my last story which I talked about the spirits that have been following me sense birth you would know I have abnormal control of energy, and an abnormal ability to feel, and see it clearly. I have decided to "scan" the "Spirits", that have b...
Too Many Unexplained Experiences by catherinec98
I've had unexplained experiences ever since I was a small child. I'm 17 now, but I can remember having dreams that would come true all the way back in 1st grade. I've always been drawn to the paranormal as well. My favorite books as a kid were always (always) a part of the fantasy/sci-fi genres beca...
I Think I Have Potential, But How Do I Make It Happen? by Concerned_Princess
I know that I've already posted one of these, but it wasn't very well written, or informative, and very poorly set up so I'm trying again. Let me start off with I am strange, I always have been. I can't ever think of a time when I wasn't. My mom is always telling me about things that I did, and how ...
My Grandmother And I by shaylo0807
My story is a bit different I guess regarding to communicating with the dead. I am from a heavily devout Christian family, so you can already tell that speaking or messing with the dead is considered a sin/abomination. My grandmother can see and speak to the dead, as do one of her sisters, her...
Lifelong Lessons And Still Learning by Rieski
I'm from the Washington DC metropolitan area in the United States. I am 39 years old and have known that I was psychic, to some extent from a very young age. I used to be visited by entities ever since I was 3 years old. They would come to me and teach me different things throughout the night. Every...
What's Happening? by tiredqueen
For the past year strange things have been happening. Now that I think about it, all of my life weird things have been happening. I think these things have been going on since I was young but I started becoming aware of them after my grandpa died. I became depressed and developed social anxiety in m...
My Multiple Psychic Experiences by Christylee71
At age 8, I had just laid down in my bed and looked to the left and saw a little girl in a white gown glowing. This was my first experience and I closed my eyes, made a cross with my fingers and started praying. I opened my eyes and she was gone. After that experience, I started hearing voices but n...
Events In My Life by Jenniferchap
I have had many experiences. I dream and what I dream comes true, more so when I was younger. The one dream that stands out was, I was standing at the lights waitting to cross and a little boy around 11 years old was standing beside me, we both started to walk across street and the boy was stuck ...
My Life Of Unexplained Experiences by JessicaR1668
I have been experiencing things that others would call nonsense. I'm 13 years old and ever sense birth I've felt like I was... In a way different from normal girls. When I was 7 years old my sister and I witnessed a Spirit or ghost of some kind in our burnt down house up in Nevada, it didn't burn do...
A Few Psychic Experiences As A Child, Nothing Since Then by nicoleedaniellee
Recently, my mother has told me about a few experiences I had when I was a child. I was around 8 or 9 at the time, I'm 15 now. One of the experiences, the most notable one I think, was a situation where I predicted a Tornado. My dad was working in Murrayville, Georgia on a job. I vaguely remember th...
How Do I Stop Being Affected By These Things by connorofford
My name is Connor, I'm 15, I am gifted child with a sixth sense since I was born, my life has been constantly moving from house to house, I have moved 9 times in 15 years because of the same recurring events. Ever since I was old enough to talk I instantly had imaginary friends even though I had ...
Weird Experiences Over The Years by studious
I'm fourteen years old but I've had a few strange experiences over the years. When I was nine years old, I became interested in the paranormal because of a friend who claimed that she could see ghosts and would always do those arm raising tricks. Later on during a weekend, I was sitting next to t...
My Weird Life Story (includes Gods And Underworld People) by Bailey_Harris1998
It begins when I was 15, I actually believed in paranormal events and myth stuffs, nothing paranormal happen to me, then one day I met my spirit guide.he's a guy,17,American and his name is Ryan Harris. Well we got along just fine, we shared our story a lot and then we fell in love without knowing w...
Fear In The Heart Of A Child by masterofelements
I remember when I was about two, things were ecspeacially strange for someone at such a young age. When I was very little, my parents got divorced and when I was at my Mom's house, she would just leave. Her boyfriend was very abusive to us, but my mom didn't know. Practically nobody can remember th...
My Psychic Experiences And Some Numerology by justarandomname
There is a few different times I'm going to talk about, and some of my numerology. Lets start with my first known psychic experience; I was 5 years old, my dad was at work as a dj and I was in the car with my mom on the way back home, all of a sudden I get this feeling that something is wrong with s...
Unknown Abilities: Trying To Understand Them by musicislove1993
Odd things has been a norm in my life. But recently they've gotten to the point where I can't ignore them any longer. I'm going to give a few examples. Maybe someone can explain to me what in the world is going on with me. Please bare with me, I know these sound like different stories but I'm explai...
Psychic Family History by Dhabi65
I am now 52 years old and have lived with this all my life I scared the hell out of my mam who is now sadly passed away, she used to tell me I was like my nan who new things before they happen or talk to dead people, I wish I could get the lottery numbers then maybe it would be useful. I can tell yo...
