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Psychic Experiences in Category: A Psychic's Life Story: Page 4
My Strange Happenings And Events by Ally308940
I am Alyx. Ever since I was younger I have had weird dreams and can always sense things. I guess you can say I can predict things. But lately weirder stuff has been happening. I dream stuff and it happens. When I was younger I remember this one particular thing most of all, my dad was away for awh...
This Ability I Have:empath,clairvoyant,telepath Etc by StrangeLuck2
Seems like I have several psychic abilities that I am aware of. Or maybe I'm just plain psycho, Lol. 1) it seems I am extremely aware of what happens in my environment and I am very I in tuned with people. I can predict people's outcomes for the future in certain situations. And 95% of the time I...
Very Confused by Ladyridah
I am not sure what is happening here, there are so many things that could be leading to this. I had been a ghost hunter years ago, I also ordered two porcelain dolls from EBay a little over a year ago and had to send them to John Zaffis, after I bought the dolls everything started happening that inv...
My Inner Spirit And Life's Description by RJeffrey
I'm Throwing it out there for you all again of what I deal with so you know others have dealt with it too. In my dreams my twin and other angels appear usually as regular people, generally as how I or the world around me interprets things based upon their senses so as to make it easier for me to ...
Finally Found Peace Being A Psychic Teen by vergil117
Last year, My abilities had taken over my life, I was lost, depressed and about to drop out of school. I am an Empath, a Clairvoyant, and can sense spirits around. When I was in my Junior year last year, I could not control my Empathy, my emotions would be magnified and the negativity of others woul...
Psychic Abilities Getting Confusing And Out Of Hand? by caramelapple44
This is my second question on this website, but I feel as if this one is more important than the last. I began getting psychic abilities last year around this time and they have since grown tremendously, but have also become out of control. I can feel other people's physical pain and tell them e...
How It All Started by Arbellason
I'll start at the beginning so one day when I was at school I had just gotten done with PE and had my extra pair of shoes with me. Nothing strange with that but when I looked in my shoes for my pencil that dropped in them I noticed something in the shoe toe. So I took it out it was a larger quartz c...
My Experiences Of Levitation, Projection, Intuition by Kristina301
My story begins with my great grandmother placing her hand on my mom's tummy when I was still inside and said it's going to be a girl. She died before I was born and her name was Nana McNeil. It was believe that she had a 'shine' on her and would occasionally have some prediction. I think whatever m...
The Cellar Of Secrets I by Scorpio30
It all started in the summer of 2012. My friend and I, Anastasia are both Psychic. As child we have experienced what most people do not and that has made us even closer as friends. But our first true experience with Spirits together was the summer of 2012, in my cellar. You see, my cellar is not a...
Abilities I Have To Keep Secret by silentsensitive89
I am a 24 year old, young woman. As long as I can remember, I have been "sensitive". As a small child (as far back as I can remember), I was able to feel people. Feel their auras, or emotions, clearly. I would have strange reactions to certain people, being really shy, or even hiding from them. M...
What Psychic Ability Do I Have? by LuciaBG
My expereinces began at the age of 5 or 6 when I woke up and could not breathe. My uncle came running into my room and ran outside for me to get air. I felt like I was being overwhelmed, a warning of some kind. A couple of days later the man next door to us was murdered, but it wasn't the fact that ...
My So Called Gift? I'm 16 And Confused. Help? by thathaleyway
Here's the story. Before this I was always interested in the paranormal and psychic abilities but I didn't think any of this would come up. I believe it all started when I took a trip to Ohio and visited my family on Easter this year. The first night we walked in I took a picture of this TV cabinet ...
Star Child Or Not, I Feel I'm More Than Human by Stellamara
I don't know what I am, but I feel like I'm not completely, "real". I've heard the term "star child" and a few others and it seems to fit my situation but not completely and I just really need answers. I constantly feel like I'm not human or I'm not always "here". I LOVE being outside with the pla...
Aura Projection by NicholasShinault
My name is Nick. I come from a very sensitive family. We all can sense Auras to varying degrees, with mine being the strongest. My mother says I have the role of the Guardian, which she explained that during any Paranormal attack on our family I would serve as the front line. Standing between my fam...
