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What Am I? Why Can I Do These Things?


I am very personal with these things that I am able to do.

I don't talk about it much. I do not know if I am physic. Thought I know I am adnormal. I am 13. I can do things that I can't control.

It started when I was 7 or at least that is my earliest memory of it. Luckily no one has found out. My hands started to burn, so I ran to my room to try and get it to stop. I could not stop the burning. I started seeing sparks on my hands. I thought I was going to die. Then I saw a little bit of fire 🔥 on my hands, but it didn't burn me.

Over time it grew strong, but I can not control it. I am able to feel when it is about to happen.

When I was 9 I started seeing how someone would die when I touched them (if it was peacefully I could not see anything)

Then when I turned 10 I started to connect with other mind. People I didn't know. Without being able to control it. If they were angry 😠 I felt angry. What ever they felt I felt. I could follow their thoughts.

At 12 I deloped being able to move things with out touching them they would break with me just looking at them.

I feel as if all my abilitys are going explode. 1 year old I was in my room and suddenly every thing I could do just happened. Thing s were flying everywhere. I set my bed in fire. I could not breathe. It lasted there minute When I happened I was alone in the no one was hurt. It hasn't happen since. I don't know what caused it. Honestly I would give anything to get rid of the power. I am a Christian and do not know what is going on. To this no one who knows my real name knows about me.

Please help me understand.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Caelynne, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

-o0I0o- (19 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-10)
In Quantum Theory there is a premise whereby the very act of watching, the observer affects the observed reality.

A controlled experiment revealed that the greater the amount of "watching," the greater the observer's influence on what actually takes place.
Lyro (468 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-31)
I know it's been a while and you may not even check this site anymore, but I'll still try to help if I can. First off you probably showed signs when you were much younger, it's a trend that people will show signs when they are young around 1-3, then stop and never remember that they did in the first place. They then re-develop at around 7-13 years old, think of it like puberty. There will be people outside the norm, some show signs without stopping, some develop again much later like myself. First and foremost, don't think of it like a curse or anything of that sort. It's a part of you, and honestly it's how every person on this planet should be if they weren't tied down to a lower frequency. This isn't something that is 'different' it's what everyone should be if they could only remember. What we can do it tied heavily to our emotions, more than likely you had a spike of emotions that caused a spike in energy when those things happened to you. Especially when you start feeling others emotions it's called Empathy, you'll have to start looking inside yourself to recognize your emotions from ones that you know aren't coming from you. Once you can recognize that a feeling isn't something from you but from an outside source, you can start interpreting who they are coming from. You'll have to try and control the connections you make so you don't wildly make connections with everyone, and instead only those that you choose or else you'll go through what many new Empaths do which I call the Empathic overload. Making connections with everyone around you will drain you quickly, cause major stress, and overload you. Someone in the comments suggested meditation, that's a good start to help center yourself. So hopefully that helps explain your energy spikes and feeling others emotions, now we'll move on to energy in your hands. I've known people to have different effects from their hands, one dealt with cold, I myself had fire. If again I had energy spikes from my emotions, I could heat things up in my hand and even made something explode once. Really didn't mean to, but it was because I didn't control my emotions. Later on I developed a kind of neutral mind, having emotions isn't bad, but letting them spike is. Someone mentioned chi energy in the hands, that may be an interesting topic to look into, I can only base things off my own experiences. As far as breaking things by looking at them, I knew someone else who did but I never experienced it myself. Science is finally catching up and understanding that consciousness can effect the universe around us, the best way to think of it is what people call the law of attraction. If there's something that you want, you don't ask for it but you really want or need it, the universe provides. It can be something big, or something small. I was really tired of having the black screen and adds on Pandora and right as I was thinking about it my app on my phone restarted and I had free Pandora Prime. No memberships, no trials, nothing bought, it just updated and had prime right in my hand. They quickly realized and changed it, but for the time I had it for free all because I wanted it. I had someone I wanted to go see but didn't have the money for it, checked my bank and there was a bank error in my favor for that exact amount. A friend and myself have both had music come on just by thinking about it. Things do tend to get really complicated at times, but you have to just learn to trust yourself and the universe. You mentioned being a christian, I've talked to an angel and have one that's protecting me. All of this isn't something that is a demon's curse or anything against God, if it were I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be protected. It's also a good thing that I am because less than 2 weeks ago I almost had a car hit me going well over 60mph that just barely turned, I've been saved from being crushed, skiing accidents, car crashes, drowning. All kinds of near deaths that I've been saved from because of that protection. Oh I also just read back and saw I missed something, about knowing when someone is going to die, you're probably feeling the emotional impact that death would bring, it's the same with how we can know when something is about to happen, when we can feel something wrong is coming. We're feeling that wave of energy from the negative emotions of the event. The closer we are to the event the easier it is to feel. So if it's something that impacts us we'll feel it more than someone else.

