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Real Psychic Experiences by chronological order: Page 51
Lights Turn Off by simonemoon
My name is Jordan. For the past 7 or 8 years. I tried to figure why its only happening to me. Even tho my friends and family members witnessed it as well. Okay, it only when I am driving or walking by especially on road or highways. Pretty much every nights, I ll be driving and I ll see mostly o...
Trapped In My Body by MarciSt
My very first 'eye opening' weird experience happened many years ago during the sleep at night/early in the morning and to me it felt very profound. I slept but I was totally awake. My mind was anyway. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move. I felt like captured inside my body which felt like from t...
How Am I Able To Do This Much? by Jenny309
I know I have psychic abilities because I always make strange things happen. For example, Things just blow up whenever I have any really extreme emotion. I can read minds and I have visions of the future. I also have the ability to Astral project myself. The weird thing is people can sense m...
Is This Just Due To Mental Illness by catis28
I'm 28 year old woman that has had a few experiences in my life that I just can't explain. About 5 years ago it started I got paralyzed states while in bed where I'm awake but I can't move, I can see but can't speak this has happen a few times. Once I heard a argument so clear that I wanted to rush ...
Playing With Fire by earthbound
So, recently I discovered I possess some ability with fire. I first discovered I was pyrokinetic when I was at my grandmas house. She meditates and shes a spiritual healer, so she lights a lot of candles around the house. When I walk into her room candles flicker out of control, sometimes they even ...
Ability Too See And Talk To Some Ghosts & Spirits by ddsmithj
I have had the ability too see and talk to some ghosts; spirits; whatever you call them and I know its not normal. But why do some people see and others don't? I got this from my mom. I know because we each feel the same way when we are around that stuff. I want to know if anyone ever has had proble...
Do I Have A Power? by ReadYourMind
I am 14 years old and I am able to read people's emotions. I can tell what they are hiding and who they really are. I thought it would be really fun to have this 'power', but then it got really overwhelming and now it bothers me to know how everybody feels. I'm also into all that 'witch' stuff, but ...
Losing Myself by Doll612
If you read my last story then you'll know what I am and what I can do if not then I'll tell you more. I can feel spirits, smell them, and I get chills when they are near. Sometimes I get dizzy if one has strong energy and I can not block it and when I try I just get more dizzy. That's one of the th...
Uncertain Events That Occur by jojoneongreen
I am 13 years old, I have been having strange dreams frequently for as long as I can remember. Almost each and every one of those dreams have come true. I didn't think it was an issue, or real, until I started to think about my dreams. For example, my grandfather just passed away. The night before h...
Two More Of My Premonitions by RayvenWoodSong
These aren't as detailed as my other one, and not much time has past since I had them, but these are really confusing me. Normally I can get the meaning of them almost instantly. I've shared them with some of my friends and they had some interesting theories. I even let sent it to Aki, But I'm still...
Feeling People by Cleirical
I am 19 years old. Since I can remember, I have always been a person who is affected by other people's feelings. When I walk in a room, I know how every person is feeling and I feel all of their moods. When I get really stressed out, this is a horrible feeling because I can't turn it off. If my moth...
Columbine, Twin Flame Connection by wrathx
On April 20, 2010, my English teacher took a day out of her schedule to talk to us about something that "hit close to home." The Columbine Massacre. I was only about six years old when this took place, so I had heard about it, but wasn't an expert on the subject. She showed us several Youtube videos...
Bad Feelings by cpope
Hey, I'm 17 and for the longest time I have known my mom to always use the reason "I have a bad feeling" as an excuse for me not to go somewhere or do something. My dad practices "Wiccan" religion and has told me several things about their supernatural beliefs, he also told me to trust my mom's "bad...
All Things Happen For A Reason... Right? by Shootingstar11
All things happen for a reason. Right? If that's true then me meeting my best friend who just like me happened for a reason too right? Lately I have been feeling like I am not doing what I was sent here to do, she has been feeling the same way. I feel like I have to impress someone and it's not some...
