I have done research, but I barley have any answers. Some information about me: I have been in six different facilities, recently got out of one, my diagnosis is always the same, Major Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, and psychotic features, like hearing and seeing things. Though a few years back, I went to a family friend, who is a medium, I told her about me seeing a black shadow with glowing white eyes, and hearing my pass grandmother's voice and an angel, I named Chris. She said to me and my mom, who took me to see her, "I think what you are seeing and hearing are related to the paranormal." Long story short, I was hyptnotised, the black shadow was a demon, and Chris was an angel to watch over me.
Present day, I tell my mom I hear people calling my name and last night I was talking to my grandmother. Needless to say I barley slept, so my mom was concerned. Now, we are Christian and we believe in the supernatural, so she takes my hands and reads my palms. She tells me to say to the voices "I hear you, but I will talk to you when I'm okay and can process." Then, she tells me, "I will explain everything when I can, but go talk to Mary,", the family friend. I do all she tells me, and, on separate occasions, they both tell me I'm a Empath, or a Clairsentience.
As I research different things, I find the four main psychic abilities. As I go down the list, the first three stand out to me, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, and Clairvoyance, I start with the signs and worked my way down through all of them. Now here are the questions: Why have I heard different voices, since I came home? How come when I ask them "Why me?" the answer with,"You know..." Finally, Why can't I understand something so simple?
cause at this point its been around to long it may already be attached to you. I can help cause Throwing it away will not solve the issue its too attached if it already knows your grandmas voice you need some help. Message me I have a cleansing business. 😁