I first started noticing that I felt differently from other kids in around 6th grade. I would feel the emotions and pains of others as though they were my own. I would get anxious for no reason or get mad. It was, and still is, very difficult for me to be around large crowds.
Then, in 7th grade, I was at a lake looking for rocks. I pulled one out of the water, and it had this lightning bolt symbol on it. I didn't think anything of it. Until later that summer, I was playing with my friend, and I found a stick with the same symbol on it. I'm not sure exactly what that meant, or if it was just a coincidence. So I went on living my life, trying to sort through all this extra stuff I was feeling.
Nothing really extreme happened until the beginning of my freshman year, when I began seeing auras. This REALLY freaked me out. I had no clue what to do, so I kept it hidden from almost everybody. One of the three people I did tell suggested I get help.
A month or two after I first started seeing auras, I accidentally astral projected at a sleep over. I've read about OBEs and such before, but I didn't have any experiences with them until that point. I couldn't control myself when it was happening, I was just flying around like crazy. I ended up at this really beautiful house, and when I went on the porch, I encountered a really dark figure. I felt as though something was sucked out of me, and then I was back in my body. I couldn't move, and every muscle felt like it was shaking. I was completely freaked out, and I thought I was having a seizure. It only lasted a minute or so, but it really scared me.
Another thing I've noticed over the years is my thoughts often come true. Like I'll get this random thought out of the blue, and it ends up really happening. I have no clue what to do. All these things have made me really antisocial, and I'm not sure if I should tell my family or not. I've read about spirit guides that come and help people, but no such being has come to me. I am REALLY lost. If somebody could please help me, I would be really thankful.