My Emotions Are Controlling Me by KialoLove
I'm 13, so I'm emotional enough as it is, but lately everything has been so much weirder than normal. During the school days, I have been having many sickening headaches, to a point where it has gone way too far. When I have these headaches, I have been experiencing many emotions at once. These emot...
Could This Be Dangerous? by Nunz
This thing is kind of mean I can't start a story by saying hi, well anyway so I don't know if I have a psychic ability yet but I have good intuition that has proven itself vital again and again, even for little things and for big long term events in my and my family's life. I try mediating; because,...
Coping With The Fear Of Astral Travel by Thebigm
I'm fairly new here (3rd story), have posted a couple of times about general experiences but I am looking specifically for advice from experienced Astral travelers about how they overcame their early anticipations and fears to be able to astral travel. Quick background on me: 29 year old guy, st...
My First Conscious Obe by MarciSt
This description might be confusing term-wise but it is as I felt it then, many years ago, without knowing anything about OBE. I thought I was just in some hypnotic like state or deep meditation. It was at night, I was fully aware of everything, laid in the bed and I got into that altered hypnoti...
Confused About My Abilities by k9
I am new to the psychic world or at least I just began to research it. When I was a little kid I used to see dark shadows out of the corner of my eye and when I looked again it wasn't there. Also I used to hear voices call my name like a distant voice that had a sort of melody tune. I haven't had th...
Excessive Negative Energy by dove_girl
Sometimes I feel all this negative energy. It's not even negative it's just unpleasant. Like when you hug someone who is in pain or crying although you are happy to help them, it feels like afterward all their bad emotions have rubbed off on you and it's like wearing an old shirt you desperately wan...
Death Sense by SlyFive
I'm not quite sure how to start something like this off, but here it goes. It seems that I have the strange ability to sense death on people. Usually it is activated with some sort of visual or auditory trigger. For example, someone mentioned in conversation, or having spotted someone in a crowd....
Energies by Rashidah
This story is from my blog. I will love to share this experience with people who are interested in self healing. I would like to talk about my experiences with High and Low energy frequencies. All energies have side effects; whether you are aware of that or not. Frequencies in this sense...
Suicide Of A Friend That Hasn't Happened Yet by coco1851
The other day I was sitting on the couch relaxing and I dozed off into sleep. I had what I thought was a nightmare, but seemingly unusual because I have had nightmares before however, they were never about a close friend killing themselves. In this "dream" my friend from high school that I don't rea...
Am I A Medium by Youth123
About five years ago I have always felt like is someone behind me when I am in my bedroom typing up my stories I have always felt that someone was behind me, reading all I have written. I was frightened kind of that night it was about midnight, there was a noise and I felt like I was being watched I...
Occasionally Hearing Voices by Ceedge
Hey I'm 13 and life is weird and stressful enough right? Well about two or three years ago it was a lot weirder. So about every night when I was going to bed and couldn't fall asleep I would start to hear voices either calling my name or just creepy stuff. I don't know if I'm just going insane but t...
The Eruption Of My Abilities by bbdeathspark
Hello there everyone, you've probably seen me around the site, either raging about Eric, or warning people about 2012, and telling them to email me. Well, I finally decided to write about my full list of powers, what they do, and if anyone can help me, please do. Because I need these fully developed...
Am I Crazy? by Starss12345
Hi, I was always a strange child. My mother told me I use to talk to someone who was never there. But, since a few years ago. Things have been happening around me. I'd hear whispering in my ears. And I'd feel a strange feeling that doesn't seem to be my own. Sometimes in a few houses I'd feel si...
Do I Really Have A Psychic Ability? by Youth123
I am new here and have had a mixture of experiences. Firstly I am into witchcraft but don't practice it. Sometimes I feel as if I know something about a person but I don't know what it is. I have some vague idea of what I was in a past life. I think I was reincarnated I can remember bits of m...
Bad Feeling by elrenmiela
Alright, well throughout my life I have been able to feel what others' around me feel. I understand that I could be an Empath, and I've read up on it and understand that well enough, but something has been worrying me recently. I have been getting these feelings, like the ones I normally get when I'...