Im A Young Psychic And Wants To Learn More by jamesj754
I'm James and I'm a psychic. I'm a non normal kid but a normal nerd (video games comic books) . I can not only see moment from the future very vividly. The visions get longer and more vivid as I grow. When I was younger I thought of it as major deejavu but I know that's not case I've developed more ...
Things Are Getting A Bit Strange by Anya
Mum was a non-charging psychic medium and schizophrenic. I saw some amazing things as a child. I am myself a scientist with a very skeptical mind but it would be entirely arrogant, and frankly unscientific of me to deny what I have seen with my own eyes and failed, despite many efforts, to explain a...
My Blood Line And Possible Abilities by Roll
I really don't know how to start this off so I'll get right to the point. My family-tree has a bunch of psychics in it dating back to the Salem which trials and probably even before that. The thing is that ALL of the psychics in my family have a mark a special mark on our heads. The mark is on the b...
Lifetime Of Mine by sgravely
I am now 34 years old. As long as I can remember I have had dreams about things that hadn't happened, yet. I have talked to family members that have passed on about things yet to come. Usually it was about illness sometimes death. I have known when something was bad or when something happened to my ...
My Third Eye Is Open by starie
My spiritual journey started back in 2011 and has just intensified since. I was in a abusive relationship, all alone with no friends or family and lost hope. One night after another abusive (mentally, emotionally, physically) argument with my xbf he left and I was ready to die. For 3 days he was gon...
Pregnancy Boost And Drain Since Birth Of Child by rachysetty
I have been actively using my psychic and clairvoyant ability for the last 10 years. Over the last 5 years I have made many breakthroughs (mostly aided by giving up a stressful job I'm sure). I have a now 3 year old boy and I have a daughter aged one. During my last pregnancy I experienced ups an...
What Am I Supposed To Do? by Romans_apprentice
I don't want to sound like i'm trying to be special because i'm not, but i've been watching tv lately and many of the characters psychic powers are just dramatic scenarios of what's been happening to me now that i'm growing older. For the last few months i've been actually paying attention to th...
Finding Out About My Gift by PerfectPrettyPinkPrincess
This is an update story about what's going on in my spiritual journey. Since going on this site I have found answers to some of the thing's I am experiencing. I have found out I am gifted which makes me really happy because I thought I was crazy over the things I saw. The sad part is demons are a bi...
My Spiritual/paranormal Hot-pot by minmi
I'm looking for closure and advice with this post. Please don't ridicule or mock me for my content. I'm currently a high school student who's stuck in a rut. I'm a Christian, and I don't exactly believe in "spirit-guides" beyond Christian terms, so if I could receive assistance without some spirit f...
Went Too Far, Having Trouble Recovering by werlin
For awhile now, I've known I was different than everyone else. I know things I shouldn't know. When I was younger, my grandma had a conversation with me that I can't even remember what started it. She could her voices in her head, random voices at times. Not like people talking to her, but talking i...
Experiences Of The Other Kind by Aniras
I am going through some pretty deep stuff right now due to an emotional encounter I immediately described as shattering my soul. I have since carried a migraine which no amount of drug is fixing. I recall incidences in my life of seeing a spirit, orbs, white feathers and more recently dark wis...
Abilities Are Confusing & Fading by WizardGirl
Ever since I was young I have believed in psychics and I used to believe in the Witches you see in the movies (now I am more knowledgeable about Wicca, Witchcraft, Paganism and Wizardry). I believe I have the ability of Electrokinesis. I have had this ability since as long as I can remember. I alway...
Too Much Power Inside. Death. My Body Breaking Down. Help? by AuroraFaith9
To start. Not to sound vain. I've been told I have too much energy or power inside. I can cast wiccan spells with just a thought. I can flood an area with energy I can control at will. I've banished a powerful demon that had been hunting me for 11 years and trying to possess me, in my dreams with th...
I Wasn't Aware At First Until I Found Out I'm A Psychic by BrightStar
I'm basically a shy person so please bear with me. So I started realizing that I have psychic abilities this 2015 So first I started experiencing deja vu (yeah I know EVERYONE has one) when I was in grade 8 but that only happens often, until I started getting deja vu like EVERYDAY! I told this t...
Young Psychic? by Wafflethecat
When I was young, I told my mom I saw a native-Indian women with different colored spirits around her. I was 3 at the time, and how I knew these words was a mystery to my mom. Also, when I was very young, around the same age I asked my mom; "Why was I brought here? This place has so much hate and vi...
My Newly Found Abilities by CourtneyS90
I am here to try to get some help and any advice you can give would be greatly appreciated. Ever since I was a young child I would have vivid dreams as well as night terrors that I could not wake myself from, many different ones but all of the details stood out with no detail left behind when I was ...
