For the last couple of months I have experienced something odd during my meditative trances. During these, though there are things that speak to me, I am aware of my body and surroundings, and I have started having this feeling like something, it feels like an energy maybe, is trying to break free of my body. It actually bows my back or causes involuntary movements or spasms, for lack of a better word. It's difficult to explain. Afterwards I feel very lightheaded, to the point of slight nausea, and even if I eat of drink something, this continues for twenty minutes to several hours. Ironically looking for information on these experiences is what led me to this site.
It happened again this morning, and whatever it is that speaks to me, suggested I do an internet search for removing psychic blocks. This site was the first one that came up. But back to my dilemma. I have been meditating for several years and began slipping into trances about three years ago. My definitions for these may differ from others. For me a trance is similar to straight meditation, but I relinquish control and allow it to go where it will. However, this energy or whatever trying to get out is new. I have never experienced anything like this before. It isn't painful, but it is uncomfortable. Does anyone know what this is or have any similar experiences? I feel like its something that needs to be released, but I have no idea what it is or how to do that. Thanks for your help.