How Do I Identify Myself? And Where Do I Go From Here by beetleJuice
Thanks for your time! I think this is a great resource. I was 18 years old. And I was driven to the emergency room by my family. They didn't know what to think. I didn't understand what I was doing. I noticed that certain people and objects had strong energies and I was attracted to them. I was w...
What Do The Coincidences Mean? by USDAChoice
For the past 6 years, I have personally experienced several different (what I believe to be) psychic situations that I am completely clueless about overall. Things have happened when I was around 14-15 years old that scared me beyond belief, and I have tried my hardest to suppress everything until n...
It's Not A Gift by Calmingstorm
As far back as I can remember, I have been doing what ever I can to learn how to control what some perceive as a gift. It is not a gift to have the overwhelming feeling of someone's passing, to mourn prematurely for loved ones, or for those I will confirm when the obit is printed. Its not a gift T...
Can I Help My Daughter With Them? by spradlin09
My sweet 3 year old is having trouble dealing with her gift. I have seen family members that died and I had never met before but that was just every now and then, and just in troubling times in my life. My daughter has seen things as soon as she was born. We had to move right after she was born beca...
Spiritual Presence And Experiences by TheRagingOni
Alright before I begin let me just say that everything I am about to write happened spontaneously. Meaning that I happened to look around the internet in curiosity and somehow came across this website. I literally signed up right before this post just so maybe I can meet people who can clear up the ...
A History Of Not Understanding by -Nixxi-
Let me begin by saying, I have no real understanding to date of my experiences, and I am now about to turn 29 years old. That being said, any insight, comments or advice would be very much welcome. From a very young age, I'd say about 3-4 years old, I've always been very "aware". That's the best ...
At Times, I Don't Even Understand Myself by Kiame2012
My name is Marie. I am a 15 year old High School student. But unlike most high school students, I tend to be in the need of keeping this secret side to myself, family, and trusted friends only. So for the sake of nobody knowing who I am, I will admit I am Psychic. And the type where they have be...
Unusual Lifetime Experiences. Do I Have Abilities? by lauraleighangel
Just came upon your site and thought I would see if anyone can provide help. I have experienced strange psychic phenomena all my life, starting in childhood. I "saw" my brother after he died, sat in the kitchen and looked up at the cabinets, then they all opened and slammed shut. Almost every house ...
She Said I'm Gifted by Lavender11
I suppose a lot of people if not most come here with the same questions. Hoping for advice. For a little guidance. Answers. Reassurance that they haven't completely lost it. I'm here for the same. Beginning from the beginning is always logical. But I'd prefer to begin from 3 days ago. When I rea...
Something More by Hred
I think I need advice as I don't really understand what is happening to me, if anything at all. Lastnight I had a very vivid dream, where at the beginning I thought I was was going back in time to warn a younger me of about 6/7. It turned out I had gone further than. It started with me and my Gr...
Do You Feel It Too? Strange Life And My Theory by ShadowFallsXO
This story is going to be kind of long, but I hope you take the time to read it. Because I really need help. Well I guess ill start by saying I believe me and my sisters have powers, or abilites or what not. I also think they are inherited, I think that both my parents have gifts. My mom thinks she...
My Paranormal And Supernatural Life by esthersmith3
I am 17 years old and this is my story. First off, I need to point out that I am NOT crazy. These things that have happened to me are VERY real and please do not comment disrespectful or hurtful things because this has been a serious issue in my life. Thank you for reading it. It was the summer befo...
Opening by Lapaix
When I was smaller, I used to be very open to psychic phenomena; I would communicate with the dead openly, I sense entities, and I was very precognitive and received psychic messages. When I lived in my first house, a dark entity used to torment me in my room at night. I would wake up with dark figu...
Bringing Back Abilities. How? by uberiq
I have always been psychic for as long as I remember. And I'm 62 now. In middle school I was called "Martian" and avoided like the plague as I would predict what someone would say, if the teacher was going to drop the eraser, what someone did the night before, etc. I was not a popular person and it...
When The Third Eye Awakens, Interesting Things Can Happen by MysticalHappenings
This is kind of long. And if you don't want to read all of the experiences (don't worry- I didn't include them ALL), please at least got to the end about the third eye and see if you have any insight. Thank you! So, I feel like I should say that as a child I had what my Mom thought was an imagina...
