I have had dreams that have become true. Some of my dreams are really direct showing colors, or people or even some events that might be an upcoming event that will happen to me. An example would be a dream of last night where I had a friend of mine playing a certain sport. The next day I met a man with the same name, we began talking and he mentioned he played the same sport as the guy in my dream. Those are obvious hints that could be related.
I guess my question is, how can I understand when a dream has a meaning to it? Do I just wait and anticipate what will come true from one of my dreams?
Another thing about my dreams, is why are some of them soo random? Should I exclude those dreams, or do they mean something too?
Do all dreams mean something?
What are some meanings that have happened to you, and that I could maybe relate too. Like if water has a certain meaning, or a dog?
I'm just really trying to understand my dreams, because they do come true at times, I think they would even more if I could understand my dreams more.
I also would like to know if anyone has had dreams come true that did not involve them with the outcome? Has anyone ever predicting awful events that happened, like 9/11 or Hurricanes?
Thanks for taking the time to help me, and give advice.