Hopefully some of this can help at least in some way, I wish you the best and if you have more questions or want to reach me I do have an e-mail listed on my profile.
~ Lyro
Innaana (3 posts)
5 years ago (2020-06-07)
Interesting story! I don't know what to think, really. It looks like a movie sceen. I have some spiritual experience before but yours is so intense! I will suggest you to pray to Jesus. When I have some supernatural experience I always talk to GOD because only he will know to truth! Tell him what to do next because maybe is the gift from him or is something demonic there. The devil is the king of the confusen! So in situatin where you feel confused something demonic is there. As I know the fire from hand is called "chi energy" but I don't know if this energy is from GOD or someone else. I really recomande you to pray in the name of jesus cus he is the only way... As it says in bible... Hope you will find a solution!
johnfly (25 posts)
5 years ago (2020-05-28)
Hi [at] Caelynne

It seems you are going through a change spiritually and unlocking abilities that could be used for something good in this world. Rather than wanting them to go away: Some may see it as both a blessing and a curse.


John Fly
robmkivseries70 (1 stories) (57 posts)
5 years ago (2020-05-25)
Good Day [at] Caelynne,
It sounds extremely intense, I have only had very minor experiences with this sort of thing. What you are asking for, I think, is help with control of your gift. I would like to suggest meditation, look for some of the free exercises on the web by the "Silva Mind Control" people. While in deepest meditation there are three sayings that will help. 1) "Every day, in every way, I am getting better, better, and better." 2) "Negative thoughts and negative suggestions have no influence over me at any level of the mind, including the outer conscious level." 3) "I will always maintain a perfectly healthy body and mind." Learn the meditation and practice daily. There books out that contain a CD to help you learn mind control. I am not selling anything, just a satisfied customer.
johnfly (25 posts)
5 years ago (2020-05-25)
Hi [at] Caelynne

Are you not able to access to create an inbox there from the web browser of the device you are using?


John Fly
Caelynne (1 stories) (4 posts)
5 years ago (2020-05-24)
No sorry, I had most of my connection apps on my computer. Johnfly
johnfly (25 posts)
5 years ago (2020-05-24)
Hi [at] Caelynne

Are you able to access any online email services such as gmail either on the web or on the app on the device that you're currently using?


John Fly
Caelynne (1 stories) (4 posts)
5 years ago (2020-05-24)
Hi Johnfly
I am so sorry but, is there another way to contact you? My computer with my email on it broke and it will be a while until I can afford another.

Thanks for being willing to help.
johnfly (25 posts)
5 years ago (2020-05-23)
Hi [at] Caelynne

This is extremely interesting and I would love to communicate with you about it over email as I have heard and come across others like yourself and would be interested in asking a few questions feel free to shoot me an email [at] theflyguyhelps [at] Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Johnathon Fly
Caelynne (1 stories) (4 posts)
5 years ago (2020-05-23)
Please help me. I would really appreciate it. Please comment

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