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Psychic Experiences in Category: A Psychic's Life Story: Page 3
Trying To Grasp And Learn About My Gift by hparrott15
Im clairaudient and I've been my whole life, but I've just started excepting that it's a part of my life and that I can really help people with this. I mediate in many ways, and try to do lot of research trying to find answers on how to help improve this gift and what I can do to make it so that I'm...
Knowing More by -_-Sleepy-_-
I don't know how to start this I was going to say HEY YALL but it said it's bad form, okay so I would like to say why I'm writing this some people might want to post a short experience or can't wait for the "Submit Your Story" button to become available or whatever (Sorry Brainfart) or if you have a...
Finding Out Who I Am by ErinStarr
I am 22 years old and have always felt different. I had no way of putting this into words to explain to my family how I felt so I always kept it to myself. I would hear random voices in my head; sometimes they would address me by name, and sometimes they would just be random sentences. I've also alw...
Our Life With Spirits And My Psychic Wife by west3174
I thought I'd share what it's been like for my family with having a psychic wife a and a small group of friendly spirits in our house. As of now, we have 3 ghosts residing in our house and they all seem pretty nice. One is of a 14 year old girl that watches shows with us if the show has a boy sh...
My Experiences With The Profound by EmpathicallyAware
This is phenomenal, I finally get to tell people what has been going on in my life. I ask of you all, please tell me what each and every ability I have is called. I know I am an Empath, I just found this out through research on the internet. It explains why I feel the way I do. I suck up peoples' ...
The Hidden Side Of My Life by Enceladus
I have been on this website for almost two months which feels like a whole year as time flies by. I feel perhaps I should share my life's story at least once. I would share the life that had always been in the shadows from anyone. This will get pretty long just to warn any who doesn't like gigantic ...
When It Was Happening by Jedidessy
I am 18, I have been having these psychic abilities where I know what people are going to say before they say it. I have been able to tell the future and that was in 8th grade I knew that when I would be 16 a freshman I would get pregnant and have a miscarriage then it happened. I can tell when some...
Another Collection Of Psychic Experiences To Add To The Pile by crowsbeak
I would be lying if I said I was ever empathetic. I never felt what others felt, and I was terrible at guessing. My "gifts" never started- they just were. When I was young I was almost completely stuck in my own world. I enjoyed thinking, and sometimes I would lie in the middle of the floor and star...
Sage, My Brother And My Home by DefinitelyNotShazz
In this post, I'll share my brother's experiences (because my first post got too long and I think my brother's experiences are interesting). I will also include people's/my experiences with my apartment. *I wrote the headings in capitals and gave spaces to each event for easier finding.* *I hav...
How My Ability Came To Be by Emleerose
Since I was a little kid I knew I always had some sort of connection with making the weather but I never dwelled on it. It just was what it was. Around 5th grade my best friend told me she had the ability to control weather and I was shocked because I could too. (I guess people with similar abilitie...
How Do I Get Learn More About And Depict My Vision? by cholland
I am a very mature 24 year old I don't drink or do drugs and I've always felt I could, as I call it, open myself to things but never had because I fear what could happen if I did. Here recently I was talking to my mom and explaining to her how I feel I could and so and I decided to try to prove t...
My Story From The Beginning Up Until Now by Barnes92
Where do I begin? My psychic experiences all began when I was very young. My mother once told me that when my grandad passed away and she attended his funeral, she left me at her friends house as it wasn't the place for a 2/3 year old. She came and picked me up, somehow I knew exactly who was the...
Different Types Of Empaths by yesnoknowfifty
I want to share with you my experience as an empath (I'm a technopath). All my life I knew I was a lot different than anyone else in my school or just anyone in general. I feel a bond with tech stuff like its a part of me. I never really thought anything was weird about that bond until I realized th...
Sage And Whispers by eikcaj
I've had many experiences of seeing the future making lights flicker with my emotions as well as seeing and feeling and hearing spirits, or entities. I also come from a family of both parents that has either practiced the craft before or still do. My dad's side is very quiet about there past exp...
