Over the past couple of years I have just started to realize I have been having out-of-body experiences. I can lucid dream and I have started to control astral projection. I can usually do this at will when in bed. I have also had occasions when I have come back to my body or awoken to find a figure standing next to me.
Since realizing I was having out-of-body experiences, I have wanted to develop my psychic abilities. I have had premonition and dreams and I feel I am telepathic in some ways. Now recently, I have had visions and weird sensations in my third eye and I really starting to feel things develop.
Last night I went to sleep and I was dreaming. This dream was very vivid and then I awoke. Now I am pretty sure something woke me as I wasn't asleep very long. When I awoke I was in a paralyzed state as I usually am before I come out of body. I noticed a white light in front of me next to my bed and I could hear some kind of muffling. I felt like something was there and trying to pull me out of body. This frightened me as it was a very strong force not like I have experienced before, it was not like the sensations I get when astral projecting. Fear took over and I sat up and tried to calm down, I was annoyed I had let it frighten me but it's difficult with new experiences.
Does anyone know what was going on? Can you have these sensations when spirit is connecting with you? I have also had this happen a while ago once before, again very overwhelming and very strong light in front of me. I have also seen figures of people walking away from me as I wake up from having very vivid dreams. I do want to relax and take this further but I am struggling to overcome the fear.