I Have Dreams That Come True by Emazin108
I think this started when I was 9 or 10. One night I had a dream that there was a lady that had a bad car accident in front of my house. She hit her head on the steering wheel. The next day my mom, sister and I went to my grandmas house. The road was unstable. We were driving up a road and some lady...
Empath Emotions Making Me Go Crazy by Olesya
Hello, everybody. I am Olesya and I think I may be an empath. My great grandma was a dark gypsy who used her abilities to hurt other people, and even kill. I started noticing few months ago. But my problem is that whenever I am around people (it doesn't matter how many people) I literally go crazy....
Numerous Psychic Abilities by PyschicVisions
It all started when I was 9 years old. I had random flashes of faces and colors. The visions became longer and longer. Most of them have come true, as well as strong, vivid dreams I've had. For instance, I had a dream that my dad had something extremely important to tell my family, but first, he had...
Felt I Was Going To See A Friend, Did A Few Hours Later by xsianx
I have just decided to register as throughout my life I have encountered strange experiences that I have previously put down to coincidence or decided there must have been a logical explanation, but as I get older it becomes harder to ignore, the experiences I have are very simple and seem to serve ...
Black Orbs And Various Other Anomalies by Mel33
Hello everyone, I was recently doing a search for black orbs and came across this site. I have had many experiences with spirits, astral projection, prophetic dreams, and etc. However, for the last few weeks I've started seeing black orbs. Now, I've seen white glowing orbs of various sizes, but th...
Strange Uneasy Feeling When Touched by SoliK
I am someone who is highly intuitive and has had unexplained occurrences throughout of my life. One of these is feeling the good or bad vibes of people around me. There are at times when I'm in a public place, like a mall or bus station. And someone accidentally bumps into me. Sometimes I don't thin...
Knowing Things Before They Happen by jdkat59
My 17 year old daughter was 6 months out of a bad first high school relationship when she decided she wanted a part time job. She applied at the local supermarket but 3 weeks later hadn't heard anything. A high school friend was working for the same chain but in a different store than she applied an...
Gifts Always Pop Up Out Of No Where by PureCheese
It started just recently, I don't meditate as often and I definitely do not practice my gift as much as I should. I recently stopped hearing the voices as much as before. It's probably because I ignore them but I do occasionally hear a whisper or a "in back of you" voice. Anyhow, I had this institut...
Can Anyone Tell Me What's Going On With Me Please by NecroHime
I know its really long, but I didn't know which parts to cut, since I didn't know if it could be easy to understand what I meant to say... So sorry...really, I'm getting more nervous as time goes by. Ok so umm I'll start from the very beginning. When I was very young I was always locked in my roo...
I Can't Figure Out What I Am? by DAYDREAMER95
I know I have psychic abilities, but I can't quite figure which one. I have seen ghosts and have heard them and sometimes feel them, but it has stopped recently. Mostly because I've been ignoring it though. But then sometimes I will think something during class like a keyword and somebody will say o...
I Hear Voices Every Night by Mikey-DI
Hey Guys, I am a male of 16 years of age. I joined this forum in hope that some one could help or explain to me why I am hearing noises and voices before I enter a twilight zone or am extremely relaxed. I have been hearing these voices for 3 months now. Sometimes they are angry and swearing at...
Are Rainbows Good? by bloodredrose
Rainbows; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Finding the pot of gold at the end of it, like a gold-digging leprechaun. Colors symbolizing the moods for auras, tradition, and maybe even society. From my first entry for sharing my experiences I mentioned a huge rainbow, gray dark cl...
My Powers, Your Powers? by Arrow
I have not been on this site for awhile so I don't know what the current group of people on the site are like, so I'm asking you to share about yourselves on this post through comments. First I will share about myself: My first name is Michael and I will not share my last name for obvious purpo...
Dealing With Entities by ipromisedthesky
I don't know how to start this, but I'll do it the old-fashioned way, I'm new. I'm not new with the whole psychic experience thing. I have been experiencing different things since I was a child. Although this year has been a more eventful one than all the other years. And it's probably going to cont...