I Can't Control What I Know by ECLP
I don't know what to call my gifts. Whether or not they are gifts or coincidence is up to the true psychics that read this. I'll start from my family. During the 40's or 50's my family blood line was severed at birth. The great san francisco earthquake has struck only leaving my grandfather alive wh...
Too Many Malicious Ones by DefinitelyNotShazz
I've had a crazy ton of experiences but now I'm stuck and need some help. You don't need to read every single piece of this but I do strongly urge you to read the paragraph with the hash-tag symbol as I would want your help and guidance on this subject matter. *I wrote the headings in capitals...
My Hidden Life by sarahsallywilson
Where would one begin? There were always things that I could see. Even when I was very young. Things that I didn't understand. Things that I could hear that no one else could. Then, there were the dreams. Not something one would expect from a young child, yet terrifying. And always the same story. W...
My History, Premonitions, And The Future by iiRe4per
Ever since I was a kid I was told I was gifted. 147 IQ, soared right past all the other kids in public education, which is why my IQ was tested in the 1st place. My name's Connor. I'm 19 years old. I can remember things from when I was 2. Not everything, but some things. I remember climbing up on...
Wanting To Share My Experiences by Shindy117
I am new to this thing but I just NEED to share my stories with people who know what I am talking about. First a little about me: I just your average guy. However I have some native heritage in my family and the native americans were very spiritual people. First experience: Well my first expe...
Has Anyone Experienced Anything Like This Before? Scared by nunezquinnad
My name is Ashley. I don't even know where to begin with my story. I believe to have had a Spiritual Awakening within the past few days. I am extremely greatful for this gift as it has opened my eyes and made me feel more in tune with myself and everyone around me. Ever since then, I have developed ...
Special Purpose by Eye_Love
I'm a 26 year old female from Florida and I'm here today because I have discovered my gift in this world finally. I always have deja vu and premonitions since a little girl. I can be lost Going to someplace and strangely find my way to exactly it is I need to be with no direction; then once someone ...
The Grim Reaper by theoreo
I am in desperate need of help at this point. I don't know who else to turn to, I can't hide it anymore because it's gotten to the point where I'm scared. I am psychic, I see people on the other side, I have lived past lives. I remember them all, especially the years leading up to my death or how...
Life As A So Called Freak by cpbudden
I'm Courtney. Ever since I can remember, I've had precognition and premonition. I was only about 8 years old when I started experiencing these odd feelings, I began knowing what people were about to do before they even made a move. I had this HORRIBLE feeling for days before I found out that my ...
Physic Experience From High School To Present by Antwon
When I was starting out in high school, I had no friends, no one to talk to about anything. But, I was always positive, no matter what. One day I was walking to my art class and I got a vision of seeing a girl walking out of the art class before class started. I saw myself asking the girl a ques...
Life Story- A Series Of Abnormal Events by Zin
The following is a more or less life story as it stands; I will try to write it in a detail list format. 1.) When I was about 12 almost 13, one autumn night, I saw an orange orb through my living room's window, it is in the valley just on the other side of the hill where my parent's house was l...
Strange Things Happening Over The Past Few Months by its_kristin_
Bear with me. ~When I was younger, I used to have these oddly vivid dreams, scarily so sometimes. This started when I moved to my grandmother's house, where I still live. I had this strange dream that I awoke from the couch I had fallen asleep on and felt drawn to the door. I stood and peered throu...
Weird Things Happening Lately by Jiyami
(11/27/2014) Before I start, I have to clarify, that SO FAR, I have been able to develop 4 psychic abilities (I did not included all, since I haven't developed them properly) [1] I have developed Intuition (or whatever you guys call it)... I never noticed this ability at all, since I never tri...
My Story Growing Up Seeing, And Thoughts On A Conversation by deepstrength78
Ever since I can remember I have seen, heard, felt things that no one else around me did. Even in my "All About Me, My First Seven Years of Life" book; starting at about two years old (and repeating annually throughout it) my mother listed the thing I was afraid of as, "Ghosts and shadows." At...
