Bear with me.
~When I was younger, I used to have these oddly vivid dreams, scarily so sometimes. This started when I moved to my grandmother's house, where I still live. I had this strange dream that I awoke from the couch I had fallen asleep on and felt drawn to the door. I stood and peered through the window as I saw a grim-reaper like figure sat swinging slowly on our porch swing. He was dressed in a black cloak and appeared to be all skeletal. I awoke in the same spot I went back to sleep in. My Dad was also asleep on the couch like he was in my dream.
~A few days later, I built a fort and spent the night in it. My sister and I had similar experiences, with only slight variations. I got stuck in one of the entrances (which is almost impossible to get stuck in, as I was so small and it was made of blankets) and heard faint footsteps. I got an eerie feeling. I said, "Who's there," and the voice replied in a whisper, "Maybe the beyond..." The voice was neither feminine nor male.
~Over the years I have begun to see auras and ever since I was about five I could see these little dot things, which kind of remind me of energy, floating around. They are NOT eye floaters.
~Particularly this year, weird things have been happening. Most of them happen in one class, chorus. I'll relate a few.
~Almost every day when I went to chorus I'd get deja vu. I'd be sitting there, trying to listen, and I would suddenly feel certain it had all happened before. Not like, Oh I sang this yesterday, more like whole songs I'd never heard, conversations with the teacher, lectures, or even if I was looking at something and then things happened exactly like I'd THOUGHT they happened before. I also had this dream once that I was sitting in chorus, probably before school started, before I even met the teacher OR saw the classroom, that he (the teacher) was shouting out directions one after the other- "Position two! Position one! Position three!" and I had absolutely NO idea what he meant. I just sat in my chair, the very first one, and looked at the others, confused.
I learned on the first or second day what they meant and we did the exact thing we did in the dream, order and all, except I wasn't confused. During one of our conversations, (this was after class and he was writing my pass, holding me back and not giving it to me when I came back from the nurse with this other student, who he already let leave >.<) and he told me that he keeps thinking I'm familiar to him somehow, but he thinks he probably hasn't seen me before (he then interrogates me shortly and let's me leave after a while, STILL NOT HANDING ME MY PASS, until I get to the door). The only connection this has is that it reminds me of how I also thought he was familiar, but I knew I had never seen him and I kept having deja vu about him in that class.
I was sitting in his class after he started lecturing the class when he lost his patience (I'm in his worst class) and suddenly I got this anger like I'd never felt before, in-the-pit-of-your-stomach angry. It was foreign to me. I don't know if it was even related to what was happening in class.
~ (You can skip ahead. This is completely irrelevant and I feel like I'm rambling, but I just thought of how, at the beginning of the year, he taught our class this song about fast food, which was really embarrassing, awkward, and funny at first, when paired with the motions. I ended it smiling. The teacher walked up next to my chair and told me, "Don't have too much fun." By now I wasn't smiling as much, and I just looked at him. He quickly said, " I was just joking. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." I mentally laughed at him because I think he embarrassed himself. He also laughed at me when I elbowed a metal cabinet while the class was being silent. Sorry for being random, but if you haven't noticed, he's my favorite teacher xD)
~Starting earlier this year also, I started hearing what I like to call, "Phantom Meows", very clearly, even when my cat is not around, or even I the yard. No cats AT ALL are around or in the yard.
~Sometimes, in my house, I get an anxious feeling and it almost feels as if someone was watching me. It's always in the dining room or hall, sometimes my room, which are right next to each other (my room is first on the hall, the dining room leads to the hall). One time I was touched on the shoulder and my sister said she saw a figure standing in the spot I was touched (at a different time).
~The rest is all just... Weird things that keep happening.
~I have been remembering dreams more, all of the aforementioned things happened recently, with the exception of two, often when I look at the clock it says 1:11 and 11 seconds or some other repeating number (if it is a number the can't be mentioned, like 9, it will say 9:33, etc.), I get these weird itchy/ tingly feelings on my head (my mom checked for lice when it got very bad), I'm having strange sleep patterns (Puberty maybe xD), a few weeks ago I ate something I liked and it now tasted so bad my eyes literally started to water, sometimes my vision gets blurry (but I got my vision checked and it is fine- 20/15, I think), I feel in the back of my head as if someone is poking into my skull with their finger... Or a pen (it hurts but lasts only a few seconds or less than a second), I drank this kool-aid that was my favorite and it tasted so chemical and artificial that I couldn't drink it, I'll read something or hear something and it will completely slip my mind, no matter how much I try to concentrate, I get random creativity, my cat is REALLY attached lately, I get mood swings sometimes (Puberty again?), heart palpitations, and that is all I can think of.
Can you help me find out what is happening?
I'm sorry.
I rambled, but I wanted to get it all in there. Plus there are a lot of parentheses and random things.
I know that the rules say no dreams and 'Ghost stories' but they kind of just fit in. I also have had myself checked by a doctor multiple times, don't worry. Some of this stuff may have noting at all to do with anything, but I don't know.
Also my family on my dad's side has weird occurrences and "psychic" history (my grandma is psychic, etc.)
These don't ALL have to be connected, just help me with some if you want.
Thank you.
I use to have dreams too. It's always about my family members or relative dying. It actually happens after a year or two. Then, there was a few times where I keep having dreams of a dark shadow figure strangling me and when I woke up, I was suffocating, gasping for air for almost a minute. There was nothing around me that could've caused it.
A few times I've tried astral projecting (rather unsuccessfully) but there was only one time, I actually succeed a little. I was conscious yet unconscious at the same time. It's like I can feel my surroundings and hear things but at the same time i'm asleep. Then, weird things started happening. I couldn't move around like advanced astral projection but I can hear voices. Loud whisperings in general. No specific words but just a bunch of whisperings that I couldn't make out what they're saying. I can even see but ahead of me is pure darkness like some sort of void.