My story starts out when I was nine years of age. I always lived out in the country all my life and was raised a farm girl in a normal household of two loving parents and 1 younger sibling. I also grew up in the Methodist religion. One night as my parents and younger sibling were out back in the field picking corn from the garden, I decided to go in the house and get a glass of water. I was alone in the house. I was standing in the living room when I heard what sounded like a thousand voices whispering really fast at the same time. The voices were very faint at first and then as they became closer, they were louder. They came through the west side of the house and came right past me. The voices were talking so fast that I could not understand a word that they were saying. To me it sounded as if they were arguing about something. I was frozen in fear with every hair on my body sticking straight out. The voices drifted past me and as they blew through, they became fainter and fainter. I was so scared.
This was something that I had never experienced. I am not crazy, nor do I have any mental problems. This has haunted me for years and I continue to try to figure out exactly what happened to me and why? When I finally got the courage to move from my frozen state, my first instinct was to look outside to see if someone was walking down the road, but there was no one there. Other things happened after that, but I will go into that later. I am just very curious to know if anyone else has had this same experience and what it could have been. My whole life I have been searching for answers and I have never gotten any. When I tried to go to my parents about it, they said it was my imagination. They would never acknowledge my experiences, which left me really confused. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please feel free to email me at mdfwelding (@)