The first thing that I need to say is that I'm a very creative person and want to be a writer. I love making up stories, and I can really get into them. But lately, I've been hearing the voice of one of my characters in my head. It's not like I'm imagining it, and if I try to I can shut it out. I'm not crazy. But my character's voice just won't go away.
In my story, the character is Lilith, and she is a demon. She is rude and cruel, but can be overprotective and nice if she tries. In real life, it all fits. She hates many of the people around me, and comes up with many of the violent or horror scenes that I write. She seems to take interest in me, but I don't think she wants to hurt me. Is it possible that she's a spirit? My character? A demon? My imagination? She gets stronger all the time, but as a voice only.
Also, I have some weird experiences with people. I have social anxiety disorder. Even when I seem fine, I'm freaking out about something unless I'm alone. But people seem attracted to me. Even if they're normally rude, or we have nothing in common, or they're shy too, it's like I'm some magnet. I'm generally nice, so that's one explanation, but even the people I don't like and am rude to seem to like me.
I am good at sensing what other people are like at first meeting. I just seem to know how they're feeling, if they're okay, ect.
Is this psychic? I'm only thirteen, this is new to me.