Seven Abilities, Almost Twenty Years by Beautyandthetrees
I have had psychic abilities since a very young age, younger then five I believe. I'm almost twenty now. I have more then one ability. I can feel the emotion and energy of any living thing as well as houses or objects that still have left over energy. If someone is feeling a negative emotion ...
My Life Of Experiences by dontfeardeath
From a young age, I have had experiences with the paranormal. When I was very young, I remember my grandmother coming to me in a dream the night before she died. That is the first thing I can remember being "not normal." Another time, I was doing artwork with my mother and I suddenly saw a woman st...
My Random Psychic Experiences by DiamondS
Im 14years old & I'm psychic. I'm an empath & I have dreams that come true & I get visions & I get these bad feelings before something happened. I don't know what that would make me. But I'm going to write about a few experiences. You might want to read both my past stories that way everything makes...
Telling The Future And More Abilities At 13? by MystiqueMoonlight12
Since I've turned 13 years old, a lot of things have begun to happen. It seems as though most of the things that I say come true. At first, I would have conversations about a certain topic, and something will happen related to that topic. For example, last year my friends and I randomly started talk...
Focusing On A Positive Side To All Of This by Sunny365
My experience has turned me into an insomniac. Like most of you-I have very lucid dreams in which I'm sleeping just fine then suddenly my dream will be interrupted and suddenly I am awake inside my dream and I am seeing future events or talking to a stranger and they are telling or showing me what w...
My Year Of Psychic Experiences by DiamondS
I'm 14 years old, and I believe I might be psychic. I'm posting this story to see if people have similar things happening, advice or anything else. I'm open to any ideas you guys have. This whole psychic thing has kind of freaked me out just because I don't know what's going on. Ok let me start from...
Lots Of Uncontrollable Psychic Abilities Causing Trouble by Heythere
ive been reading around at this site, to be sure I'm at the right place. I have searched for over half a year for help now, but sadly I got nothing yet. Well, it's way too much to sum up, or make a story out of it, but let's say when I was little, I used to see bad spirits. They ruined my, and my...
Empath/psychic: Maybe I Can Help by pureleaf
Enclosed in this document are events that occurred in my life that are 100% true. However, with this being said it is up to you to decide whether or not you believe it, and I love a good skeptic. At the age of 20 I made a promise to myself that I would never do 3 things. Number one, defend my gift...
I Believe I Am A Psychic by Leilaxo
Ever since I was a 3, I had the ability to communicate with spirits. My mom said I would talk to someone, upstairs in the computer room. I wasn't the type of kid to have "imaginary friends" so my mom was skeptical. One day, my name was CLEARLY written on the computer. I didn't know how to write my n...
Psychic Powers Kicked In by jaclyn_spannagel
My name is Jaclyn and I'm 13 years old. My story is about what has been happening to me recently. Over the past week I've been experiencing weird things. On Wednesday; I was riding my four-wheeler when I suddenly heard something. It sounded like my dad's voice saying my nickname, but it wasn't! My f...
Auras, Astral Projection, And Other Experiences I've Had by Spiritsong
I first started noticing that I felt differently from other kids in around 6th grade. I would feel the emotions and pains of others as though they were my own. I would get anxious for no reason or get mad. It was, and still is, very difficult for me to be around large crowds. Then, in 7th grade, ...
The Number 1,11,111 by Coinneach
My name is Kenneth Lund. I was born 03.03.1984 in Odda, Norway. I have had these experiences regarding numbers. Which have led me into confusion and have altered my view on the world and how nature and the creation is put toghether. My story began on the 13'th November, 2011. That day, I ...
The Haunting And The Other Me by _jasmine_
I have been through many experiences relating to the "special" ability of the unknowing. It is unknown to me because I am not sure if I am gifted with such ability, or if "mental illness" which runs through my family, happens to be in my standards. When I was a child, I was diagnosed with ADD. I...
What Do I Really Have? by HPohlit
I am Heather. I do not know whether to declare what I am because I have been noticing that I have too many abilities which are: Feeling the person's aura, for instance, my boyfriend's twin brother have such anger issues and I end up feeling very anger every time when I am around him. Seeing ...
