About a year or so ago, I decided to try learning to see auras.
I spent months practicing only to be able to see the white glow around things and the etheric aura.
I stopped practicing and left it, then it started happening all by itself. I can now see flashes of colour and I can also see energy everywhere floating around, I see lights sparkles and flashes. If I am tired, its really clear but harder to control. As when I am not tired I can look for it when I want to look for it. I notice flashes of colours around peoples heads, could this be their thoughts? Sometimes I can see an outline of a figure next to them, I presume it could be their spirit guide.
Since I have developed seeing energy, I have also starting see figures, sometimes I can be cool with it and other times it scares me. I don't want to be scared but its almost an automatic adrenalin rush when I see them.
Well recently, on occasions when I am in bed with my eyes closed trying to go to sleep, I see pulsing colours. I see a deep indigo pulse to a really strong colour and as it fades out I see the purple pulse. Can sometimes be there for ages which is slightly distracting when you are trying to sleep!
Question I have, do you think I am seeing my own aura pulsing? Or is this something else?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks
I have been seeing flashes of purple and green since 2001... Usually, it would be when I was half asleep and half awake in the morning. It had no movement. Then recently I met this man friend of mine and the colors starting moving. It turned out his favorite color was purple. And then I had another friend that I met a year or so earlier and his favorite color was green. So, I decided that it was their energy I was seeing. I am connected to the purple in real physical mental real connection... And the green was more of a mental type connection. They are both very spiritual type people. The colors are big orbs that start large and then get smaller... The purple first and its always followed by green... Same pattern... Moving down large purple orb to small and disappears then large green orb to small and repeat... Also can go in waves from side to side... Purple then green... Over over and over... I still see just the flashing of the purple and green that doesn't have movement. I don't what to make of it... But I think we all have some type of connection with the spirit world... I have been told it was my spirit guide... And the different chakras you see while meditating... If you can enlighten us more please do... I need help with this! Thanks