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Psychic Experiences from Tennessee, United States: Page 2
I Can't Focus On Anything But This Bad Feeling by timeishere
From reading what many other people have to say on this website, I know I am not alone. I have been having this bad feeling that something really tragic might happen. Not just to me or my family, something bigger and way out of our control. I don't know when and I don't know what. I get this hor...
I Dreamed The 911 Tragedy At The Same Time It Was Happening by suewest1
This event happened to me on the morning of 911. I have never talked about this to anyone because there is no way that I can prove it really happened to me. I didn't want people to think that I was just making it up. I'm a very rational adult. I am a retired military officer with 4 college degrees. ...
Am I Considered A Medium? by SavvyChan
Ever since I was a little girl, I have always felt that I am being watched. My mother caught me several times talking to "things that weren't there" and when she asked me who I was talking to, I always said "a little boy". I never gave his name. I'm 19 now, and I feel I'm being watched everywhere, e...
Blue Beautiful Lady Spirit And Sprit Guides by ibright
When I was about 16 or 17, I had the strangest experience with a blue lady spirit. I remember that I was asleep in my bedroom next to a window around 2 or 3 am. The room all of a sudden started to get cool and I woke up but I could not move my body in any direction. I was stuck staring face to face ...
I Feel, Hear, See, And Know Things. What Am I? by ladybug24
I need help figuring out what's going on with me. I am now 18 and since I was about 13 years old I have been able to feel, see and hear things. I hear more and feel more now than anything else. When I wake up in the morning, I can hear a woman and sometimes I think a man speaking quietly to each oth...
I Don't Know Who To Talk To by gabe00ayg
I don't really know who to talk to anymore. My family members believed me at one point, but after I told them about it the one time... They all just seemed to forget about it. I've told my husband, but he has NEVER believed in the paranormal. Please help. It first started when my grandfather wen...
Is It Possible To Control Snow? by AbhinnaQ
I have always loved the cold and snow in general and I get a bit disappointed when I see other elements represented but not snow. I know of people being able to control other elements and technically that snow is just water but in my own experiences snow has been the only element that has really spo...
What Exactly Is Going On In The Universe? by AbhinnaQ
This is my first time posting a story and I wasn't too sure it fit into the "psychic experience" category. I have had premonitions, encounters with spirits and moments of empathy so I'm no stranger to the paranormal but since I've gotten older my experiences have tapered off a bit. I had just attrib...
Need Medication, A Psychic, Or What? by Mery
My names Meredith and I'm 14. I don't know what has been going on. Some say they are ghosts, some don't know what to call them. Can anyone tell me if I have psychic abilities and what type they are, if I have them? It all began when I was 7. I was in my house in the room next to the second floor ...
The End Of The World As We Know It? by heidita19
This is another end of the world dream. And I will say that I'm not religious by any means. But I dreamed last night that the world was ending by flood. I never specifically said it was ending but this is how it went: It was completely dark outside, with a few street lamps glowing since it was an...
Disembodied Voices by scooter
My story starts out when I was nine years of age. I always lived out in the country all my life and was raised a farm girl in a normal household of two loving parents and 1 younger sibling. I also grew up in the Methodist religion. One night as my parents and younger sibling were out back in the fie...
Chicago Airliner Crash 1979 by David_Pack
David Booth from Cincinnati, Ohio had a series of premonition dreams of a DC-10 American Airliner jet crashing days before that fatal crash in May 1979. I too had a waking vision, a death omen, and a premonition dream all concerning the same ill-fated jet liner. I had a friend who would have been on...
Seeing Unexplainable Things by ConfusedWolf
I'm 15 and I've started seeing and hearing things I just can't explain. The first time I heard or saw anything was awhile ago I was just setting my room and I kept hearing thumps, I disclaimed it as one of our dogs, later I came to realize they were all in the other room with my parents. I was a lit...
Sleep Paralysis, Intuition, And Genetics by Brittanysue
I have been experiencing odd occurrences my whole life. I can feel what someone is thinking or how someone feels about situations. I have a very sensitive intuition. I wonder where the line is between intuition and psychic abilities. I can sit by someone and "feel" what they are thinking, it often m...
Adelle Is That You? by GYGA70
I recently have had some relationship problems my boyfriend was being unfaithful. He is Egyptian not Muslim religion but coptic christian. I decided to speak to a psychic about this she told me that we would be together and would marry. Needless to say this has changed. I believe that we live severa...