Knowing I'm Not Alone, And What I Have Seen by Kolynn
My story begins at a young age, feeling death around me and understanding all of it, seeing auras of the kids I played with and being made fun of when I spoke of it. These are all things I banished from my mind because I wanted to truly be normal. Through the years though I worked hard to train my m...
A Safe Place To Hide - I Want To Be Normal Again by Giraffe
I have always been a deep thinker. At an early age I questioned my own life and death, and learned a lot. I delved into spiritual and philosophical pursuits from an early age. I studied various religions, but was never satisfied. I always felt like there was so much more to life than our society was...
Born With Spiritual Abilities 1 by Hendrixk
I was born with the gift of visions and astral projection. And many more gifts, I'm not ready to share yet. Also sleep walking, with the ability to see through my spiritual eyes without my physical eyes open. I have closed a bad spiritual door way when I first moved in the house I live in now. An ...
Premonitions And Unexplained Sighting by TCreator91
I'm so glad I came across this site! I've been wanting to share my story for the longest, so I'm glad I finally found a site in which I can do so! I have been having dreams that come true for quite some time now. It really doesn't "freak me out" really, it just leaves me puzzled because I just don't...
Are All Families Like Mine? by foxfire290
Growing up as a child no one else in my family was quite like me. So I truly had no one I could relate to at times I still feel that way at times. So as an adult and a proud grandma things at our house can be different at times. See I found it came from my dad's side of the family whom I was never a...
I Can Feel People's Emotions And I Am Followed By A Man by Kcpepper1993
I can feel other people's feelings. The stronger they feel them the more they affect me. For example, one of my friends brought a friend to my house, and he seemed to be happy on the outside but I could feel his anger boiling inside, and it started to effect me to we're I was starting to be angry. ...
My Awakening by Jholyna1106
I'm Jholyna, I'm 15 years old. I knew that my friend Andy had a power to see ghost and I was amaze by what he can do. On Feb. 1,2013 There was this ghost that he said stayed by my side until I'm home. He checked up on me during the night, its not physically. The days passed by on Feb. 4, He passed t...
Mother-daughter Experiences by SpacePanda
I first wanted to start off this 'story' by saying that this has been going on for a while, maybe even a year or more. My mother and I have these weird occurrences lately, and us being clueless, we're not sure if it's of a psychic nature or not. I don't believe that it's a coincidence only because ...
Plagued With Paranormal Activity by askme
For years now I have felt like I been plagued with paranormal activity. As a kid I was cursed with night terrors, and I have struggled with sleeping issues all my life (including sleep walking). It seems like no matter where I move shortly after strange things start happening around the house. I wak...
My Story Since Birth by hickox1993
I've had feelings throughout my life that all was not what it seemed, chills that felt like fingers glide down my back or dreams that take my breath away. It really all started in 2002 when my grandfather died, when me and my brother were told to leave the room I hit the floor with the deepest feel ...
Understanding The Unnormal by City_Lights
I apologize if this is long. I've been experiencing things since I was a small child. It continues to get stronger (Or worse, in my opinion) the older I grow. I would really like to find out what it is I'm dealing with and how to control it. Since I was little I have had pretty bad night terrors. Th...
God Dreams, Hyper Lucidity, And A Weird Few Years Part 3 by nyxmystery9
Back in '10 I had an urge to write, but it wasn't poetry. I wrote a paragraph and decided I was done. I had no idea of what I wrote meant until the summer of '11 after I had done most of my spiritual research. I have written 2 books since, both written without thinking. Claircognizance I believe? Th...
God Dreams, Hyper Lucidity, And A Weird Few Years Part 2 by nyxmystery9
At the beginning of 2011 my soul finally got me around to energy work and psychic phenomena. The first thing I learned about were the chakras, and it gave me an already ancient system with which I could organize the compilation of information I had better. I spent hours on end learning how to open a...
God Dreams, Hyper Lucidity, And A Weird Few Years Part 1 by nyxmystery9
All my friends think I'm weird. If everybody in my family were apples I'd be a blueberry. No one can tell why I'm so strange, and neither can I. So, I just go with the flow. I think I've needed an outlet for this because honestly I'm not on a basic level of weirdness, (I wish I were sometimes) but t...
I Have Psychic Abilities by joshnaa
I think I have a psychic ability but I just don't know how to develop it. For the past few days there are really strange things happening in my life. My dreams have become just like a movie, the images so clear and vivid, its like they are actually happening, in the morning I just wake up and feel a...
Part Two Of My Paranormal Advanture by iguessimcrazyIGOR
So here is the second part of my story with a running person (ghost?). On the second week I usually went to sleep at 2 A.M. And most of the nights I felt big amount of pressure and felling that someone was watching me, I felt big fear. On the 3rd night I went outside to take out the garbage (VERY L...
Helping People by jennifer3
I been having end of the world dreams now 2 times a month. For about 10 or more years now. I can read people emotion's been doing this for as long as I can remember. It's easy to pick up on the not so good emotions. I feel the good ones to, it's just I sense the bad one first. It freaks them out. I ...
Celestial by snowfish
Over the past couple of years I have become extremely interested in the spiritual and psychic world. My entire life has been marked by some very strange events. To begin with, my mother is a devout Christian and is extremely spiritual, as are some other members of my family. She claims when I was yo...
A Mashup Of Abilities by nyxmystery9
I'm just going to list what I've experienced, what I can do, and random occurrences I can't get a lock on. My strongest abilities are channeling of information, manipulation of energy, and influence of weather. I learned a good deal of info on things just by learning how to be really open to t...
Strengthening And Empowering A Timid Psychic by Cassie11
I am 27 years old and all my life I have suffered from horrific nightmares. The dreams are extremely vivid and the characters are very frightening including demons, animals, witches and many others. My dreams are always long and detailed. I recently had a dream where some demons tried to enter my bo...
What Am I? What Is My Mom Hiding From Me? by TheQuestioner
What am I missing from this equation? I'm a Black Foot Indian, had two prediction dreams, (one I think was one), and I get tingles. My mother had told me all about us having abilities. Seeing the dead, talking to the dead, prediction dreams, the whole shaz. Nobody in my family knows how to use...
Psychics Clueing Psychics On Their Abilities by tellingthebees
My story begins when I am 8 years old. My parents moved me from CT to Upstate NY where my ancestors had lived since 1800. Immediately I knew I was in a magical place. I could pick out buildings that had great interest to me and knew about people long dead without seeing any photos. When I finally sa...
Many Abilities by Foxgirl
I guess you could say that I have a number of abilities. Spirits Ever since I was little I have been able to sense spirits. When I was about five I saw shadows in the house that my dad bought before I was born. I always felt uneasy in that house especially when my dad decided to build onto the...
Shadow People, Astral Projection And Dark Fog? by mr-buttons
This is my story... (sorry in advance if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes.) I don't even know where to begin. Well I will just start off by saying I have had my fair share of paranormal experiences in my life so far, but I just want someone else's advice on this. As long as I can...
My Mother Called It A Gift by spiritwolfdancer
I was raised as a firm believer of the supernatural, my Mother also told me I had a special gift. I did encounter some strange things as a child but always dismissed them and never thought them as supernatural or anything else. When I had my youngest daughter it was an emergency cesarean. My baby wa...
A Collection Of A Teen Psychics Stories by sigmadeadbolt
My name is Caleb, I am 14 years old, I am a developing psychic (mostly empath atm), and I am starting a psychic group (For now, via the internet) I am looking for all the psychics I can find, and I want to possibly start a psychic boarding school to train psychics when I am older. Now to my story...
My Experiences And Abilities by sigmadeadbolt
A couple years ago I had a dream that I was watching a commercial for a TV show (That hadn't even been announced yet), and a year later I saw that same commercial on TV I think I have a telepathic connection with someone or a spirit, I hear voices in my head, but I can't make out what they're say...
A Collection Of Experiences by ImageFeedback
I can't speak of the exact nature of why these experiences are happening to me, and honestly i'm leaving some things out, as it's very complicated and against my favor, but it was recommended I do this; i'm taking the experiences as they come. They're out of sequential order, but i'm writing this su...
