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Psychic Experiences from United Kingdom: Page 8
Is My Soul Leaving My Body At Night? by Chiicken
I don't know who to turn to with this because my family and friends are very skeptical about spiritual things but I need to get it off my chest. I know it says not to post dreams but these are things that I'm dreaming and are happening so I am within the rules. About 2 months ago I had a dream...
Life In Paranormal Encounters by HollyMONST3R
I am 19, and this isn't the first I been seeing unexplainable things in my days. I seen death come to both my parents and so on it has been getting worse. It started when I was 4. Two years after my parents died in a car crash, I had been seeing them a lot less than my other visibilities I had been ...
What's Happening? I'm Seeing A Lot And It's Still Growing by CharlotteB
To start off I'll tell you a little about my background, my name is Charlotte and I'm 14 years old and I am a only child. I think that should be enough for now! Ok, now time for the story. My dad has been told that he has a 'gift' and he should be able to see ghosts, but he can't. I have been seei...
Random Time by Hiptumous
In the past I could hear see and speak to the ones who have passed. But more recently I have been feeling a very, very strong presence. I keep seeing images every time I look at a window. I don't know if they're real or fake. Yesterday someone I know died, I walked by they're house and heard a scr...
Have I Got Any Psychic Abilities? by MissEllieRose
Can you help me?! Once when I was around 6 years of age, I woke up to see a black figure (that reminded me of "The Hood" from the film "Thunderbirds") that almost looked like a shadow, peering over my bed... In a blink it was gone. I might have been dreaming, but I cannot really remember. I go...
Sleeping At The Spirit Place by Dragonsflight7
Last summer I traveled on my own for 5 days along the North Downs National Trail, as there were things I needed to think about deeply. On the second day I arrived at a place in a huge farm field where there was a very special energy, a sacred feeling. It was a grove of trees including two massive ye...
Is It Me Or Do Others See The Same Things? by whitedog
Folks, my story is a long and complex one which I will try to keep as short as I can. I have, since I can remember, had premonitions and de ja vu dreams. This happens on a regular cycle. Of late though I've been visited at night time in bed by a number of different entities. I've read that there...
Nightmares Or Something Else? by bonnieexx
When I was a little girl I used to have nightmares a lot. One time I woke up during a night, without a nightmare or anything. I was feeling really cold, and I felt someone was there. I looked up and there was a shadow. Circle above me, around my bed. I closed my eyes tight and opened them, it was st...
I Feel As If Someone Is Looking At Me by Hiptumous
In my bedroom my bed is between a floor to ceiling window and a mirrored side robe. Sometimes at night I freak out because I feel as if someone is looking at me so I wake up and turn the light on and look in the mirror. Sometimes my eyes are red and my face looks like a demons. As I turn th...
Coincidental? Lucky? Or Is There More To It by Relicanth
Throughout my life I have been having strange occurrences on that the chances of them happening are next to nothing over a long period of time. Although the chance is properly well over a billion to one taking in all the factors it is perfectly possible I suppose as long as there is a chance. I a...
Noises And Shadows by xbeckiex
So just a little background information, I'm 20 years of age and have always known I may be psychic. My first memory of anything abnormal was when I was about 8 years old. Every night without fail I would get the most unusual sensation all over my legs, almost like hundreds of ants climbing over ...
Help With Scary Stuff by mogladite12
My name is Molly and I'm 13. Recently I've been experiencing strange things such as touching objects and being able to say the name of who gave them that object or sometimes just the first letter of their name. I also see faeries from time to time. I meditate a lot and my guardian angel speaks to me...
Seeing Energy? Hearing Spirit? by rudi25
Since about 3 years ago I have noticed I see tiny red dots everywhere. On walls ceilings you name it I see it. They are always there, I can ignore it but if I look they are there. I just wondered if this is energy related or something? I have never had any eye problems either. At night in bed I also...
Hereditary Insanity by Effie
My name is Effie and I'm 16 years old. All throughout my childhood bizarre events have occurred and I would like to know what you think about them. It started when I was about 2 (although of course I don't remember this) when I was in the back of the car my parents were driving. I had never been whe...