Since I Last Posted, I Have Learned About My Ability by Debrisis
Hi, I was once Laxlum however I forgot my account's password so there was no other option for me but to create a new account. That isn't important, what is important is that in my other account I published a story with the title "I Feel Changes In The Weather". In that post I mentioned that I could,...
Would You Consider This As Empathy? by JaGsTa
I have always been a bit intuitive, but lately I have realized I may be empathic. My mother and I are very good at "reading" people and recently I made the connection to having empathy. I have also realized that when other people are feeling extreme emotions, like sadness or grief, I tend to feel li...
Am I A Young Empath? by Blitzy
Hello, I honestly don't know if I am a Empath, yet I have many characteristics of one. While at school, my mood always fluctuates. One moment I can be happy then angry. People say I'm very moody and all over the place. It all depends on who ever is near me and their mood. Empathy is inherited but I ...
A Psychic Discovers Jesus by timt
Many years ago I was a psychic, I really enjoyed communicating with familiar spirits. Several times people would ask me to hold a piece of cloth,jewelery,or just a piece of hair. Several times I would have an out of the body experiences in these meetings but one time I will not ever forget. I was as...
Life As A Roma During The Second World War by The-Red-Daisy
Before I start this story, I should first explain that I'm what's considered to be a "late blooming" psychic. My gifts didn't appear with until I was about thirteen years old. I went to bed one night a normal girl and woke up the next morning seeing spirits. I'm serious, one hundred percent. Arou...
Dreams Of Future Conversations by solaris_moon
Since I was little I have always had vivid dreams. Mine have always been in color and as I've been reading here I, too never knew other people didn't dream in color. I thought just animals saw and dreamed in b+w. Anyway, depending on what's happening in my life at the time sometimes my dreams are mo...
I Wish I Knew How To Use It by Viola
I've read through a few of the stories posted on this site and I see that a lot of people have the dream that comes true thing happening to them. For as long as I can remember, I've had that as well. It's never anything important, but when it actually happens outside of the dream it's like hey, I re...
My Own Experience With Astral Things by Chetyre
About 8 years or so ago, I became interested in the "art" of divination; it seemed I might have had some ability using the pendulum as I dowsed for underground water veins/telluric energy. I got way ahead of myself and decided to use it for communicating; I won't go into detail of just whom I was...
Blood Before My Birthday by RawkstarIntuition1111
My birthday is November 13th. A couple days before my birthday November 11th I had a dream. I don't know where I was... And there was no one around. It was just me. I remember holding my stomach and I felt pain but it was almost like it didn't JUST happen... Like it was an old wound. I remember hold...
Am I Going Nuts? Or Am I A Psychic? by Amerz
I am 13 years old and ever since I was four years old I've been having visions in my sleep. I control the future without even realizing it. But, when it happens I feel like a total buttox and I want to just crawl in a hole. For example, recently I thought before I went to sleep "what if I got invite...
Do I Have Abilities? by feeling-unknown
This is my first story so I really don't know how to explain. Well here it goes, I have the feeling that I have abilities. Why, because at the age of 9 I could control the weather with my hands, just by moving them around and thinking of the weather I want to do. Another reason is because my mom wou...
Dream Of The Past by ClayMayo
Hi, recently I had a very strange but vivid dream. I don't know where to begin exactly but I will begin where I first remember. The setting of the dream seemed to be in the late 1920s to 1930s. I can't really tell. It was in side of a house. The house was older looking and that was one of the ways I...
Dreams Coming True... And Talking People Up? by dreamer6810
To begin with I think that I need to start with the fact that I am only 22, and my mother is a firm believer in ghosts and all things paranormal. Growing up picking and playing telling ghost stories and all in just fun and games. I do not remember the first time that I had an experience with some...
Out Of Body Experience Or Something Else? by chelcie7351
My whole life I have been able to see and hear the paranormal. I have also had visions and premonitions of things that happen in the future. Around 3 years ago I felt like something really bad was around me. It scared me... So I went got my father who told me that when something bad is around you...
I Am Young And Very Confused by meh_
Hello. I am fifteen years old and I've recently started taking an interest in the different ways of foreseeing the future, other religions, runes, auras and other similar. Since I was little, I've been interested in mythology, ancient civilizations, etc. This is a quick review of me: I can't see a...