Looking For Answers About My Psychic Abilities by _notperfect
I'm 18 and all my life I've been looking for answers about my psychic abilities. When I was about 13 months I died. My heart stopped and I was completely gone, but my neighbor brought me back to life and ever since then strange things have happened to me. My mom told me how after I got sick she got ...
Family Of Psychics by Larn
For as long as I can remember, my mother has had psychic visions for one example, she was really stressing one week about someone having a really bad fall and we were going to have too call an ambulance, she was concerned too the point she was following my pop around with a towel after she had moppe...
Life Story by Yesitus
I remember as early as a infant. I remember people I never met. I see people I never seen before and or again. I have a being that follow me. I don't know why. I have asked my parents over the years. It seems as if they brush the subject off. As days go by more and more things occur. There's one enc...
Losing My Abilities That Were Once Incredibly Strong? by Ysemay_Zasticia
My name is Sarah. I was born in the fall of 1995, and that is when my story begins. My parents, and everyone around me, knew I was different from the moment I was born. I was less than five minutes old, crying as any newborn, when my mother called my name. I immediately stopped crying, turned my hea...
Why Was I Chosen For This Destiny? by pureofheart33
Here I go, my name is Jacob Davis. I feel as though I have had the power to feel energy and beings around me from the moment I was born. When I was only a baby around the age of one, three men broke into the house while it was just my mother and I asleep on the couch. I remember three large dark fig...
I Have Never Been Normal by ktbug120
I'm Katie. Just a normal teenager, or so I thought until very recently. Weird things have been happening to me lately. If you have answers, advice, anything, I would be so grateful. Well, I'll just jump in (I'll start with a few things that have been going on for awhile before I get to what made me...
Opened The Door To The Other Side by amzie1991
Ever since I was a little girl I have had a gift and was told by a spiritual women (family friend) that she could sense I was special. When I was a baby I died so I'm thinking maybe that opened the door to the other side? Let me tell you some of my experiences 1. I have seen ghosts 2. I ha...
Development Issues by Riv-El
A little history about me. I'm an empath, my abilities aren't fully developed. I can sense other people's feelings and it can be difficult I'm trying to control it. I also have a connection with one person. No matter where that person is I can feel when they are sad, angry, upset, happy, etc. I can'...
A Kid From Amityville by ktaprobst
Being born on Halloween in Amityville, New York probably sounds very spooky. I was around long before the Amityville Horror debacle and being born on Halloween maybe helped. I get the most psychic around October every year. It started as a child when I knew who was on the phone when ever it rang. My...
I Became A Medium To Stop Slavery by medium4godjesus
I was touched by the light in 2002 by my other mother Saint Shirley Mancuso, she said "I will save you and your daughters from Heaven" an angel board reader told me" Shirley has to speak to you she's interrupting my readings" I went to this Psychic and God spoke to me he said " You are put on earth ...
Young Psychic: My Experiences by FlowerofAutumn
This is for the young Psychics such as myself, and the inexperienced Psychics, who are out there dealing with ridicule and suffering from fear. This is for the ones who wish to know how to improve and use their abilities, and to learn to overcome. I know exactly how you feel, and you are not alon...
6th Sense by bloodmoon1987
Odd things had happened to make me believe everything happens for a reason. For instance knowing my Grandfather was going to pass away because my aunt received a phone call. I have trouble sleeping at night always had and I just said I don't think grandpas going to make it and went back to sleep...
Spirit Touching, Vibrational Energy And Streams Of Light by Tyler86
To start off, I was born a highly sensitive and intuitive child with a soul of an Artist. I am a sun sign Virgo, numerology Life Path#11, Chinese astrology animal Tiger, and personality INFJ. As I got older I started to put the pieces together and came to a conclusion that I am an old soul. The only...
Terrible Yet Amazing Gift by AshleyHalliwell
All my life, I've been able to sense things. Never good things, just bad things. I knew when something terrible was going to happen. I could never explain to anyone how I knew what I knew, I just knew. My feelings weren't usually that specific either. I'm going to try to explain chronologically what...
I Don't Know How To Control The Information by Rebok
I was always told from a young age that I came from a line of "psychics" (on my mother's side). I have always had premonitions, had an invisible friend-we later found out she lived and died in the 1800's. I remember being able to speak "Creol" when I was 4. I had many paranormal experiences during m...
Awakening by prixdepaix
(I apologize in advanced for any of my terrible English skills.) When I was very young, maybe around six or seven, I used to be very much open to the psychic phenomena. I would often wake up in the middle of the night in my childhood home in Bordeaux to go to the bathroom to drink. As I got up, I...
Are Me And My Children Psychic by lilly1982
I have been told that the gift runs in my family and have always been very open minded about it all. I always feel as though me and my children are protected and there is always a warm energy around us. A few months ago I started hearing voices more so as I was settling down for the night, which at ...
Possible Psychic Abilities In The Family? by Jadeeeee
-First off I want to apologize if this does not meet the guidelines, as there seem to be many, but I just need to get someone's opinion on if they think there may be psychic abilities of some sort in my family. I realize this is long, but if atleast one person could read and reply it would be greatl...
Scared To Dream by Calimorea_Seraphim
Let's just say that my family is not exactly the most normal family. My dad can tell who someone is just by looking at them, my sister Steph can feel other people's feelings, and my little brother still sees ghosts now that he is 6. This, whatever this is, thing passed over my other sister, and I th...
Seeing Things As A Child by arjay
I'm arjay 19 years old. I want to share my story. To find a answer or mybe you can give me an advise. Or what is it My first experience is when I was 5 or 6 years old we live in the province it was 9pm and have to pee that time so I go to the bathroom and when I was on the bathroom door I see a ...
Should I Tell? by Telekinetic
Alright so it's the beginning of the school year every one excited no. I was but now I'm not I don't know to tell my new friends about my abilities, at my old school though my friends accepted me for who I am but starting is hard. They were good friends but going to a new school isn't easy. When ...
What Is My Psychic Abilty? by 678gril
This is my story: I see images or little clips of the future or sometimes the past if it goes around the present or future. Has it ever felt like you seen something then seen it again, like déjà vu. That's what it feels like all the time. My friend thinks it is just my imagination running wild....
The Story Of My Abilities by crazy14
I suppose I first started to realize I was "different" when I was 14. I began to notice that I was feeling emotions that most certainly were not my own, and that they were coming from other people. Nowadays I am so used to it, that it seems completely normal, but back then it was a little tough to g...
Who Am I? by bld0702
This is the first time in all my life I have reached out for help from others who may know what is going on. All of my life, my family and I have had weird things happen. Growing up, we lived in an old house that was haunted. We all saw ghosts, but mostly shadow people. All the women in my family fo...
Leap Year Day Pisces, Born With Black Veil by Kama_Sutra
Hey all! Let me start by saying I was born on February 29, 1980 at 1:28PM. I have a Cancer rising and Leo moon. And I was also born with a "black veil." I'm 32 years old and I STILL don't know what it all means but, I'm hoping someone here WILL know something. A little history on me. I found out, m...
As Long As I Can Remember by NK_R
For as long as I can remember, I have felt the presence of something and have had foresight of events that I just can't explain. When I was a little girl I vividly remember having a presence stand near my bed when I was sleeping. I would wake up and see a person there and think to my self "Oh, it's ...
High Confusion, Enlightenment? by Kaelym
When I was about 6 or 7 I was in a park with my friends, we were playing tip, and I remember running incredibly, and I mean incredibly fast after one of them over a long distance I was able to catch up to him quite easily, like say 30m in 4 seconds. It was the fastest that I have ever ran in my whol...
What Is An Indigo Child? How Do I Strengthen My Ability? by Sakura1318
I have had "weird" stuff happen to me ever since I was a kid. I also know things that I shouldn't be able to, like rules spirits have to follow. I have never been able to talk to anyone about these things except my family. I'm not even sure if I should be posting on here in the first place. I guess ...
My Learning Of The Paranormal Based On Personal Experience by delta903
When I was little about 5 or 6 years old, I used to feel out of place with everyone around me, particularly the fact of my bulling in school by other kids I tended to feel like an outcast from everyone. For what reason they didn't like me? I don't know, maybe the other kids were jealous or they hate...
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