I have a very spiritual family, and this story is about my grandmother who was a very eccentric woman. I can't really remember her as she died when I was four, but she used to smoke cannabis and do things like Ouija boards etc... She got lung cancer and didn't tell anyone about it until about a month or two before she died, but I sensed something was up.
I used to have dreams about us walking along the edge of a bath tub. And I would fall down it and she would carry on walking, and leave me forever. One day she was bathing me and I randomly turned to her and said 'Nanny, you're going to die soon.' I remember her freaking out and telling me not to be silly, but at this point she had cancer and hadn't told anyone about it - strange I would say something like that with such certainty.
After she died, on the day of her funeral, I was in a room with my mother (I can't remember any of this, it's what my parents have told me) and I turned to her, with 'glazed' eyes and told her that Nanny loved us all very much and that she was magic and never to worry, etc. I truly believe I sensed my Grandmother's death, and that I'm quite susceptible to spirits, and supernatural experiences, and perhaps that's why my Grandmother chose to communicate through me her goodbye.
This also happened when my father died. He was out 'partying' and took a drug overdose. On the night he died, I had a dream that I was sitting on his lap (unfortunately he was completely high) and that the nurse by us told me that 'my daddy had to go in his coffin now, but he loved me very much'.
I also frequently have dreams that come true, get weird feelings & shakes when big things happen, and also my instincts are usually right. I'm only fourteen though and I don't know if I'm actually susceptible to things like this or if well I don't know... Help please? (: