I have always believed in ghosts and the powers of good and evil. Never until recently, did something click that I might have something going on within myself. It scares me completely and I've started to pray to try to protect myself in my home from anything that may be negative. Here's a few experiences that I've had that are REALLY starting to make me wonder.
1. For many years, I hear voices in my head right before I fall asleep. Sometimes what they're saying doesn't make sense. Sometimes there's a lot of people talking all at the same time and I have no idea what's going on. It's like being in a crowded room. I am able to just open my eyes, shake my head a little, try to clear my thoughts and eventually I will fall asleep. For the longest time, I thought it was just my imagination and my mind just getting ready to like enter a dream. But JUST LAST NIGHT, that happened again and when it did happen, I felt a tickle inside my right ear. Almost like the little mini hairs in my ear were standing on end. Sort of like when somebody is too close to your ear and you have to shy away.
2. I get the sense that I'm being watched. At all hours of the day. I've noticed this more in my current home than ever. I don't remember ever picking up on that feeling before living in my home. I see things out of the corner of my eye all the time and when I look, nothing is there.
3. Sometimes, I feel like I can look at somebody and tell that there is something very wrong with them. Like they did something very very bad or that they're just not a good person for some reason. This has only happened twice.
4. I think that there are spirits in my home. I've filmed many videos of my 2 year old son and in a lot of the videos, there are orbs. I never really believed in the whole orb thing, but it is hard to explain when they're flying around like crazy bugs in my videos.
5. I've had a few dreams about deceased family members where I get to hug them and talk to them. I don't think much of this though, because I think that happens to a lot of people?
All these years, I've just shrugged this stuff off. I would think that I was just scared from watching too much Ghost Hunters or stuff like that, but when I stopped and thought about everything. It sort of comes together and makes me think that I have some sort of sensitivity. Nothing major and definitely something I feel like I can't control. I've just been 'sensing' things in my home all the time lately. After last night with the voices again, I just felt the need to reach out to SOMEBODY to see if what I'm feeling could be real, or is it just my mind getting a little out of control?
I am open and won't be offended by any opinion. I have nobody to talk to. I simply mentioned once to my husband that 'I think I can feel things in this house' and he gave me this look like I was nuts. I was thinking of asking my mom (I'm 28) about it because I swear I remember her mentioning that she feels like she has a 6th sense sometimes. But I never questioned her on it.
Anyway, please tell me what you think. I'm interested in developing it, but also completely scared. I just don't want anything crazy going on in my house, with my toddler son. It was in his room that I saw orbs on videos. I was also sleeping with him in his bed last night when I heard the voices. I'm thinking it's happening more since I'm starting to wonder about it and open myself up to the possibility? OK Enough rambling.
[at] shellmar - It really makes me feel better to know that I'm not alone in this. To get a little validation to what I've finally come to realize. At some point down the road, I will soon research my home to see if I can figure out if the spirits I am feeling are tied to it and if I can somehow effectively communicate with them, but I feel I have a lot of work and research to do first.
[at] Joni437 It's ironic to say this, but it seems like you read my mind. I started to do a bit of research when I originally posted and found that I do need to have an all-encompassing positive outlook and peace with myself. It makes sense to me. Over the past few days, I have also turned to God more and really put my trust in him. Trust to guide me, protect me and calm my fear of the unknown. I feel like I am at a starting line and know that I have a lot of work to do, before I can even begin to process or take action with my 'abilities'. In the past few months, I've been saying that I want to actually read the bible and become closer with God. I am going to take your advice and look into "Key Word".
I also spoke with my mother about this over the weekend. She told me that her own mother used to tell her that she would hear voices too. But that my grandmother didn't understand why the spirits were trying to communicate with her, she thought that they were coming to escort her to heaven and was fearful. My mom also told me a story about my cousin, who one time was physically unable to walk into a winery. He became increasingly ill as he got closer to the doors. He had to wait outside because he felt so uneasy and so sick. He was the only one to feel that way. My mom has also said that she sometimes will feel as though she's being watched, but never really paid attention to it, although she will try to now. Thankfully, my mother does not judge me. She's told me the same as you, that I should not ignore this. I should turn this into something positive and to not be afraid. That's what I intend to do. I plan to take this slow. I'll work on myself first and do research... I don't want to try anything until I feel comfortable. Thanks for your input. I truly appreciate your guidance.