The Sleep Paralysis by MarciSt
I think I have been given the opportunities to see and feel something more then with the usual senses. But I definitely wasn't prepared for it when it started to happen. I didn't understand it. I always was very sensitive, rather introvert and preferred being on my own, therefore more open perhaps. ...
Awoken By Demonic Attacks by Starsign88
I have been experiencing demonic attacks in the middle of the night. It keeps me awake, and I can see them in my mind's eye. My friend told me once that people are capable of sending demons to their enemies to bother them with a spell. Is this true? Also, I feel that I am being attacked sexually. It...
What Psychic Ability Do I Have If I'm Psychic? by Starss12345
A little about me. I'm 13 years old. Scared and confused. I starting seeing things about 2 years ago. That's when my grandfather died... If that has anything to do with it... Nothing much has changed since my last post, I can still hear whispering and see things move, I can feel some sort of...
Can A Demon Steal Your Soul? by HalfSoul
I've been using a pendulum for almost three years. It's never lied to me and I don't think it would. For ages I trusted whatever I was talking to, for a while I was sure there was something different about it. One kept coming back. I always ask before I start with a the real question if its going to...
I'm Scared I Have Lost My Abilities by chloeemariaa
hello I'm back with my second story I thank you everyone for their help with my last story. But I have a problem it might just be nothing but I fear for it and at my age (13) I have plenty of things to worry about but it all stated when. I brought this necklace before I was having dreams that came t...
New, Questioning Empath? by switt
So, I'm very very new to all of this - well, at least I believe I am. I've felt this way for at the least one year now, but I guess I should explain my story a bit first. I am now sixteen years old, but at the time I was fifteen, maybe fourteen. I have a friend who I communicate only via text of ...
How Do You Understand Your Dreams? by ladyrara26
I have had dreams that have become true. Some of my dreams are really direct showing colors, or people or even some events that might be an upcoming event that will happen to me. An example would be a dream of last night where I had a friend of mine playing a certain sport. The next day I met a man ...
18 Year Demon Stalker by vannahxdesignsxyou
Being followed by a demonic presence since birth is a scary thought for most people to comprehend. My name is Savannah. I was born March 11, 1992. I've pretty much have been able to feel and communicate with spirits since I was little. I am not so much scared anymore because, well, I use to move a...
Could I Be A Medium? I'm Really Scared by Cloud382
As this year has progressed, more and more crazy things have been happening to me. My house seems to have entities in it, but so does the rest of the world. I'm not really sure as to weather or not this should be in the Ghost Stories site but how my story progresses is what makes me think its mor...
My Dead Fiance Making His Appearance Known Through Energy? by Keiligh
My fiance passed away suddenly just four months ago on July 9th, 2010. Soon after, I started seeing flashes of light orbs and other energies around me. They seem to get stronger each time. I have been seeing flashes of light balls for a very long time. But these are different. Since his passing,...
Voices Calling My Name by booya
There are things in my life that I can't really explain. I know that we can't stop these kinds of things to happen. I'm really happy to have viewed this site and am hoping that you guys can help me figure these things happening in my life right now. It all started 5 years ago, I was using the co...
My Family Came To Me by graham0426
On the 25th September the day before my birthday. I rang my mum to ask was she going shopping with my wife, she replied yes my friend came round and delayed us by 10 mins, so my wife went to my mums to take her shopping and my mum said I will not be long I feel dizzy. A couple of minutes later my wi...
Predicting Things by PyschicVisions
It all started when I was nine. I would have strange, vivid dreams about people I knew, or didn't know. Certain parts of them would actually happen, mostly parts about the person dying or getting sick. An example of one of these dreams is a few weeks ago. I had a dream that I was rushing around t...
Pregoc Dreams? Can This Be Real? by KaylaS
I have always had very vivid dreams that I can remember, but the difference is places and events that have never happened started occurring in my dreams. Just recently a lot of these occurrences started happening in real life. I have no idea how to take this or what to think of it someone please hel...