I Control Signals, But Don't Understand How by torak
I have recently discovered that I can change, manipulate some electronic equipment, but mostly signals. I was wondering whether anyone knew what this was or how I can focus, control and harness it. Any comments would be absolutely fantastic thank you. It is especially strong with mobile phones I ...
Death Communication 2 by AshGrove
In the Autumn of 1990, I was a young man traveling from London by train to a coastal, ferry port on the east coast of England. I crossed the North Sea and without staying a while in the Netherlands, I took an overnight train to Copenhagen. The following day I arrived in the city and spent a few day...
Death Communication by AshGrove
I'll obscure a couple of personal details - the circumstances of the event are tragic. It's my intention to record an instance of this phenomena rather than upset anyone who knew the deceased. A few years ago, I had a job making deliveries in the evenings for a local supermarket. I'd begin my shi...
Emotional Senses by JamesL
I am 16 years of age and most recently I have been noticing more and more emotions around me. I could be sitting next to someone and depending on how they felt I could feel the strong force of emotion like for example me and my girlfriend having loads of fun talking doing stuff and we would just lik...
Should I Trust My Instinct? by amy24
I have had two dreams that have come true when I was younger, so I do believe that dreams can come true. Recently, I have been dating this guy I'm not sure about him, he says all the right things but I still have this feeling that he is not good for me. I really like him, he makes me laugh, although...
Psychic And Scared by Stew
I just recently found out that I was psychic and to be honest it scared the shiat out of me, I come from a line of psychics. It all started the night my dad died and it went from just seeing outlines to seeing full faces but now its stated to die out a lot. I can still sense that they are near b...
Accidentally Telekinetic by oddexperiences
I am 15 and shortly after my 15th birthday I started having unexplainable events that always seem to happen around me. Firstly I would like to say that I am a strong believer in psychics and the supernatural but would like peoples opinions. Well the first event was definitely the most bizarre in my ...
My Dreams by totti99
I'm not sure how I got to this site but I'll try make it as short as possible, I'm not sure whether what I'm experiencing matches the criteria of this site... I feel my dreams mean something and sometimes they do come true, sometimes they are pointless dreams that don't make sense. But recently w...
Paranormal? by masterdon
Hello, my sister passed away in January 2010. Since then I have experienced an extremely strong smell of fish in my bedroom. It happens around 8PM onwards. Doesn't last long. My husband, son and my other sister have smelled this. Three times on this occasion so far, I have experienced the same smell...
3yr Old Son Astral Projection by grasshopper
This is my first post, I am wondering if anyone can offer me some advice. My 3yr old son a few months ago said 'mummy - last night I disappeared! I was flying!' that was all the information he would give me but I instantly thought I wonder if he has had an astral projection. Since then he has...
Something Mysterious About Me by uniphoenix2009
I just thought I'll share the abilities that I have been experiencing since I was 14 I am now 21. Premonitions-in my dreams and visions during the day. Just of simple events or conversations. They are just not off visions but also can hear a noise but nothing has caused it like a door slamming th...
Dream by shrugo5
I have had a reoccurring dream now for almost 7 years the dream can happen once every 6 months or for an entire week. The dream starts with me standing on a road with nothing but white around me, a shadow moves to my left and as a turn a door is their and is open I walk inside the door and find m...
Feelings I Get by Brennan
I am 22 years old and since I was about ten I've always been a bit confused by feelings I get. When I was very young I could always find lost things because I could just picture where they were? As I grew older, I began to guess things and a particular feeling is that I get anxious almost like I'...
Seeing The Future In My Dreams by ScottUK91
My Story. Hello, my name is Scott and I am 18 years old, I live in Essex England and for the last 5-6 years of my life I have had what I am led to believe as physic experiences. All of these experiences are caused by dreams that I have, Basically I will dream of a situation, wake up and rememb...
Is It All Just Luck by Tam78
Since I was a boy I managed to do strange things that my mother or father couldn't understand. I'm not even sure what age it exactly started but it was weird. I could be sitting up in my room up the stairs playing when I was a boy and just out of the blue I would shout down to my mum, who I coul...
