I'm a thirteen year old girl. I never thought I was psychic or anything, but I found it all amazing. But I'm a bit confused because for a while, I've been saying things, then they suddenly appear or happen. Like I was driving along a country road, and I said to the person I was in the car with at the time, 'I don't really like country roads because you sometimes don't see who's coming round the bend' and as soon as I said that, a car came round the bend. I thought nothing of it.
But later that day I was watching a program on TV about a car, and I had said to my dad, 'I would rather be picked up by an elephant' then again, straight after, an advert came on for kitchen paper which featured and elephant. I was beginning to feel weird but let it pass.
Then the day after, I was telling a friend about how much I liked my dad's girlfriend and how he had split with so many in the past and that I'm sure they will last, then the next day, he got a text from her saying that it's over. I began to feel really weird then because I'd been talking about it the day before.
Another thing happened a couple of days ago, when my friend was telling me how his pet liked Jelly Babies, I looked round and there was a packet of them on the table.
And I was listening to music earlier whilst on msn, and I was telling another friend how I couldn't sleep, then the lyrics of the song suddenly changed to 'sleep'.
Have I got something, or is it just coincidence?