Indigo, Oracle, Medium? by indigoeyes
Since I was a little girl I saw spirits and ghosts often. I remember seeing a woman in an old Victorian dress in my grandparents house and I could feel it when she sat at the foot of my bed. It was terrifying for me for a long time. As I got older my grandparents eventually told me a story about how...
Strong Psychic Abilities - Indigo Child by fallenangel026
I have very strong psychic abilities. One of the first abilities I remember having was when I was pretty young. I could see spirits so vividly and communicate with them easily. I do this either telepathically or I can hear them speaking (whispering, like many people do). I have always loved this abi...
Looking For Guidance On My Abilities by sfchanteur
All my life I have been different and known it. I grew up in a Christian missionary family though, so anything that I felt I just lumped it into the "God" box. I remember telling my best friend in high school that I could know things about people without them telling me. He asked me how and I just s...
Development: Something Inside Of Me Keeps Changing by The-Cellist
A rather long time ago I worriedly wrote a post as I developed this sense of being different hoping for answers. I wasn't only feeling different in the sense of being different from everybody around me, but also being very different from the person I had once been. In my last recollection I explaine...
Sensitivity, Empathy, And What I Call Dr. Dolittle Complex by greaseandzeppelin
To understand the full weight of my questions and give a decent answer, I'll start with my experience as a child. The first one I can remember was when I was 7, maybe 8. My parents often had friends over - of the unsavory sort - so my sister and I retired to our rooms early. I went to sleep one nigh...
My Life So Far by rku
Ever since I have been young I have been connected with my spiritual side of my life many time I have seen into the future and every prediction happened when I was growing up from the age of 4 - 13 I had night terrors every night about visions of the past and future. Well I'm 18 now and over the pas...
Help Me? by Jessicar
I need some advice, ever since I was a little girl I new there was something different about me. I would get sleep paralysis every night as a child, I would be terrified when my mother turned off my bedroom lights and closed my door, I would lie awake waiting for the 'man' to come and sit at the end...
I Think My 15 Year Old Daughter Is A Medium 2 by motherneedsanswers
It has been a while since I've been here. My 16 year old daughter is a mental medium. She will get thoughts, words, and pictures in her mind that are not her own. School is very hard on her, and big groups of people are too. She is an Empath as well. Being a mother of a gifted child since the age of...
Growing Up With Empathy, Spirits, Now Kids Are So Now What? by dawnfyre
I come from a family of "second sight". But we never talk about it openly. Over the years I gathered stories of unexplained occurrences, knowing things, and avoiding catastrophe. Even witnessing healing than should have never been possible. But our family also has bad luck. The randomness things wil...
Motivation by Junebaby57
Motivation There are four main motivators in my life: Love, hate, fear, and knowledge. All four will motivate you to do good things, desperate things, wonderful things, and even impossible things... But you always have a choice in how you use your motivation. I believe people can be motivatin...
Trying To Control by Rose014
I've had precognition, clairvoyance, Aura reading, etc. Since I was a child. But lately it's been getting stronger. I mistakenly started practicing what I automatically did when I was a kid, sitting there, meditating, (but not really for long because I cannot sit still) And then I would see ...
Some Of My Psychic Experiences by pnacious
I've always had psychic experiences since I was a little child. The most "emotional" one was when my brother died. He was 3000 miles away and I was having a great day, then at the very moment of his death (he was murdered) I started sobbing and repeating over and over "there are really bad people in...
A Teenager In Trouble by Readyforanswers
I am the parent of a teenager, who I believe has psychic abilities. He is in trouble now and I am seeking information, advice, anything! He isn't sure what it all means. I have seen it since the beginning. When he was about 3 he started to ask me who the people were standing behind me. They would...
Psychic Add I Feel Alone by hellothere96
There are so many things that have happened regarding possible abilities, so I'll start with my first one. Sorry for the choppiness of these stories. When I was little, I used to be able to see auras. I didn't know they were auras, all I knew is I saw pretty glowing colors around people. I don't...