Psychic Dreams Of Reality by masterofelements
This is another weird event that happened to me. So, I have really vivid dreams, like VERY vivid. Anyways, I had this really strange dream about my little brother wearing some random outfit, and a lady I have never seen before. She was wearing a pretty purple dress. The next morning I had to go t...
Empath Abilities Growing Stronger With Age, Why? by ATTILATAI
I,remember the day I was born it was overwhelming, the smell, noises the stinging in my eyes I wanted to go to that place I came from but could not remember where, not yet anyway. I can feel everything around me, but as I grow older its getting stronger. I see aura and colors around people animals t...
I Don't Know If I Should Embrace My Abilities Or Not by Breathe_Phoenix
Am I weird? Ever since I was young, I knew something was different. Other little girls my age wanted to play fairies, horses, etc, but I wanted to talk about dreams, etc. I always felt different. When I got to about 10, I knew something was definitely wrong, especially when I was having an argum...
I Am Almost Too Psychic by masterofelements
These are only a few of the experiences I have had. First, I was at my Great-Grandmother's house for a few minutes before we would head off again on our journey to St. George. Our family was just talking about life and such, when for some reason I thought to myself; Great Grandma is going to die soo...
My Background Story by Nchristensen
First I will apologize because I have dyslexia (luckily my computer has spell check) so I will do my best at being punctual and spelling correctly. I believe this is where it all rooted from. When I was being born my great grandma was on her deathbed and was very close to death (obviously ha) but sh...
What Is It That I'm Experiencing?! by jfoss7
I am seventeen and some very weird stuff has been happening to me lately. I am going to start from the beginning. Growing up I was always the shy child that was odd but I wasn't ever too odd. My mom said as a child I talked to myself a lot And I actually remember talking to myself up until the age o...
Always Have Been Able To See Things by Spellboundchick
I am hoping to find an explanation about an event that happened last night. Thing is My friend sleeps in my room in her own bed and I sleep in my own bed. My son was asleep in my grandfathers room. Well I was in a deep sleep and I don't remember any of this at all but my friend told me that last nig...
My Psychic Depression by BrinkerzHD
My name is Brandon. I am depressed, I am psychic and I am a healer and I don't know how to tell her. She is psychic too. She is very clairaudient and Clairvoyant but she has lost touch with the spiritual world and has integrated into the world of popularity and selfishness. I love my mother but I c...
Frightened And Limited By Experiences by Ourtree
When I was around six, I moved houses. It was an old house. I immediately began seeing orb-like balls and silhouettes and it often made me too scared to sleep or have the light off. Everyone passed it off as typical childish behaviour and said that I just had a good imagination. Even at the time, I ...
I'm Not Sure What I Am by InAnotherLife
I've experience some things that led me to thinking that I might be a psychic but I'm not sure myself. I can't list all the events exactly in time order that it happened but I'm able to remember some. Since I was little, I always have this curiosity and passion for the other world, I always have ...
Unkown Powers by Myk22
Every since I was 5 (I'm 15 now) I have seen spirits. By now I'm used to it. I've always known I've had some kind of sixth sense but I've never really fully understood what was going on with me. It seems the older I get the more stuff I'm developing and realizing. Like I said I have always been able...
I Decided To Stop Ignoring My Intuition And Go For It by TracyTarot
I remember making contact with my first spirit at age 5. My father had just died a few weeks earlier and I still didn't understand what that meant other then he was not coming back. It was early in the morning and I remember being in the bottom bunk with my sister on the top, I was wearing foote...
I Don't Understand My Abilities by Meows
I'm new to this website (obviously) and I figured this would be the perfect place to ask questions as I'm young and not quite in control of the things I can see and do. I've been able to experience things since I could remember so much so it would scare my parents. You know, they watched poltergeist...
Crystal? Indigo? by confused13
I am Miranda and I am 17 years old. I apologize for the length of the story, however I have many questions about myself I am hoping you all can help me. It started when I was born, I was a naturally independent child, and a naturally kind child. I always obeyed my parents, I always knew the "right t...
There's Something Different by xxxeeexxx
Ever since I was young, maybe 9 or 10, I've always felt like there was something different about me. Obviously, me being the kid I was, I first came up with the conclusion "maybe i'm a witch and I'm going to go to Hogwarts". Then, as soon as I turned 11 and didn't get my letter, I knew that couldn't...
Hopefully A Helpful Adventure by Siren-owl
Lets start from the very beginning. Starting at a very young age I could see things that others couldn't. Spirits, shadows, demons, and angels. When I was 4 I remember going into my parents room and a shadow standing over them in their bed, I freaked out. Later we decided to bless our house from ne...
