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Real Psychic Experiences

Soulmate In Spirit


These are some of my experiences with my spirit soulmate Thomas, which according to a psychic cuddles me a lot in spirit. But he doesn't want to interrupt my life path. In fact I often feel cuddled and bear hugged a lot. I usually feel a pressure on my back and energy wrapped around my waist. The longest I've been held by his spirit form in twenty five minutes.

The psychic I went to a while back said he had been looking for me for a long time and she said when he finally found me he was all like, "ah! There she is." she described him like peter pan and that i'm like wendy. She also said he's a total teddy bear.

Well anyway This morning I asked how Thomas knew my past life and if he could tell me. A little later I got into a trance and had a vision. Thomas was leaning over a beautiful dead blond woman sadly. I heard him say "she was my fiance." I still love him so much even though I don't remember who I was back then.

One afternoon I had decided to nickname Thomas 'admiral barney' as a playful joke. And the next day I was laying on my side in bed. I felt a presence behind me cuddling me. With arms wrapped around me waist. Then I heard Thomas's voice whisper in my ear "its the dinosaur." It was pretty funny.

Then one morning I had decided to nickname Thomas 'santa.' And that evening I was laying on my side in bed again. And thomas's presence appeared in my room again. I felt him laying behind me and he started snuggling me with him arms wrapped around me in a tight embrace, "Santa hug!" He said loudly in my ear. I didn't realize it was Thomas at the time and I asked this male spirit, "who is this." And I heard him reply, "ho! Ho! Ho!" I instantly grinned happily. It was Thomas again.

One time I was laying on my parents couch, spending the night and I was laying snuggled up on my side wrapped up in a small blanket. It was too small. And I felt Thomas get behind me. I instantly saw a vision of what he looks like. He had white skin and short black hair with bangs and he was tall and skinny. He wore a pair of black loose pants and a grey-blue colored long sleeved shirt. He was behind me. Instantly the vision faded and I felt these two energy based arms wrapping around me and and I felt a form pressed against my back snuggling close to me.

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eleiriel (guest)
9 years ago (2015-10-29)
I was just laying in bed last night and Aradon and Thomas were fighting. And Aradon was saying "my girl" and then he told me "stop looking at where Thomas is." I couldn't see Thomas I just sensed him beside me. Aradon was on my left and Thomas was on my right. I heard Thomas speaking to me, "you don't have to listen to him your not a puppy." then I heard Aradon tell Thomas to "shut up." and Then I felt Aradon rush over to Thomas, And Aradon said, "you need to stay away from my girlfriend." Then they started attacking Each other and then I heard another male voice yell loudly, "hey! Both of you need knock it off!" They ignored him and kept beating each other up. Then I heard the same voice yell again louder, "hey! HEY! Knock it off now! Your both making her nervous." who ever stopped them, Thank god! They were really stressing me out.

Clairaudience is not fun for me at all, since I've started getting in a spiritual love triangle. The thing is before either of them came to me in 2013 my mom and dad were watching twilight while I was visiting them. I have never liked twilight. So I think the universe is playing some huge joke on me. I think the angels of love found it hilarious. I read up on and watched video's on the angels of love from lorna byrne a woman who see angels and talks to them. And i'm pretty sure these angels knew I didn't want a physical boyfriend and decided to send two spirits who i'm deeply connected to through many lifetimes to me. And they have been fighting each other ever since they found me around the same time.
eleiriel (guest)
9 years ago (2015-10-23)
Yeah, finaquarain [at]

Just so you know I won't critize you. I'm very open to so many possiblities:)
paristata (1 stories) (16 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-23)
Do you have email eleriel? I would rather send it to you like that for fear of being criticized.
eleiriel (guest)
9 years ago (2015-10-22)
[at] paristata who's your twin flame? Mine was Herman Wildenvey now named aradon:) I'm glad yours is around you too:) I feel totally at home with aradon. It's weird with everyone I feel alone, but with him I feel like I'm with someone. He's really sweet:) I look like a shorter female version of my twin flame. We have identical facial features. It's amazing!
eleiriel (guest)
9 years ago (2015-10-22)
That's really awesome! I wrote a post of my twin flame experiences on here called 'twin flame telepathy, visions and dreams.' Its about some of my experiences with him:) he was a poet.
paristata (1 stories) (16 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-22)
Interesting, because my twinflame who is actually in spirit revealed himself to me in 2013!
eleiriel (guest)
9 years ago (2015-10-22)
My spirit soulmate Thomas came around November 2013. My twin flame in spirit aradon came around July 2013. And yeah thomas is around me everyday. Its pretty awesome having someone to cuddle me:)
paristata (1 stories) (16 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-22)
Thats amazing! Do you feel him everyday, when did he come to you?

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