I Am Scared What Is Wrong With Me? by Oncloud9
Before I start this it's is going to be kind of long. Well My Uncle had died due to being overweight in the summer of 2008. I remember the funeral and everything as if it was yesterday. Any way after his funeral we went back to my aunts house. Everyone was going home and I Stood at the end of the ...
Psychic Who Told Me That I Was Also Psychic by everton
hello I'm an 19 year old lad form Liverpool, I recently went to see a psychic who told me that I was also psychic, I had a brief idea because I can tell whose calling without looking, know what people are about to say or finish their sentences for them and I can always tell when there is something w...
The Ghost In History Class by vhsgirlroc
I'm 13 my life seemed normal. I guess I was supposed to develop psychic powers when I was young but, my powers didn't come until I was 11 years old. I started having premonitions of weird information. I saw this dictionary page saying something about the moon and the sea. I also knew when things lik...
Number 9 by mamichou
I keep seeing numbers in my dreams and every time I add them up the answer is 9. My dad past away few years ago. He appears in my dream. I was on the floor where there were two sets of nuts. He told me that a set is "such" number and the one set is "such" number. All the numbers are two digit num...
People Really Started To Notice by eye24
Hey everyone, I haven't been online and try to do my favorite thing which to help people. But really weird stuff start to happen. I was at school doing my work and waiting for my friends to come because I was early that day. Than all of sudden this freshman came up to me crying and their were a lot ...
Ability To See Into The Future & Read People by RSJ
I have had the ability to see into the future. I can also sense if a person is good or bad. I can also heal using my body. It started with dreams, I'd have dreams just as I do today, parts of the dreams stand out. A lot of the time the picture as I see it is as it happens. Other times I can see s...
Dream Psychic Seeks To Battle Negative Energy Stalker by velvetrevolution
Starting around college, I began having vivid dreams that came true. I was a huge skeptic to the point of ridiculing psychics before it started to happen to me. The dreams are random, and I can rarely call up predictions on my own while dreaming, although a few times I achieved lucid dreaming and wa...
I Want To Know, Understand And Strengthen My Gifts by InjuredAngelHeero
I've already wrote a story on here, but I guess it was too long, I didn't get any help as to what I might be experiencing. I'm writing this in the hopes of someone helping me, I don't want to suppress my gifts (any I may have), but I want to know, understand, and strengthen them. I've had many se...
Wrapped In Compassion: Immersion In Someone Elses's Vibe by oldsoul64
Sensitivity to emotions, thought, mood, shadow, seeing things are nothing new to me. What happened this year and what is new is that I experienced something from someone else who has an incredibly intense expression of compassion and caring. The first time it happened I happened to be driving dow...
Dark Figure by Mickey120
I am a 33 year old female and have been affected by dark figures for most of my life now. I have seen them in my dreams and in the waking world. I know that I have abilities of a psychic nature, as to what they are I'm not sure how to define. I some times see things or hear things, mainly dream them...
Is Devin Real? by nintenpups
One day in sixth grade in gym we had to run. It was a hot day and after running a 16 year-old boy, who at the time only went by D, started to follow me. I told my friends and they were scared for me so after that I didn't say anything to them. After some time he became more visible to me and then sa...
Psychic Power Or Is It All In My Head by Krysta_Skittles
I wanted to see if I have a psychic power or is it all in my head. 1. Recently I had this feeling of "knowing" so I told my friend I knew what they thought about a lot. So I told them, I wasn't guessing because I knew it was right. Then when I was all done my friend was shocked at how I knew ever...
Want To Know What I Am by RSandan
I'm sorry I don't know what this falls under, I have had so many things happen in my life, I don't even mention it for fear of judgment. When I was younger I saw two entities fight it was the best thing to witness a dark shadow was hiding kept making the house cold and moving things my cousin and I ...
The Premonition Of The Murder Of My Siblings And My Mum by briggzi25
I had a dream Friday and Saturday night of this weekend that my mother and my two younger siblings had been murdered. In this dream, my mother, younger brother and younger sister had been stabbed multiple times by my mom's new fiancee. It showed everything in the dream except for their actual faces....