Ouija Board, Car Crash, Spirits by matteaso
A friend of mine had purchased an ouija board this past Halloween, and I had been dying to try it. So one night after work I was going to meet him nearby, and we were going to drive to my sister's house, and do the ouija board there. It was a dark, wet, and extremely foggy night. I was driving down ...
Powers? Explanation by Coffmanben
Alright, I'm not sure what has allowed me to do this or even where this came from. Ill start when I was little, I was a big gamer. (keep in mind I'm only 16) and when I would walk to my room at night (Big house). I would be compelled to run, Not just to run. I would sprint, be completely terrifi...
Feeling My Future Self? by lost-in-my-own-mind
Yes. It is I, again writing for help. As always, I have more questions. I cannot help but ask them. I can not help but yet again bring my questions to your attention, hoping that in doing so I will find what answers I am seeking. I feel as though my abilities are strengthening. This thrills me, and ...
Looking For Meaning In Everything by lost-in-my-own-mind
I feel as though I just keep writing. I have a new story almost every week. I just can't help but continue asking the questions that come to mind. (and there are a lot of those). For Thanksgiving my family and I went to visit relatives. While we were there I logged on to check out any new stories...
My Sofa Was Purring Like A Cat by H7zAngel
This morning before my husband came home from work, I was lying on the sofa in the between (sleep and awake). I put my hand on a pillow that was against the back of my sofa and I started hearing the sofa purr like a cat, and then I felt the sofa breathing. It scared me a bit because the longer I had...
Still Looking For More Answers by lost-in-my-own-mind
Yes, I am again writing to find even more answers to the unlimited amount of questions flying through my mind at any given moment. It's a wonder how I have not lost my mind. I have written four other stories and I truly thank those of you who have commented on them. You have helped me greatly, and I...
Really Needing Answers by lost-in-my-own-mind
I've written three stories over the past month I think, looking for the answers that I seek, and although I have received amazing answers, that really have helped me, I still seek more. I have been told that I ask to many questions, but if you have a question why not ask it? So, anyway, day after da...
Letter To Who Knows Who And More by lost-in-my-own-mind
This past week, like every other week for months and years now, has brought upon me even more questions then I had before. I have submitted 2 other stories, and have received wonderful incite, but I still have not satisfied my thirst for the knowledge of what is going on with me. This past week 3 th...
Which Visions Are Real? by lost-in-my-own-mind
I recently posted a story stating the basic psychic/empath things that I've experienced, and I thank everyone who commented, but I still have many questions. I'm still not sure which visions are real and which aren't. I also have started to wonder whether we are drawn to one another. I recently told...
Trying To Understand About Being An Empath by lost-in-my-own-mind
Last year I met two people that I became very close to. I soon learned that they were not as normal as I had thought. One of them was psychic and an empath, she used the term a sensitive, and after hearing about what I felt she strongly believed that I was too. I could feel her and my boyfriend's em...
Psychic Or Mental Issue? by Meas29
I just need some answers. My mom is a psychic she claims that she is a healer and I really think anything she says or tell me is a joke. Growing up I dealt with a lot of weird and unexplained experiences that I felt it was not normal to ask anyone even my mom. I see spirits anywhere, everywhere b...
Odd Physical Effect During Meditative Trance by twilightshadow
For the last couple of months I have experienced something odd during my meditative trances. During these, though there are things that speak to me, I am aware of my body and surroundings, and I have started having this feeling like something, it feels like an energy maybe, is trying to break free o...
I Am A Psychic Medium by goadkristy
I would like to start of by saying I have a lot of stuff happen to me. I have a gift where I see spirits. Sometimes I even see spirits that have crossed over. It all started after I had a bad accident last year. What happened to me was, I was talking to my friend, and we were using cell phones no...
A Grandmother Spirit And Friend's Car Accident by WednesdayGirl
I see shadows. That is why I joined this group. They range in color from black, to grey (most often), to white. It is becoming frustrating, yet almost commonplace as I see them everyday. I believe in God, therefore, I pray and ask for his protection over me and other family members. It does get a li...
Strange Figure by ihals
When I was a bit younger I was watching tv in my living room. I turned the lights off to go to sleep and heard a pot from the kitchen fall. I then felt something tug on my hair. That same year a friend was spending the night with me. We were staying the night in that living room. She swore she s...
