Since I was about 10 years old, I've had dreams of people getting sick. The first occurrence involved a girlfriend of mine. She was supposed to be coming to my house on a Friday night to have a sleep-over. Thursday night I had a dream that, upon my waking on Friday morning, my mother told me my friend wouldn't make it because she'd gotten pink-eye. When I actually woke up on Friday morning I was distressed about the dream because I'd really been looking forward to the sleep-over and the dream seemed so real.
When I got to the breakfast table my mom told me that my friend's mom had called that morning to tell us that my friend had pink-eye and wouldn't be coming to my house. I hadn't even had a chance to tell anyone about the dream, as I'd just had it that night.
Since then I've had dreams of people getting sick or injured. When I was 14 I dreamed that while making dinner one night, my mom dropped the casserole dish and burned her arm. It wasn't two weeks later that we were in the emergency room to treat her arm. It was lasagna.
Not all of my dreams have come true, but many have. I often wonder if I'm wrong for keeping these 'visions' to myself, only to have the people I care about fall ill. Is there a way to help determine which ones are going to come true, and which are 'just dreams'?