Am I weird?
Ever since I was young, I knew something was different. Other little girls my age wanted to play fairies, horses, etc, but I wanted to talk about dreams, etc. I always felt different.
When I got to about 10, I knew something was definitely wrong, especially when I was having an argument. I was yelling, then I screamed. As I screamed, and the door slammed shut in my mother's face. I was so terrified at what had happened I screamed and had a breakdown.
At 13, my best friend at the time became interested in psychics, and telepathy. She was always only playing, and I played along until the things I learnt actually worked (like seeing auras - surprisingly one of the easiest things for me to pick up). I never told her any of that.
But because we were interested, we would haunt a Wicca (apparently, I have Irish/Wicca heritage) shop, and so I bought a stone necklace, because I liked it. My abilities then went out of control.
When I was 15, my grandmother passed away. No one had been told yet, but for no apparent reason I looked up and whispered her name to my brother. I still have no idea how I knew.
I had an awful gut feeling yesterday, at precisely 12.13. I went home, and learnt that my friend had committed suicide.
For some reason though, other people get hurt too.
When I was grade 8, I broke up with
My ex. He was later hit by a bus.
I wanted to forget my relationship with another ex, and, well, he got amnesia.
I broke up with another boy (I was grade 7 - give me a break!) And he went missing, and was on the run.
But, luckily, I have found a friend whose mother is a psychic. But I'm confused and worried. I don't seem to specialize or anything, but instead I'm just an all rounder. My friend tells me to just embrace it. But I don't know. What do you think?
The other part that tries to control or steer at times out of frustration of events, only exists bc usually of earlier actions creating them... As soon as I realize if I do such things, then I state with my wording and actions to love above any circumstance... I respect all, and ask Breathe_Phoenix to focus on such thoughts, bc after all this We all surely can see that love extends life, it extends higher good to others, please if you can train yourself to see yourself in the other people, then we would never think harm to begin with. If you can start with your morning keep saying love above it! During they day have a shower at night and say it again as you imagine any negativity flowing off your body into the drain. Expect good outcomes for others as the same you would want them to have for you, trust that it will be as you express ❤ ❤ Be well in all. If other thoughts try to creep in of a lesser level of love, speak over them with a kind loving voice, a motherly like voice, one that encourages the exchange for a better outcome... You can always request verbally, written too that all be done for each and every person's higher good,,,,i cannot say it enuf "HIGHER GOOD" has gotten me through so many lower thoughts.