Combating Negative Forces by Targ_Collective
A Dissertation on Negative Beings, Dark Forces and the Means to Remove them. It has been long known to all the schools of thought of this Earth that there are such things as demons - negative beings - unwholesome Spirits which delight and take joy from harming each other and those still on Earth ...
Is It Ok To Be A Psychic Medium by centurion76
I grew up not with the best childhood, I have had a lot of family die young including my dad when I was a teenager. Ive suffered depression due to a a failed relationship in which I was robbed of everything, and a recent one which left us both heartbroken. Anyway enough of the moaning. I have been...
Voices In The Wind by Beserker916
Ever since I was about 8 years old I have had this connection with the wind, ever since I was 8 I could hear voices on the wind it wasn't until I was 12 years old that I realized they were conversations from the past or future but all would be relevant in 1 way or another. It was around this time me...
What Do These Experiences Mean? by iluvbirmankittens
I'm new to this site and thought it would be a good way to tell my experiences I think I'm physic but I'm not sure what kind. I've had lots of experiences throughout my childhood and was wondering if anyone could shed some light on any of it. Firstly my mum told me that when I was little I walked...
Unsure Of A Spirit Or Entity by kurtis
I have recently been embracing my gifts and one of them in particular is confusing me a lot. For the past 3 weeks I have been seeing this white female figure with bright green eyes staring at me in bed, I awake to see her most nights between 12 to 3am, but when I wake she doesn't stir she stands ...
Murders, Disasters, Sickness And Death by les
I have had a great many premonitions of future events and one very strong telepathic (or remote seeing?) experience. In the 1980's and early 90's things got so bad that I went to great efforts to tune out much of the information that was coming in and making me utterly miserable: fires, murders and ...
Exploding Light Bulbs by johnny
I have always been fascinated by electronics, mostly lighting and torches and sometimes I also like to make ones that run of the mains. I have been electrocuted many times and have never been injured by it, sometimes up to 40w but shortly after the lights will dim for a few seconds randomly and retu...
What Are Your Thoughts On My Angel Experiences? by Mel
Hopefully discussion surrounding this post will provide me with an insight into myself. Each experience I've had is so personal and I've not shared them. I feel I need a second opinion. When I was younger I saw the occasional shadow figure in my parent's house. It was in the same room each and e...
My Dreams Come True - Are They Visions Or Just Coincidence? by lollypopkay
I am not one of those people who never have dreams, or never remember them. Every time I fall asleep I have a dream and can replay it in my mind over and over again. A lot of the time these dreams come true. One time I dreamed my friend was making a sandwich in the morning. This dream was so vivi...
I Get The Feeling That I Know Something Bad Is Going To Happen by MichaelNotts
I am a seventeen year old young man. And sometimes I get the feeling that I know something bad is going to happen, like I can see it happening before it actually does. One time I was with some friends out at around 12am early in the morning, and there was a group of youths who came over talking ...
Powers Out Of Control by Komodo
My powers have been growing at a VERY fast rate and I have had many different experiences since I last posted. I am a medium and I have telepathy with animals and one particular friend and now I've developed empathy! Its growing so fast I can't keep track of it all! It all started when I had my Engl...
Paint The Future? by Timewilltell
Very new to finding out I'm psychic and just pushing past the ego and common sense part. I have a psychic friend who is helping me but wanted to draw a wider comparison, hence being on here. I'm 30, a pro photographer for the last 8 years and have always believed in a unique and unproven energy that...
My Friend Sees Dead People And I Hear Noises by meggyeggyno1
My friend claims to have seen dead people. I didn't really believe her. She said she saw a little girl that said to her "Maisy says hi" Maisy was a nickname for her mum who died last September. She said to me a few days later that she saw a old man that said to her "you shouldn't have told anyone...
Levitation Feeling by yokoross
I would like to share my story concerned to me. I start meditating 10 month ago in Japan. Since then I really enjoyed the practice and experimenting with it. The other week, however, back in London I have experienced something out of common. After just 25-30 minutes of meditation, I felt like...
