I am Empathic. Through out my life I have been overly sensitive to the feelings of others, my intuition is extremely strong, and I'm in tune with energy currents in the environment that affect my emotional stability and comfort.
Recently I have been opening up with my senses and my meditation to explore further into the realm of psychic awareness. I've had experiences where I've visited places and had overwhelming emotional reactions to sites where something has happened, but do not visibly see said events. Through out my life I have been visited by the shadow figures, have learned to shut them out and tell them to leave me alone, and have heard voices, noises, and can sense energy (especially negative) within a given space. Lately some of these feelings have become physical in nature and I'm wondering if I am inadvertently going too fast or too far.
The sensations range from being subtle to feeling poked or pushed, like an electrical current makes a muscle twitch. They are usually centered around my back, the back of my neck, and or my head. I do sometimes feel as if someone is holding my hand, like a guardian, for comfort, and I have had experiences where I have stepped out of myself in a lucid dreaming state to see a figure of light laying beside my body as I fall off to sleep.
I'm not scared of these experiences, more curious then anything, but I do want to protect myself from something that may be damaging or draining. I had a psychic friend tell me once that I have a very bright light and I tend to attract those who would feed off of it. I have encountered this in the physical world, where energy draining has left me so tired I've almost become sick. There are a few people in my life who could do this to me, but I try very hard to keep distant and keep barriers up to protect myself.
I suppose I'm looking for answers. Some of the things I've read suggest that a person knows they are gifted from a very early stage in their life... With me that is not true. I know I have gifts, I'm just trying to figure out what they are, how to access them, and how to use them in a safe and productive manner.
There is always more that cannot be fit into a short bio such as this, but I feel I've given enough to explain my story at this time. Thank you for reading.