I have been experiencing odd occurrences my whole life. I can feel what someone is thinking or how someone feels about situations. I have a very sensitive intuition. I wonder where the line is between intuition and psychic abilities. I can sit by someone and "feel" what they are thinking, it often makes me uncomfortable.
With my first son, I had a completely normal, uneventful pregnancy. The entire time, up to going in labor, I just knew something would go wrong. Even with no medical reason to think that, I did. I went into labor on my due date, everything started fine, but turned out with him developing a knot in his cord and having to have an emergency c-section and my son being in the NICU. I felt this my whole pregnancy, I just knew. Is this a coincidence, or a certain intuitive sensory? I ask myself this a lot.
There are different things in my life I deal with and I wonder if they are some how related. I have suffered with sleep paralysis sense I was a kid. I know doctors say it's just a delay in the brains awakening and the physical awakening, but such strange things happen during an sp episode. I have been slapped in the face, and even saw myself out of my body, from in my body, while paralyzed on the bed. I have woken up on the ceiling in an sp experience, not my physical body, but what would seem to be my spirit. Doctors say there is scientific reasons for these experiences, but sometimes I wonder. I usually have a sp experience at least twice a month or more.
In addition to the sp I experience horrifically, unusual repetitive dream. Dreams that match to exact, specific details as when I had them when I was six years old. I have read repetitive dreams are your minds way of trying to fix something, but that does not make sense because I have repetitive dreams from my early childhood that have not changed at all, and have the same terrifying, out-of-this world details fourteen years later. One of those dreams (I have about seven repetitive dreams) started when I was probably about 5 years old, it had to do with a huge grass covered hill with sporadically placed trees, giant gray wolves came down the hill towards me, and before they got to me I woke up. I had that dream every week until I was about eleven years old. I was on vacation with my family, we were on a horse and buggy type ride through a remote area when I saw that hill from my dreams. A fear and a sinking feeling went though my body. A feeling of insecurity, knowing that my parents always told me "monsters" and things were not real, and there I was right in front of the exact location from my dream. At that moment I thought anything could be possible.
In addition to the sp and repetitive dreams, I have pretty bad obsessive compulsive disorder. This also has occurred sinse I was a young child. I do not tell most people about these things, as with most people, they wouldn't understand. There is one person I can tell my experiences to, and that is my father. He also has experiences with sp, ocd, and unusual dreams. Among with other more psychic experiences, and supernatural ones. I wonder, and am pretty convinced, that this (whatever this is) is genetic. In some way I wonder if extra-sensory abilities are inherited.
So, this is my story, I hope to possibly find others who share some sp experiences. And if so have them relate, in whatever way, to intuition or dreams...