They Think I'm Crazy - Am I? by Insania
I have had a number of experiences that I need now need to talk about. It started off two years ago when we had an extension built on our house - I had a games room put in which has a bar, TV poker table etc - your normal 'blokey' kind of room. One night I stayed up drinking after everyone had gone ...
Being Pulled Out Of Body By A Spirit by rudi25
I have been having out of body experiences for a while now. One in particular quite a few months ago I was standing in the car park outside and something grabbed my shoulders from behind and lifted me into the air. I was sitting on the top of a building chatting to a boy of around 12 or 13 years old...
Am I Insane? I Keep Seeing Things 2 by Lockmaker
I spoke online, not that long ago. But since uploading it, things have gone from bad to worst. No longer is it ignorable and no longer can I just pretend, it doesn't happen like that anymore. I see apparitions of people who aren't there. I can no longer go near certain places in my area, all because...
Reading People's Thoughts by Psionic
My name is Nicholas Parvin and I am 19 years old. You might have read my other stories, but I wish to share another experience of mine. If you read my other stories, you will know that I was like this since I was young. Here is my experience: A couple of years ago, when I was in secondary school...
Possible Clairvoyant In Need Of Advice by kurtis
My name is Kurtis I am sixteen and in need of some advice I think I have a gift but I'm not sure you see: I can read palms which is always spot on for example I read my girlfriend's aunts palm last weekend and told her a close male figure in her life would pass away soon and leave her with a cho...
Choice Or Chance? by bethanygale
I am having some difficulties dealing with something. I have had a number of experiences where I have known that certain things would happen before did. They include most of the big events in my life, but also smaller things in which I have had some emotional involvement, even though they have less ...
Signs by mathjack
Since I have been a small child I have been a quiet soul and have observed the world. One interesting thing I have found is that everyone who I am close to (friends, family) all have a gift that is deep within themselves and I also believe everyone could possibly have something. When I say gifts, I ...
Strange Perceptions, Sights And Feelings by stephen
I am a 32 year old man. I am at a point in my life where I have made a choice to get better and come to terms with what I perceive around me. I have always felt and seen strange objects around me, most which I react to in certain ways so they would go away, as sometimes they made me feel sick. I ...
I Think I May Be Psychic by Coralita14707
I'm not sure if you will think I'm psychic or not but I have now started to believe something isn't normal. When I was younger I had a dream a new Pokemon game out. I know, it sounds silly but I was sitting in the front room when an advert came on for a new Pokemon game, the same game I had the d...
Scared by Abbey1993
I've had it for a few years now, and I really don't know what it is. I have asked about a few times and many people have said I've got the gift. When I'm in bed relaxed, I get this weird feeling like I know it's coming and its really scary, I can't move my body or speak but I can still see everythin...
My Telekinetic And Psychokinetic Power by Psionic
My name is Nicholas Parvin, and I am 19 years old, and you won't believe this, but I think I may have telekinetic and psychokinetic abilities. I think this because, when I was in another room and dad was in the kitchen. He had asked me to come in, because he wanted to talk to me. Just as I walke...
Voices In Sleep by bluemoon1
This only happened over a one week period but shown me that there is something more. The first time was while me and my family was away on holiday, as I was drifting in to sleep a voice told me (exact words), "Gaynor has had a baby boy." I sat bolt upright and facing me was the clock and it was 1...
My Clairvoyance And Clairsentience by Psionic
My name is Nicholas Parvin and I am 19 years old. Since I was born, I knew I wasn't like other people, I knew things that other people didn't. When I was in primary school, I remember having the feeling that I was being followed, and then I just somehow knew that there were people around me, but ...
Am I Insane? I Keep Seeing Things by Lockmaker
I've always been proud of the fact that I am open minded; but the question is simple. How open minded can you be before questioning your sanity? I've always tried to keep a clear view about everything I see. But in recent years I've been pulling my hair out trying to figure out what is wrong with me...