Curse Or A Gift by momo
My name is Momo from Philippines, and I came from a cursed family. Women in my family (mother's side) should not cut their hair or their lover will surely die, however only a relative can cut it so we cut each other's hair. I know this might be weird but its true. My father's family and mother's...
I Want To Be Taken Seriously by mattuck123
This is my first article and I'm quite new to this website and I think that maybe you can help me with a little problem. First off I want you to know that I am psychic, like I know I'm psychic and I am very proud of my god given gift but when ever I talk about it, I feel childish and stupid. Yesterd...
A Gift by Emilianoa27
This is a story of my life which continues to grow and progress in a way in which I have learned to live with in the present time. At times it feels as if this is a gift and other times it's like others say on this site it feels like a curse. When I was eighteen I knew that I was different I cou...
Trying To Convince My Little Sister To Not Be Afraid by MichelleLynn93
My question about my sister is at the bottom if you want to skip to that, but I figured I give some family background as Well. Sorry that this is so long! Thanks in advance. So, my family seems to have many spiritual or maybe even demon occurrences. I'll start off with my mother. After her fa...
This Is Me by aura-aa
My story starts since childhood. I live in joint family but never I found anyone whom I can share. I remember when I was 14 years old, looking at the moon I feel some color. And then at very day may be I get a chocolate with yellow colored wrapper or something else. This way I realized there is some...
The Odd Ball by MissJRizz
I feel as though I should give some background... Start from "the beginning". When I was 18 months old my mom and I were in an accident driving home on Christmas Eve. Granted, I do not remember any of this but I trust my mother's story. We hit a patch of black ice and rolled the car 6 times down a...
Strange Abilites That Come And Go by See_Listen888
My mother's family is quite a large one and many seem to be talented in special ways. My grandfather had visions of the future and one of my cousins is a medium. As a young woman, I was very drawn to these tales. That's when several family members opened up to me about things that happened when I wa...
My First Experience by kayleigh77
Im just going to jump in with my story, this was my first experience, which opened my eyes to the psychic world. I was 13 and I was living with my parents, my brother and sister. I was the first one awake so I went down stairs and sat at the computer, playing on paint or something when I stopped...
My Past And Present Experiences And Connection by melissaclough
Were do I even start when I was child I expericed things that I thought was in my head to start with. Id see things only for a few socounds then it would vanish all my life if see things like outlines of people and black shapes of someones body I went to my grait gran about this as I found it eeasy ...
The Challenge Part Two by Letum
To those who've read the first part of my experience, this part is a little long but not as long but I believe important enough to post. Since the telling of my experience with this dark entity, I feel more at ease to mention the rest, and following the story I'll give my personal thoughts on it ...
Living A Dark Life by Storm_Nomed
Since I was born I had an infinite amount of dots in my vision that would warp and morf around people, I never knew what they were until about a couple a months ago, I realized I could aura read, incredibly well, I also since I was born was a fast learner, causing me to learn anything I put my mind ...
I Feel Like It's Slowly Coming Back To Me by Rem1224
I have to say that it feels very strange coming back to this area of my life. I was eight when I became aware of a peculiar but sensational warmth in my palms, which I later discovered, was energy. I had slight incidents with telekinesis before my teen years. My experiences became stronger as I got ...
Growing Up Different by ButterflyPrincess
I have always been different than the other kids growing up. I will start from when I was very young. I was able to see and hear spirits like I would see and hear a living person. I had no idea at the time that these spirits were actually spirits, I thought that they were real. Also, I had a very st...
What Are Your Thoughts On The Subject? by unknownuser
Here I am to lay it all out. I don't really know how to tell it all, so I guess I'll just start from the beginning. I have been different from the beginning of my, so far, short life. When I was first born, something was off about me. I developed normally, but I didn't talk. I was even sent to a sch...
Blessed by hydragarde
Good day and Cosmos bless you all, I am new to the website but I have been reading many articles here for 6 years now. I felt that I needed to share my experiences and how I handle it so somehow I can help people even in the smallest way possible. My family's bloodline was traced that we had ancesto...
