When I was very young I lived with my mum and dad in a small house. There was a spirit at the end of my bed, she had long blonde hair a white dress with yellow daisies on it and dark marks under her eyes. She was my best friend!
My mum and Gran saw exactly the same thing as me. Sana was real! One day she just, well, disappeared. She told me, "I'm going back to the farm."
About two years ago I was having a lot of trouble at school. I fell out with my friends got into fights and was pretty much a loner. I begged for Sana to come back and she did! She looks the same but no one else can see her. I want to tell mum and whoever else but there not acting like they can see her.
Sana was once friends with a boy called Max who had a baby with a girl called Angela. The baby was called Star. I got flashes of stars as I slept. I'd be bored and I would see three faces; a baby, a beautiful girl and a boy. They died in a car accident and now I see them all! They are practically living in the same house as me and my family but they can't see them!
How do I tell my non-psychic/medium parents/family without seeming mad! I told my friend. She believed me and can feel that they are there.
Please help thank-you x
Good luck! ❤ Giana