Too Much Of A Coincidence. Am I A Guardian Angel? by guardianangel85
I am unsure to whether my experiences are of a psychic nature, however, having been told by psychics themselves that I have the ability, I am beginning to think that maybe I do have these skills. As a young child I did see my cousin's ghost and my mum had a dream the day her sister died. I d...
Inherited Psychic Abilities by cyberbrainiac
Me and my nan where having a conversation about spooky things like ghosts of the sort, like my nan having the devil sit on her chest and having to force it off with the sign of the cross and to find out later her blasphemous dance teacher was dead and how sometimes she will just get a horrible feeli...
Ghostly Agreement Yeoville England by Melb11
Dear all, I would like to share an experience with you. I am a born psychic and medium (although have only recently begun to accept this) and am now working to develop my skills. The way the spirit world communicates with me is primarily through my dreams and although I have had many interesting m...
Medium Dreams by Komodo
Recently I have strange dreams that I presume is linked to being a medium and the thing is it's not just once its the same dream repeating itself over a period of weeks but shown at different angles and each night it goes more and more into depth. The first dream started out being a wedding, there w...
Telepathy Is Out Of Control by Komodo
If you have read my other two experiances you will know that Iam a psychic medium and I can control animals through telepathy. But since then my powers have grown in a matter of weeks! And not only can I hear and translate most of the animals thoughts but most people I can suddenly read their minds!...
Best Friend Having The Same Dream About Me by staceypetts
I'm a little bit confused and worried. I had a miscarriage in February and was due around 17th October. Ever since this date, my best friend, who is a psychic as well as myself, believe as we have been told by a couple of mediums, have been having the same dream nearly everyday, about twice a day. ...
Could I Really Be Psychic? by Blueberry
I'm looking for answers more than anything, I'll tell you my story first and then could you tell me if I could be psychic or if it's just all in my head? I think it was last Christmas or the Christmas before. The pub we go to had this fun Christmas market, a tarot card reader was there to give re...
Precognition Dreams Worrying Me by kate34
These dreams seem to be freaking me out a bit. It all started about 9 years ago. I dreamt I received a letter through a letterbox about my hubby having an affair. A few years later it really did happen. As I had other things to concentrate on I thought nothing off it until recently. I had a dream...
A Flash Of Light And Creepy Voices by Harribo
Just wanted to share my experience and get a few people's opinions, as I'm not entirely sure what is going on! The memory that stands out to me most is also one of the scariest ones for me to remember, and since I was completely awake and it was only a few months ago I can remember it very clearl...
Buildings On Fire by dejones
I had a dream 2 nights ago of a high rise flat burning. It seemed to spread from the ground floor to above right to the top. In the dream I was panicking and very scared. The air was filled with a lot of smoke and I could hear crying and people running. I have a feeling this is a warning of a terror...
Telepathy With Animals by Komodo
If you read my previous entry, I am a psychic medium and basically ghosts follow me around. But recently I've noticed that animals follow me around and not just that, it's almost like they can read my mind! The first time I noticed this was when I was in a rush to get home there was a stray dog stan...
Was It A Premonition? by phoenix_1303
Last night I was trying to get to sleep but I couldn't so I thought I'll just concentrate on my breathing like I'm meditating, that'll help. No sooner had I had inhaled and exhaled an image popped into my head of a circular gold shield I couldn't quite see the exact emblem on the shield but it seeme...
The Story Of My Psychic Life Until Now by phoenix_1303
I remember when I was little I would fly, as I got older and started reading I knew that I had experienced astral projection. I would visit places for the first time and know that there was something missing that used to be there, I'd ask someone and they'd tell me I was right, they'd ask how I knew...
Dreams Of A Bear Attack? by Tamakix
I'm wondering if anyone could help me understand what I've experienced, or maybe I'm just losing it. I had a dream a few weeks ago, quite a bad one. I was being chased by a bear. In this dream, I was with quite a lot of people and we were walking down a grassy field next to a river until we reac...