My Three Week Abilities by InstantInk
Over the past two years, I've met and gotten very close to a Psychic. She's become my bestfriend. We grew close, with her being able to dream of my childhood, and close her eyes, and picture exactly what I'm doing, even though she lives across the country. It freaked me out at first, but I began to ...
I'm Different. Can You Relate? by Aggers
I began realising that I'm really different from people during my last years at school. All of a sudden, I became fascinated with the spiritual side of life; tarot cards, spirits, different souls. I've always been able to feel what others are feeling without even seeing them, for example one night...
My Experiences And Doubts by Asaell
I'm a Hispanic male 31 years old raised in Texas and ever since I was young, I've had this feeling that there was more to this world than what we're told. I always believed the possibility of ghosts and the supernatural, I can't say I've always been a fan of the supernatural, was raised in a strict ...
My Psychic Daughter by carriwill
I went to a fund raiser at my daughter Christina's junior High. The principal Ms. Adi gave me some hot dogs and buns to take home with me. I had remembered that, last week a kid named Nick J. Had told me he was hungry. So me and Christina left the fundraiser at 8:30pm and drove to Rockford's west si...
Life Thus Far by Artistic-Dreamer
Seeing as this is my first story on here, I'll post about my childhood. As a child, I was always able to speak to my spirit guide, Utheria (I don't believe I'm spelling her name right, sadly). She would tell me if it was going to be a good or bad day, and what kind of this were going to happen. I wa...
Experiences Of A Psychic by MariDG19
Here are some more of my psychic experiences, if you know how to help me get stronger or have any tips, please comment. A few days ago I was outside playing basketball with my brother and then he took the ball, so I got pretty angry and then it got Super windy around me. I found out that if I ...
15 Year Old Psychic Story by X4600
I'm currently new to the website, I have been looking around for a few days and really enjoying it all. After a (around a year) break using psychic ability I have clicked back into it for some reason, very, very, enthusiastically as well. Now down to my story. I have always had a touch of psychic...
Revisiting My Teenage Years by TeenyTiny
Revisiting My Teenage Years This entry is basically an account of odd events that happened when I was around 14-18 years old. I was pretty open-minded and I was at the right age to start exploring who I was and that included learning about different belief systems. I was raised Catholic and I have ...
Dark Forces by Ghostwalker
I'm not sure if this is the proper place to post this, but my story has a bit of everything. Paranormal, strange dreams, though I feel as though there's some kind of psychic connection to it all. I've been told by a psychic that I possess psychic abilities as well. I feel like I do, but it feels...
My Psychic Abillities by Jellybean
My Stories: (The stories might help a bit of a better understanding. What does it mean and const having Psychic Abilities? -It means having great respo...
Psychic Experience Of My Whole Life by Jellybean
First of all please read through the whole story: From around the age of 6 years old, I remember to have some weird unusual experiences. It might be a bit weird and I myself don't know if its true, but I remember me flying around at that age. One day at my grandpa's house I told him to come into ...
Family Gift by ariellamaltibano
when I was little I could see an talk to spirits. My great grandma had it my mom & aunt. Well the other day I'm 14 now I told my mom not knowing she had it to. I told her a story of my house which I see one of my great grandmothers she said where she touched me an what we talked about. I was surpris...
It Started When I Was Young by Bonbon707
I just that is how I'll start. Ever since I was young I have had this "feel" on things. You know, whose calling, or what my grandmother was about to ask me. I never thought much of it then, I was a kid. Before my dad died, he would come in and tell me to stare at something, and concentrate. Usually ...
My Unusual Life by Coolcat
I am still a rookie psychic I think, to be honest I don't know I am actually I just call myself that because unfortunately I've been unable to find the truth behind what I really am and my origin, all I know is that I can dream of the future, see aura, form balls of air and predict weather without e...
Psychic Powers Growing, Curious by maukxo
To start off, it all began at about 6 years old. At 6 years old I was beginning to see spirits sometimes, but in particular my grandfather that I was close to would come and visit me. I would talk for hours with him in my room at night--although one night I was visited by this man robed in black, wi...
