Last year I went to a Brian L. Weiss workshop (The author of Many Lives, Many Masters) because I been through a lot during my childhood and teen years and I was looking for ways to heal and self develop. I was also suffering from depression and dealing with a panic/anxiety disorder so I started reading on reincarnation, metaphysics, and spirituality. I went to a therapist during that time and she said that I am a highly sensitive person, I started doing some research and found out I am a empath. Here are more of my experiences:
(1). I have all of the symptoms of being a empath and I can't see violent/scary things on tv but I have a fascination with nature.
(2). I have a very active and vivid imagination (I'm an artist).
(3). I see the number 11, alot.
(4). My dreams are vivid, had past life dreams, I used to lucid dream and once in awhile a dream will come true. I also had dreams with the dead. One of my friends committed suicide about three years ago and in my dream I saw him and knew he was dead. We hugged and I asked him " Why did you do it?". He looked at me with a sad face and shake his head " I don't know".
(5). One time I decided to do a meditation exercise to communicate with my dead grandmother. I was sitting in my office with the lights off. In my mind I asked myself "Grandma if you are here and can hear me I want to say Hello" and than I said it again in my head in Spanish.
After a few minutes I started feeling a tight feeling in throat and pain on my left shoulder and arm.
(6). Did a meditation and psychometry workshop where I paired myself with a complete stranger during this exercise and he gave me his bracelet. I meditated while holding the object but I just saw black. However, five words popped out my head and it was travel, grief, mother figure, overwhelmed, and overworked. Turns out he recently lost his mother and had to travel to India. He did mention that he is experiencing grief and is very stressed out due to work. After this experience, I decided to practice doing psychometry readings. The more readings I did, the more I felt weaker so I stopped doing them.