Psychic Abilities Growing Everyday? by oceanown
Hello. Since I was a child I have been experiencing strange occurrences and have been wondering lately if I am psychic? I'm not really sure if I am or not and would like feedback if somebody may have any information on what I've been experiencing or if anybody has had any similar experiences. I c...
Dreams And Thoughts Cause Deja Vu by Steele0416
For some time now I've had nebulous dreams that seem to come true in some shape or form. Usually I get an extreme feeling of Deja Vu and most of the time I'm with my family and friends. When I experience Deja Vu my memory of the dream becomes clear and I feel as though I have already experienced a s...
Ghost In My Room by 14rachelg
My name is Rachel and I'm 14 years old, for the past three weeks I've had a ghost in my room. The first night she showed herself was three weeks ago on a Wednesday. I was about to fall asleep when I hear "Hey" I just thought it was my mum outside maybe talking to our dog, but about five minutes late...
Do You Think I Have A Psychic Ability? by lexykatherine
I'm 13, and as long as I've been able to remember I've been able to tell when there's going to be an earthquake. My right ear gets high-pitched ringing noises within 24 hours of the earthquake. The longer the first one lasts, the higher the magnitude. Usually after the first, a series of high-pitc...
Shadow Theft by marcusj0015
About 2 weeks ago I was in the car with my mom and sisters and we were going back home (I don't remember where we were) and it was pretty late about 11 P.M. And there was a truck behind us on the road and we were driving past a corn field, and I just glanced at my shadow on the ceiling of the car an...
Predicting Things In Dreams by PyschicVisions
It's happened before, but just now recently it's been happening a lot more often since I turned 14. My dreams are coming true. For example, I had a dream that someone was going to ask me out via phone call at a sleepover at my friend's house. The next weekend, my friend had a sleepover birthday part...
For People Thinking They Have Gone Crazy by jennk
My abilities (I have a couple) started happening to me around the age of 9. I was running through the woods that separated my house and my grandparent's house. I ran upon a man in full Native head dress. I thought it was my grandfather because it looked exactly like him. I should add that we did not...
Is This Spirit A Guide? by Suzie88
To start... Well I'll give everyone a brief overview of my history... When I was younger I experienced a host of strange things, dreams that merged into real life, spirits, and regular 'bumps' by invisible forces into the side of my bed... On one occasion I experienced sleep paralysis too... And the...
Lost Or Improved Abilities by FellTheEnergy
(my first story) I am 18 years old and have an ability to look into the future, or maybe I had, I am afraid iv lost it. It started when I were about 5-6 years old. I could see what was going to happen the next day, next week or a few month ahead. I used to look what I was going to have for Christmas...
My Gateway by Damone
Hello, my name is Damone I'm the typical high school guy. I play all kinds of sports and is well connected with people but to my story... On the day I turned 6 weeks old my father committed suicide at the age of 21 while on LSD in front of me and my mother. In no more than 12 hours after his death I...
Disembodied Voice by Mel33
About 2 or 3 months ago I was going through my typical routine for the day, but I kept getting an uneasy feeling as if something just wasn't right. However, I kept on ignoring it and went about my day. That night as I was getting ready to go to sleep and the feeling kept getting stronger, but I was...
Am I A Psychic, Medium, Clarvoyant? by MiaIsabella
So here's the thing. A few weeks ago, we was looking for a house to rent so one day we found one that looked nice. But as soon as I walked into one of the bedrooms upstairs, a wave of negative energy hit me. It was really weird because it didn't stop there. I got a feeling and a picture in my head o...
Types Of Psychic Attacks by Darkstar
Mental Attacks- are carried out by spirits or people possessing the psychic ability of telepathy, mind reading, some forms of empathy and others of the like. These attacks can cause light headiness, nightmares, fainting, disillusions and confusion. The best way to block these types of attacks is to ...
Future Visions by Thanatos951
I have had certain situations in my life where I have had unconscious visions. When I sleep or daydream I, unknowingly have visions that come true days, maybe weeks later. The way I know I have seen them before is, I get a strange burning sensation in my head and I realize that I have seen this befo...
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