Troubles Of An Aerokinetic by Training4Life
At a young age, I found that I could direct the wind by concentrating and visualization. I was not aware that I was using aerokinesis at the time, and merely thought it a coincidence. A few years went by with me unaware of elements. I am now 14 and have realized that I can easily direct the wind at ...
Auras And Their Meaning by axion444
I don't see auras with my eyes. In order to see auras with my eyes, I would also have to put up with seeing ghosts with my eyes. I don't want to do that because they're everywhere, and it gets really annoying. However, I do see them in my head. I'm a dark blue. Almost every single person in my fa...
Am I Considered Psychic? by Aeroholli294
My name is Adriana. I have been having dreams of precognition since I was 10. One incident is when I had a dream of getting a really good grade on a test I was worried about. In school I took the test, it was really hard and as I said before I was really worried. Well, the next day my teacher ha...
A Psychic's Life Story by Mom2FourBlessings
I think I have had several "psychic" type experiences in my lifetime, so I thought I could come here and hopefully get some advice and answers. I don't really know where to start, so I will just start with my background and a few of my experiences. Any input, good, bad, or ugly is greatly appreciate...
Energy Work by _daniel
I've recently been practicing some different things, as far as energy work goes, but I've been able to pull energy into my body and manipulate it. I've always been able to feel this, but only recently been able to manipulate it consciously. For instance, I can pull it into my body and ward off fatig...
Scary Trance And Visions by aprilmoon0407
I know I am not crazy, but I do know I am scared. The first experience was at 23 years old (that I can remember). I had met a woman through my son's 1st grade friend. I knew her very little, but enough to go watch her son while she was giving birth. The day she was to come home, I sat on her cou...
Contact With A Deceased Actor by Peligia
Honestly I am truly bothered at the moment. Two days ago I was watching a movie. While watching this movie, each time a certain actor appeared on the screen I felt this odd feeling I am not even sure how to describe. The closest way of describing it would be as if someone was standing in front of yo...
Contacting the Dead by willie
Just for a little back ground, my granny dreamed of bad things that were going to happen. She always knew before a death, a wreck, a break-in, etc. I myself found myself dreaming dreams that were coming true last year. I had about 3 dreams that came true. In one of my dreams I was given a phone n...
Am I an Empath? by SamK
I don't really know where to start. I am 16 and since I was about 6 I have been different. It started out knowing if something big was going to happen. About 2-3 years later I started sensing the weather. I thought that was normal. However, when I turned 13 I knew if someone was "not telling me the ...
Body Vibes Mean Something by nick
I can spot danger on me or around me, different parts of my body will start vibrating, pulsating, usually the day before and it will not stop until the danger has passed. We all have this ability but most people do not pay any attention to it, they pay a price later. A lot of the times, I would be ...
Dreams of People Getting Sick by BeautyBroken
Since I was about 10 years old, I've had dreams of people getting sick. The first occurrence involved a girlfriend of mine. She was supposed to be coming to my house on a Friday night to have a sleep-over. Thursday night I had a dream that, upon my waking on Friday morning, my mother told me my frie...
Hearing Voices by frizz415
Hello. I am new to this site and I am unsure of how to start this. Okay I will try it this way. I keep hearing lots of voices talking at once but no one will be around me. I try to hear what the voices are saying but I can not distinguish one from the other. At times I have heard my name very clear ...
Dreaming Evil by alilysthorn
Ever since I was in about 5th grade, I have had these horrible dreams. Things that I couldn't have even imagined have appeared in them. And I will have like 5 dreams in one night. Not many of them have come true because I don't know exactly how to interpret them but a few have and parts of others ha...
Encirled by Misty Smoke by Cheryl Martin
I am a COPD patient and in bad health. I have died so many times in my life on a hospital table or on the way to hospital. I know and am very aware that my time is limited. I have had an angel hovering over my bed and a small dark figure on the side of bed for the past 2 years. The dark figure kept ...
Doubt or Intuition? by Bevin
I have at least 3 incidents (or rather accidents) pertaining to what I have (as a lady) known as "intuition". My backstory is that I grew up as a Pagan child, my parents worshipped and what not, and no, Wicca Pagans do not sacrifice their children. Otherwise I wouldn't be posting this as a 20 year-o...
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