This is my first post, I am wondering if anyone can offer me some advice.
My 3yr old son a few months ago said 'mummy - last night I disappeared! I was flying!' that was all the information he would give me but I instantly thought I wonder if he has had an astral projection.
Since then he has mentioned it several times and seems to be becoming more afraid of it. He has said that he keeps disappearing when we are all asleep, he says he goes to 'a different world' and it isn't a dream. He says he is awake, he said there was no-one else there just the sun and some rocks! I have asked him if he can see himself and he said no. I have asked him if other people are there and he just says sometimes.
It is very difficult to get any information out of him as his language is good but I don't want to make an issue out of it. Just lately he has started climbing into bed with my husband and I and he said he doesn't disappear if he sleeps with us. I have asked him to come and get me if he feels scared but he has said 'but I can't because I have disappeared'. The other day he said 'last night I was just going up and down, up and down' I take it he meant he was going in and out of his body but I'm not sure. I just don't know what to say to him, I want to question him more but don't want to encourage him to tell me anything he might just make up and I don't want him to start having sleep problems. I ask Archangel Michael to protect him at night and have put a cleansed rose quartz under his pillow but I am still freaked out that my 3yr old is possibly flying around with god knows what (worried about negative energies) and god knows where he is going!
I have never been able to astrally project myself and feel really concerned about this. I'm sure he's not just dreaming. Is there anything I can do or is there anything I can say to help him? I'm finding it hard to discuss with friends and family as they all think I'm a bit loopy anyway. Any advice would be very gratefully received.
Ruth - medium clairvoyant psychic 4 years