My Experiences Part 01 by RileyFrost
I don't know how many parts this will be, it will depend solely on the stories I have to tell. I think it all started at early, I had times where I could feel someone in the same room with me, when none else was. One night in particular, I was sleeping in a bed next to my younger sister and I was dr...
Is It Psychic Energy Or Something Else? by whtwolf192
I am Empathic. Through out my life I have been overly sensitive to the feelings of others, my intuition is extremely strong, and I'm in tune with energy currents in the environment that affect my emotional stability and comfort. Recently I have been opening up with my senses and my meditation to e...
A Look At My Childhood by PumpkinPrincessPayton
From a young age, I've always known things I shouldn't, because the dead whispered to me. I was told by my mother that I shocked her and my grandmother from early on. Once, when I was two, my mom and grandmother took me shopping to a place none of us have been before. As soon as my stroller roll...
How Do I Embrace My Psychic Abilities Again? by scarletspot
Since I was little I would always have imaginary friends which would be considered rather normal I guess. I've had a guardian angel who's name was Paul and I would always talk to him, and he would talk to me and calm me whenever I was feeling uneasy. I don't know what's happened but I learnt to push...
Overcoming My Demons by Drakoreo
My teen years started like most, rebellion, drugs, partying, and of course, playing with oujia boards, & satanic principles to some sweet screaming Disturbed. No I'm very much serious about this though. Rest assured my taste in music has improved. Lol After a near death experience, my life change...
Story Of A Normal Man by fromspace
Because of following story submission rules my story will look oversimplified. Most of my life I was complete realist & atheist (still so, just less complete). About 1.5 years ago I started noticing that I know too much about what going to happen in my country. Sounds vague. Can't explain without ...
This Is Just My Story by pa_empath
I don't have any questions about what I am or anything like that. I'm 17 years old, and I live in Pennsylvania. I just need to get my story out there, it's been bottled up for so long. I guess it all started around 40 something years ago. My uncle Chris was out for a walk near his house in up state ...
Life's Journey by red_velvet
My life journey has been interesting and exciting so far. Just like any other humans, I experienced bad times and also good times. Was born as a confused kid. Curious about many things and doesn't understand how things work. How human way of thinking. But just like other normal humans I have adventu...
As A Child, I Experienced Things I Can't Explain by Intuzi
As a child I have seen many strange things. Most of which allude to the future but some do so to the past as well so I'll just give you some examples. Celebrities would visit me in my dreams and they would teach me all about their trade. The next day, they would pass away. I only remember one oc...
I Have Horns, And Wings, Am I Angel Or Demon? by TheHornedOne
I have horns, I drain energy from others, am I angel or demon? I've been different from the general population since around October 2009 when I followed a YouTube video about concentrating energy with the hands, and it worked: my person energy flows from my right hand to the left hand, and since ...
Whats Happening To Me? by KadyLoux
From a very young age I have been able to sense things, I grew up in the countryside and moved from house to house. This one particular house I lived in, I felt and seen a lot in it. I was only around 8 years old, I heard this constant whistle as tho calling for a dog. I used to ask my parents what ...
Wanting To Unwrap My Gift by Bailey_eliz
I've been up for two nights straight puzzled by what's been going on. I'm 20 years old and I've always felt different from my peers. Not in a bad way, just not on the same level that they were on. I know my grandmaw is a firm believer in the sixth sense and she says she's gifted to see and sense thi...
Powerful Child by RebelTweenOsiria
It all started when I was young. I was walking to school, and I saw someone out of the corner of my eye, he/she was wearing DC shoes, and that's all I saw, he/she turned around the corner, I went to look at who it was, and he/she was gone! Disappeared into thin air! I'm not lying! I saw him/her! ...
My Abilitie Q's by -_-Sleepy-_-
Thanks to all of the people reading this I would really appreciate it if you can help me out by answering a few questions. Okay to start off sorry for misspelling I have fat fingers and a small smartphone with a lot or cracks everywhere. Anyhow let get started. A few thing about me I believe I ha...
Helping Me Understandand What Gift I Have by Megg94
My name is Meg and I am 21! I personally believe that I have some sort of gift. I'm not exactly sure what I really fall into though. I will try and give a little back ground on my life so to help understand. I was born on Nov 22 (if I'm not mistaken is a zodiac cusp and I'm not really sure if...
A Young Druid With A Gift by LoverBoy77
I've been having paranormal experiences for some time now. When I was younger I had this craving to see spirits and I wished I could- I wish I hadn't. They come to me as shadows, sometimes as fully materialized beings. I work at Subway and everyone there said that they had seen ghosts while they wer...
I Am Gaining Strength In My Abilities by collectm
Growing up, I was always lucky. Always a winner. A game of chance? I would win more times than not. At 29 I moved into a old house. One of the very first built in the town I lived in. I loved everything old in this house. Except for the human tissue in the refridgerator and the pickled human heart o...
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