Has This Happened To You? by tovarjerry
Here's please don't say my story isn't true it really is also sorry if I make spelling errors Ok so I'm thirteen but all the weird things started happening to me last year. I found out I had aerokinesis, atmokinesis and telekinesis, I was psychic. I started changing and people could tell. I also be...
I Am A Light Worker by skytlz
I have always known I had psychic abilities ever since I was a child. At the age of five, I was first contacted by my spirit guide. He said that I was one of many children endowed with gifts to help heal the world. What he described sounds much like the indigo children, of which I am sure I am one. ...
I Want To Understand For My Daughter's Sake, What Am I? by infinite-dawn
When I was 7 just before bed time I gazed out my window to see a ball of light that made me feel safe and relaxed. My father caught me and told me to stop talking to the window and go to bed. I do not remember talking to it. What was it? When I was 21 I had an out of body experience. I was telling ...
Feeling Blocked In My Ability by earthangel75
First off I am new to this site and I am so glad I found somewhere that I can read up on peoples stories and know that there is a place to go where there is others like me. Although not sure if anyone else has or had what's going on right now, that's why I'm asking this question. Since I was arou...
Is There Somewhere You Can Take Kids To For Psychic Help? by Pynk
As long as I can remember I have had a tendency to be drawn to people right before their deaths. I will feel very close to them for a few weeks before they die. I don't know they will die or how, so I have blown this off as a coincidence. But as a teen I started to know things, not like on T.V.,but ...
Teach Me For My Daughter by sage892004
When I was about like 6 or 7 I started feeling things. Things that I couldn't explain I found out later that I Had a very high Spirit Awareness If you don't know what that means it's a high sensitivity to spirit energy. I thought it was cool at first. I knew when my brothers entered a room or when s...
Didn't Know Where Else To Go by feathersfromheaven
My real name is really long and hard to pronounce, but it means Angel. So I guess you can call me that. My psychic experiences began at a young age, when I was 5 or 6, when the car my family and I was living in, burned down. I have had many experiences throughout my life, but what I wanted to talk a...
Why Isn't It Clear This Time? by therosegirl
I am in a confusing situation with my psychic abilities giving me two different answers I would like to hear what are peoples thoughts on my situation on breaking up with my partner of 6 years (which we are on a break now) and following my intuition and ending it once and for all or following my ...
I've Always Seen, Felt, Heard Things. What Is This? by Sehnsucht
To start at the beginning, I have always seen or experienced things since I was very young. I would constantly hear or see things and I used to think I was going crazy. After all, I was only 9 when these experiences began intensifying. I'd go to my mother and tell her I didn't want to see or hear th...
Experiencing A Waking Dream by Anima
I'm not sure how to start this... The story goes back to the beginning of my life; and honestly, I'm not sure if I can sum it all up in an enough words to sound convincing. People will obviously believe I'm insane. I'm use to it now though; being psychotic feels more like being in a dream now - ...
I Honestly Don't Know What I Am by LeeSmith
I'm 19, and for the most part my life has been completely normal. I went to high school, finished, did some college, and took a break to try and go into a regular job. I did so and moved back in with my parents and three siblings which I guess you could say has stressed me out. I think that's the w...
Discovering Myself And My Family by Coolguy2067
I've been talking with my mom and we know what's been going on. My whole entire family is psychic. I'll go down the list: My Grandmother: Psychic vampire: she drains energy to enhance her other powers Manipulation and persuasion: she can make you do things you wouldn't normally do. She'll say a...
Update On My Psychic Abilities by Atalya
I know it's been awhile since I've last posted but big things have happened with my abilities. I now keep a diary of my Psychic events to keep track of my experiences. I have been practicing on people and have been quite accurate especially when it comes to feelings. My friend had a personal ...
Small Collection Of Experiences, Coming Together Now by aeb23
I have always believed in ghosts and the powers of good and evil. Never until recently, did something click that I might have something going on within myself. It scares me completely and I've started to pray to try to protect myself in my home from anything that may be negative. Here's a few experi...
