For some time now (about a year now) I have been having a strange feeling, it is a kind of energy with a strange heat that comes from my palms or a just over my palms. I have been thinking on what it is, I have never felt anything like this before.
While I trying to figure out what this is, and what it is good for, I am having a sick sense of power, don't even know why, but it feels like I am stuck, I can't focus my energy to do anything, it's just the same old heat, thou sometimes hotter than normal. I think the hottest and strongest time was, when I held my hands about 40-50 cm apart form each other and I could feel the same heat as concentrated as my hands only hand been a couple of centimeters apart, and much hotter than my body heat. I have tried to talk with one of my friends how knows more than I do about this, but no luck there.
As I said before I feel stuck, I just can't open my mind it seems like, I seriously need some help, I feel like something different, something I don't know... Powerful maybe? I just want to find out what this is and how to make it work with me. To just make it evolve, to make myself evolve, I am so curious about this "new" thing I have discovered.
I really hope someone can help me with this, I myself am running out of ideas how to discover what I possess.
As a scientist and artist, I see both sides of the possibility of healing ourselves or others. I can also see that I have a unique opportunity as a human being to see what I am capable of. If you want to heal someone, the machine is prewired for instruction. And, it is so so simple. Just tell the body/bio machine to fix itself and lay hands on them, but always ask them or tell them what you are going to do first.
Your hands by their nature will start to heat up because you said. It's a form of programming. Learn to go past belief, don't let anyone tell you how it is, find out for yourself and just try it. Look at your hands and tell them to heat up. And do that until it listens and before you know it you are cooking.
Studies have shown in as little as a month, that's just thirty days, that we can rewire ourselves to do extraordinary things, actually make real brain structure changes that can be measured.
Being an energy healer of the body requires learning of the systems and functions of the machine/body. Learn about energy and how it moves.
We are taught it's a spiritual thing, but the science to back it up is there for those who seek it.
It also requires you to actually do it. Practice on friends, family, and co workers. It is a skill like playing the guitar or piano. You don't do concerts the next day, right? You practice, hone your skill, and learn. It's not about if it works or not. It's about the effort of teaching yourself to do it. There is no intent for harm, and you are trying to be kind. Selfless. And those frequencies? You will find out very quickly things are so much more interesting than we have been told. Healing is the tip of the iceberg. Right?
It's about moving frequencies of love and kindness and changing the world. True