I realize all ages read this site so I will keep this PG. I welcome constructive comments as I am looking for people with a similar experience so I may learn more about what is going on in mine. Also, I will keep this basic, leaving out details that may be boring to a reader.
I have come to realize that compared to most people, I have had a life rich in psychic experiences and communications. I'm not new to it, I have spent years studying, meditating and taking classes. I have done readings, but not professionally. I don't make money at it. I have my reasons, but they don't apply here. I have been speaking to my guardians since I was a child. I have seen so much while in a waking, walking state, I have no doubts about the reality of it all. I have strong protections in place that I have actually seen work and I have seen what I am protecting us from, while awake, not just in meditation. I'm not a novice.
Still, the more I learn, the less I know.
Information about my recent experience has been very hard to find and even after everything I've experienced, it was difficult for me to believe.
After what I finally figured out was much time an effort, my attention was awakened to a spirit who says he loves me. Before this, I could hear him, but my self esteem isn't great I and couldn't believe or accept that anyone anywhere would be interested in me. That, and I was dealing with a lot of life issues. So I ignored him. Life has more or less calmed at the moment. Still, I can be dense, so after trying to get my attention for at least five years, he had to enlist two other spirits to help him get me to notice him.
How I know there were three is a longer story I will skip for now.
Basically, after a grueling week, I had decided I was never getting out of bed again except except to care for the animals and go to work. At that moment, I was blanketed with energy of such love and compassion, there was no ignoring it.
For about three weeks there were feelings of being loved, a lucid dream that showed me I was protected, communication so strong I could not deny I was talking to a spirit, and feeling happier than I ever have. Still, I am my own skeptic.
I contacted a psychic I have known for years and trust, he is now world renowned. He validated that I have been in contact with a spirit who means me no harm.
I was finally able to accept not only that he is real, but so is his interest in me. As a spiritualist, I realize there are no coincidences. That being said, I can say that he has managed to give me gifts and communicate with me in different ways to eliminate any of my doubt.
For the sake of brevity, I'm leaving out a lot of details, I know.
He even managed to touch my heart chakra, twice. Such love I have never known before.
Our relationship became physical. Again, skipping the details. Sorry kids.
I was told this is more common than people think, but I can find no information about these relationships. I am looking for validations of what I already know, I have questions about what I would like to know. I welcome constructive comments for others who are in this type of relationship.
O0I01 spoke about, love which was not with an earthly person.
My dad just passed, but I felt his presence. And actually his hand and finger nails on my foot while in bed, as I spoke to him.
Previously while grieving I experience an etheric love descend on me, it felt angelic, but I knew that I knew it was my Dad send love and comfort to me while I grieved his passing. It seems to me that the communication of senses/love is what I had sent my dad using Phowa Reiki, and that once dad crossed over he too, picked up on telepathic sending of energy (love/peace). It just goes to show, that Telepathy is the one language which transcends, a physical body and is used by Angels and loved ones to us here on earth. Quite amazing.