Have I Inherited Psychic Abilities? by violetx
I've been told since I was a little girl how my family are into the paranormal etc. My mother has tarot cards, lots of spiritual objects like pebbles etc and she also has a book of spells which she gave me a year ago. I have been told that my mother is kind of psychic which she got passed down from ...
Losing Psychic Abilities, Help Me by Kristen_Mindfreak
This happened three years ago when I found my psychic abilities by noticing that dreams and signs in my life used to come true. I felt really powerful. Then after using the Ouija Board, I started communicating with spirits through my mind. I could see auras of spirits following me from the corner of...
Family Of Psychics by AngelAgarin01
This Story Starts with my Mother. My mother is kind of medium and of course i'm aware of that. She can talk to Ghost, Different creature, some kind of dwarf and also be friend with them, though once mother talk to them, they don't leave my mother alone anymore and that's my story begin. I grow u...
Is There Something Different About Me? by alette64
I think I've always been a little different. When I was very little, I would ask my mom strange questions about life and told her that God talked to me (I'm not overly religious, so I don't really believe this meant anything). I also remember knowing a lot about people and how they worked. When I wa...
What Is Wrong Me, Can People Really Have Powers? by ilovecats1
Since I have been 13 years of age, I have been able to do paranormal things. I can feel exactly how people are feeling around me, sometimes this causes me to feel depressed. I can also which sounds really crazy change also how people are feeling around me, I can portray a happy feeling/sad/angry/wor...
Finally Putting The Pieces Together. I'm Psychic by flex1991
To start off I am 22 years old. I have been having strange things happen to me since I was small. I am about to list some. But a majority of this post is to ask for tips on how to connect with my spirit guides and go from knowing I am psychic to being able to actually help people. Experiences: ...
Runs In The Family, Did I Get It Or Am I Just Over Thinking? by blackwillow
A brief background of my history/family/experience; My grandmother was a clairvoyant and read tarot, she is deceased however my father has told me many stories and passed her tarot cards down to me. I used to practice tarot when I was younger and also became extremely fascinated with paganism. Unti...
Any Help Or Assistance Appreciated. Here's My Story by DaltonB777
Thanks for taking the time to read me story. Any advice or help is appreciated. Please stick with me through the explanation; it may be lengthy or jumbled at parts. But if you have questions or need further explanation just ask. Hey there! My name is Dalton, I'm 18 years old and I am a guy (I do...
Calling Out To Indigo Children And Other Psychics by mushroomarin
I am a 17 years old female student, studying in Asia. I can speak several of different languages, because I have moved to many different places in the world due to my father's job. I have recently started to notice my psychic powers and been recognised as an Indigo child. I am still young, but I ...
How Can You Explain This? by verygenius
I don't know if this a good place for what I want to say and ask. I'm sorry if it isn't. I must try because it's too important for me. I was never into this stuff before. Never believed in such things. But life surprised me unpleasantly and now I must seek for help. It started happening few years...
My Journey Thus Far But Where To From Here? by Barby2883
The first time I can recall having an experience that wasn't normal it was an encounter with shadow people. I was about 7, my brother and I at the time shared a room. We had bunk beds. He slept on the bottom and I slept on the top. One night, I felt like I was being watched. Awoke to 6-7 shadow p...
Psychic Awakening Over Time? by DJ17
For a long time in my life I did not truly believe in psychic powers. Ironically, I felt fascinated by them and had a great desire to experience them ever since I was a child. In truth it has been less than a year since I've given any proper thought to what has happened to me. Looking back now, I fe...
A Little Bit Of Everything by Reneemichelle
My name is Renee. I was born and raised in Southern California. I am a happy peacefilled 45 year old. I accidentally stumbled across this site yesterday and thought I would sign up and be a part of this group sort of speak because ever since I was 5 years old, I have had many experiences outside of ...
A Psychic Journey by sisteronyx
I was about nine (9) or ten (10) years old when I felt a sense of being watched. It was constant and all the time. By the time I was eighteen (18) I knew I was psychic. Why? Because after my great-grandmother passed away she constantly came to see me. I could always feel her presence. Hear her, feel...
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