This has happened to me for the past four years. It happens to me randomly at night time when I'm sleeping. I am sleeping but I am well aware of my surroundings. Its sort of like I'm not sleeping at all just sitting in my room. Then suddenly a figure or body appear in the shadows. They are either standing beside me, or across. There once was a figure hanging from the back of my door, and when I noticed it, its head started turning to look at me. Another time was when there was a twisted faced man lying on my floor.
They usually appear as dark figures, or like the one that was on my floor, with scary, twisted looking faces. I usually scream out loud when I see these figures because they really are horrible. The twisted face one on the floor I actually stomped on it because it looked so real. The only time I did not freak out, was when there was another body beside my bed. This was the first time one has appeared to me during the day. I sat up and turned towards it, this body was missing a head and there was a fly buzzing around. I blinked once and it disappeared. It's really hard for me to fall asleep at night being afraid of these figures to show up again, I researched this on the internet and came up with 'Night Terrors'.
The Only time where it was not a frightening moment was when a recently deceased friend of mine was above me, slowly appearing with his face and then upper body. He was smiling down on me. Was this some sort of sign he was sending?
I haven't really experienced any figures lately, but now its more like a wake up scared and have a 'feeling' someone is around me. I keep my eyes closed before I turn on the lights.
I also have huge black spiders crawling around me. Is this a bad omen?
Please help me, I want to fall asleep not being afraid of these figures, and someone help me figure out with the recently passed away friend on mine, was this a sign?
These shadows come to me at night time so I am guessing that these are the bad, demonic spirits. Only once did I see a body with no head at sunset, though I wasn't afraid of this one.
How can I tell the difference between real people, spirts and human ghosts?
I don't believe I have seen any when I am not about to fall asleep or at night time.
I guess I'm only seeing bad spirts because when I do see them I am terrified,
And when I do see them, should I speak to them? What if they disappear or will I hear their response?
Thank you for taking the time to answer my problems, and questions.