In 2009 I used to go to a boarding school and I overheard one of my classmates talking about Ouija boards. I bluntly told them excitedly I'm going to make one. My class mate turned around and told me don't mess with Ouija boards they aren't good news.
And I said to my classmate Carson. I told him I'm still going to make one.
The truth is I was interested in the idea. I was also curious.
My dormmate Taylor had decided to go sleep in one of her friends dorm rooms. Cause it had spread that I was going to use a Ouija board. She was scared.
So that night I used it with a bead and string. There was a lightning storm going on that night. Thunder was really monstrous.
Earlier that night a bolt of lightning had struck the exercise building.
Any way it was dark and I had just finished using the Ouija board I started go hear noises outside my open window. And I saw a shadow slowly heading up the steps to the roof in front of my window.
It was a shadow male like form. I sat on my bed watching it get closer. Half curiosity half my heart was pounding hard in fear.
The next thing I knew I was pushed onto my bed and I was paralyzed. I could only move my eyes nothing else.
Then I tried to speak no words came out.
Earlier that day my teacher had been talking about archangels and how Gabriel was some archangel of light. I didn't know about arch angels before that.
And this wasn't religious school he was just a really firm christian. I have nothing against Religion. In fact his words about the archangel Gabriel helped me out of my predicament that was entirely my fault.
Then I feared the shadow figure was going to do something to Me So remembering what my teacher tom said. I mentally said 'Gabriel help me' in my mind and I heard a voice in my mind say 'out loud '
I was finally able to whisper again 'Gabriel help me.' And my eyes went dark. I couldn't see. And I heard ' come back into the light'.
And I was unconscious. When I awoke it had only felt like that happened seconds earlier. And the sun was shining brightly into my room. The sun was warm.
Now let me tell you the shadow guy felt inhuman and he was kind of being a bit of a theatric by slowly making his way up the roof steps, now that I look back on it I think of the jaws movie theme song.
I know now I was stupid using a Ouija board, I was naive. But hey i'm only human and teenagers are very curious. I think if I didn't' ask for help the inhuman shadow guy could of raped me. I'm very thankful I was protected. Thank you gabriel:)!