My Psychic Experiences, Are They Actually Psychic? by Lotteabeth
I have a very spiritual family, and this story is about my grandmother who was a very eccentric woman. I can't really remember her as she died when I was four, but she used to smoke cannabis and do things like Ouija boards etc... She got lung cancer and didn't tell anyone about it until about a mont...
Cold Fingers by scepticangel
I was drifting off to sleep one night, around midnight, and you know that in between feeling of falling asleep and being asleep? Well all of a sudden I felt icy cold fingers gently caress my left arm all the way from shoulder to wrist. I thought it was a breeze as I had my window open that night, bu...
The Ghostly Woman I Saw by Gina354
If you have read my previous story you will under stand this one but if not then I will summarize. Basically, a couple of friends and I decided it would be a good idea to do the Ouija board. After doing this I quickly realized that I had inherited a gift from my great aunt (which by this I mean I ca...
Psychic Or Spiritual? by juliefeels
I am totally new here and I want to know if what I have experienced is a psychic ability or more spiritual or maybe a bit of both. Anyway, it started years ago when sudden random thoughts would come into my head and hours later I would hear that the exact thing I thought had happened, this has happe...
Saying Things, Then They Happen by DeepPerson
I'm a thirteen year old girl. I never thought I was psychic or anything, but I found it all amazing. But I'm a bit confused because for a while, I've been saying things, then they suddenly appear or happen. Like I was driving along a country road, and I said to the person I was in the car with at th...
Can't Figure Out If I'm An Empath by starie_01
There are a lot of things that have happened in the past year and a half that I don't understand, and no one I know can explain as most don't believe in it. It would be great if anyone has any insight into it as I'm stuck. Starting from a year ago I have been having dreams where something will ha...
Nightmare Voices by vajrayogini52
As a child I always had dreams of close people/family passing over either on the night they died or before my Mum received the phone call to inform us of their passing. For the last couple of weeks I have been having dreams/nightmares where someone is calling my name, this is also happening in the d...
I Feel Guilty And Confused Because Of Seeing Fire? by JustForYou
I have been having dreams for ages and I seem to remember them afterwards. Sometimes they are really vivid and I am part of the dream, but sometimes I see it like I am watching it through a TV screen. Anyway, two days ago I had a dream. It was all black and I heard all these children screaming, then...
Fear Of Projecting Bad Vibes Onto Others by Franz
I have a cautionary tale. 5 years ago I went to a live show by a well-known British "mentalist". One of the things he did was get people to (seemingly) read each others' minds: he'd hypnotize them, then get one of them to touch the other's temples and guess what they were thinking. Something that...
Am I Psychic? If So How Can I Use And Develop It? by jaay
I'm a 15 year old girl and over the last few months ever since my nan and grandad passed away I have been having more noticeable feelings. Ever since I can remember, I have always been afraid of being broken into and I would have pictures in my mind and also dreams about the issue. I would have ...
Future In The Clouds? by sugarsw33t
For a few months now I have been seeing the future, but not through cards, or palm reading, or those moments you get when you know what's going to happen, or dreams, although I do dream the future as well. I mostly see it through shapes the clouds make. Have you ever done cloud spotting? When you tr...
Two Marks Upon My Forehead by RyRySoS
Early on this evening I noticed my head felt like it was thumping although around me was quiet and nothing could cause this pain then later that day I felt I was getting a message, This was..."LRFB". I kept repeating these words over and I felt a small vibration coming out my ears. I was sure onl...
Connecting With Spirit by rudi25
Over the past couple of years I have just started to realize I have been having out-of-body experiences. I can lucid dream and I have started to control astral projection. I can usually do this at will when in bed. I have also had occasions when I have come back to my body or awoken to find a figure...
Seeing A Little Boy by Gina354
On 4th July on a Saturday night I and my friend did the stupid thing of disrupting the spirits, by using an Ouija board, in a confined space. I personally have never done anything like that nor had any contact with the spirit world before this and I have never seen felt or even had an unexplained ph...
Strange Things Are Happening, Am I Psychic? by em_shadows
I have had several weird experiences in my life, and I am wondering if any of them would classify me as psychic. I'll start with the smaller stuff: 1 - I have déjà vu a lot. 2 - I know who is calling when the phone rings, and not because of Caller ID. 3 - I often know what people are going to ...
My Psychic Life And Abilities by Kaatie
My name is Katie and I'm 18 years old. I'm scared of my own life because of my psychic abilities and what I experience. I never know what's going to happen next and it scares me. I'm scared of living in this house and being on my own when everyone else has gone out. It's not nice being the only one ...
Losing My Marbles by Komodo
I am a psychic medium and I have had many unusual experiences over the past few years but the most bizarre and confusing has got to be the first. One night I lay in bed wide awake, when I hear what sounds like a marble rolling across a wooden floor. At the time my room was too messy for a marble...
A Strange Birthday Night by Jamie576
My name's Jamie. One of my friend's sleep-overs got very weird and I would just like to see if one of you could guide me in a good direction. It all started on the night of my friend's birthday, his name being Mitchell. So we had just been to adventure island, blah blah blah, went to his house to...
Confused But Aware by gospel
I have always been aware of a slight sense of psychic ability I may have. A lot of times I have just brushed it aside though and not really bothered about it. I tended to think it was just chance or nonsense. A few experiences that stand out in recent years are when I was at college in 1999. I h...
I Knew My Nana Died by shannonbabess
When I was just a little girl I can remember, the first time I had a psychic experience. My mother mum had just died. I was about 5 years old. My mum had just told me that my nana had died from cancer. A few weeks later I can remember waking up to the sound of birds. As I lay there listening to the...
Family All Around Us? by vicki
Firstly, I apologize for the length of this story (stories). I have many happenings within my family and home that make me think that there is an afterlife and that we have family all around us. Here are the two that really get me thinking. When I was just 2 years old, I was in my bedroom playing...
Did He Really Visit Me? by vicki
Back in 2005, I met a guy through friends. We weren't friends long, but we spoke a lot over msn and attended the same parties. As we got to know each other he seemed to be interested in me and asked if at the party we were next both going to if we could get together and see how things went between u...
A Young Confused Psychic Medium by sugarsw33t
When I was very young I lived with my mum and dad in a small house. There was a spirit at the end of my bed, she had long blonde hair a white dress with yellow daisies on it and dark marks under her eyes. She was my best friend! My mum and Gran saw exactly the same thing as me. Sana was real! On...
Family Of Psychics by guidencefromahigherplanex
I'm new to this site and this is my first post; I know it's long but would greatly appreciate it if people would read it all and advice or opinions on my experiences would be even better! Although I'm only 17, I've always been a firm believer in the supernatural and spiritual. However, lately the...
14 And A Scared Medium by shannon13
I've only just started realizing about what I am, but I don't know how to do everything. When I was young (5) I use to cry out at night and when my mum came up I would shout at a man or woman who would be standing in my room, an invisible person. My mum narrowed it down to being over tired or 'night...
Information About Premonitions by richdude192
I came across this site on while I was looking for more information about premonitions. I was talking to a friend today who had been round a psychic's house earlier on. He asked me whether or not anything unusual had happened to me like seeing ghosts, orbs and other things I couldn't explain, which ...
I See Orbs And Always Feel Someone Around Me by Natasha
My name is Natasha. I always experience someone around me. I feel something cold near me and I have seen a few strange things. I have moved a few times. In some of my pictures you can see orbs. I have seen a ghost a few times in the past. I also have heard talking as well. I sometimes feel that I am...
Beachy Head, Spirit Guide by dejones
I woke up in the early hours on morning Monday, the 1st of June, with my heart racing and I felt dizzy. I'd had a dream that I was walking up to the edge of a cliff, and I looked down. I was aware of a lot of wind blowing and when I looked down, it was beautiful and scenic but I realized it was a ma...
Dreaming Of Things That Happen by samuel
Where do you start without people thinking your a fruit bat? My dreams do come true but they are not detailed. For example, many years ago I dreamt of a blue plane coming down and a few weeks later one did on the M1 motorway where I live (Great Britain. It was only 20 miles away from me, the plan...
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