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Energy Waves What Do They Mean?


I am a clairvoyant, and I don't know why but when I lay down in bed or at night I start to feel so much energy, like waves of energy throughout my body as if there's somebody in the room or something. Like as if I'm drunk but I'm not. Sometimes when I'm in school and I'm standing talking to my teacher I start to feel this speed of energy come through me like a shock and then its over. Like a flashback but not really because I don't receive images like other good developed psychics. I can only feel energy and gut feelings and have a good clarification of what it is in my gut or head, but I can't see images at all but anyways what does this all mean? About the whole energy waves if anybody has experienced this please explain to me what this means? Also when I'm meditating I also feel the waves of energy like a lucid dreaming. Almost like flying or floating. Just a couple ideas to show you what I'm feelings and what this all means.

If anybody has anything to say just please comment I appreciate comment a lot. Also another thing when I close my eyes I can tell what direction the energy is going. I can tell if it is looping or going east or west or north and so on so forth.


I will be responding to all the comments thank yoU!

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Myymomthinksshespsychic (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-10)
i have a question totally unrelated but I somehow feel your the person I should talk to.
I have trouble with my mom she thinks shes psychic but I can't tell. She does salt circles doesn't shower or drink water always drinking tea and club soda she can't saY NEGATIVE WORDS OR SAY WORD WITH THE LETTER "O" she also can't give commands and doesn't let her kids wear blue or black except one who is beleived to be her lottery winner the and she also only writes things down on paper and always eats liver and only feeds us chicken also she is in a cult and they always tell her what to do and she all of sudden goes to church now and is reading "Trying" the bible in LATIN and always has to be right and when she gets mad she smiles and says "your awesome and I love you" and when shes wrong she gets furious but doesn't show it shell leave the room and smack something on the way out and doesn't wear silver or can't wear fake jewlery and can't buy clearence or sales (ex.) marshalls and clothing sales she won't let us out after 12 even if the whole family is out she rushes 85 miles per hour on the road just to make it before 12 (ex.) 11:15 "lets go" there is more but I can't remeber please respond asoon thank you:)
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-14)
"energy your sensing this can be the strongest of them all mine tends to be a blueishh color but I have heard red is worse,"

Tiron told me that colour is based on a person's perception of it. If two people looks at one's aura, one might see yellow, one might see blue, but they might both mean calm.
Angelrainbow (5 stories) (15 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-14)
brianTRUMAN23= I think your right, it probably is mostly my energy and the whole negative energies you were saying. Thank You.
Angelrainbow (5 stories) (15 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-14)
faiz999= here is my email Redeyekittycat [at] So we can talk there, I don't have a schedule of meditation I usually try to meditate before it turns dark but then I do end up meditating when it gets dark because I have to talk to my spirit guide about advice and what not. As for my diet I eat chicken, sandwhiches, just anything that I can gt my hands on, just no spicy food. And I don't wear perfume. Id liek to learn both energies.
brianTRUMAN23 (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-13)
yo,...yea listen, I feel and even see this its was very strange at first, a lot of these people are right meditate befor going to bed due to the fact that this can be very overwhlming, nine times out of ten I'm almost one hundred percent guessing that its (your) energy your sensing this can be the strongest of them all mine tends to be a blueishh color but I have heard red is worse, this is a good thing and the reason whyother spirits are manifesting themslfs to you in the form of this energy take a deep breath you will be fine
warsage (7 stories) (39 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-13)
i mean to relax and silent your mind, and just contemplate on your energy, not focusing, like when you read a book, contemplating like when your in a warm bathtube being washed by the comfortable warm water, just be aware of it, and after enough practice you will start to feel it all the time, like a feel it very often, this makes it easier for doing any kind kinesis, like in my case, electrokinesis.
Faiz999 (7 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-13)
warsage== Your comment is good but what you mean by meditation. 😊
warsage (7 stories) (39 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-13)
Maybe you should do what I am doing, it will help you alot. You should focus on trying to produce one type of energy or make a shield or something, focus on what you are most interested in, like for example, I am focusing on electrokinesis. And keep a journal and write down your progress, you must not forget about this, this will keep track of your progress and it will be easier for you to try to go abit farther every time you practice.
But before you try producing the energy, first atempt to meditate, for atleast ten minutes focusing on your energy, but just try to sense it, NOT produce. Then work on producing youre the energy of your choosing.
You don't have to do this, its just what I have been doing, and its very helpful.
Faiz999 (7 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-13)
Ashies== I your case you are experiencing the chi energy. You can be a good healer. And you can go beyond for mind reading by touch.
Faiz999 (7 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-13)
Angelrainbow== Can you please tell me your day schedule and your meditating time and diet and perfume. About what you are experiencing== Is you are trying to initiate your powers and you want a good human guide. I think you like to stay alone and don't like to be hurt. More you are emotional more you get hurt. I was like you wandering until I got the human teacher and he gave me the teacher from other world. Its not my intuition but my analysis that, in your dream you see water most of the time.

Pass me your plan to grow yourself and where you want to reach. You want black or white powers or both because both are opposite in direction. I will teach you what I learned but time is factor.
Faiz999 (7 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-13)
For the chakras you need to know some basics if you people are interested I can pass on some information. I can activate or transfer chakras with my psychic power. "Be on the ground the more strong tree is the on which holds the earth more tightly". I am trying to attack my enemy with my psychic power but because of emotional touch of her in my past I fail.
Faiz999 (7 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-13)
while meditating please don't focus or let in your mind come that your are performing it for gaining the power. The basic experience is your palms get warm and heated. Most of the people believe in sit and meditate according to me if you sit its only half better stand and meditate for a while before you sit. For intuitive level you have to move the energy from bottom to top and for healing top to bottom. When I touch anyone forehead I can scan his body and see the internal injured areas. I need to know what your energy flow experience is. Without teacher is like walking with out shoe you may get hurt.
Angelrainbow (5 stories) (15 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-12)
wanderingwayne= maybe it is what I feel in my backbone. Maybe what I'm experience is energy and maybe I am able to produce it and use to heal people, because I can feel the energy around me and within my soul when I meditate after 1 second, or when I'm layig in bed I feel as if the earth is shifting but it isnt, its the energy moving
Ashies (4 stories) (14 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-12)
Im not sure what it is I feel but when you speak about energy I wonder if that is what I'm experiencing. Whenever I pray I focus on my hands and I'm able to create energy of some sort between my hands they feel like magnets I'm unable to put them together. When I focus more I feel the energy grow much larger and still in the shape of a sphere. I sometimes think it could be my imagination but I can't deny that I've been doing this since I was a child. I realized that afterwards when I look at my hands I have what appears to be a hole in the middle of my palm rather it looks like one. That hole is where I feel the concentration of energy.
WanderingWayne (4 stories) (107 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-12)
I can feel energy at my chakra points when I think about them. I bought The Idiots Guide to Chakras and there was a lot of straight forward info on chakras. On line there is just too much information to sort it out. Looking for books on energy (and not finding much) I read a book about Reiki which is a healing energy. I took a class in Reiki and have used it to cure my old dogs arthritis in his hip.

Not to long ago I had a dream where a sign was shoved in my face with the name Issa on it and a girl from I think India was in the back ground. Now when I think of that name I feel an energy in my tail bone and it will run up my backbone. Very intense. I can lay in bed at night and think of energy and feel it in my whole body. I haven't thought of it like floating before, but it is a little similar. Maybe if I look for that feeling of floating I will notice it. I don't know how similar this is to your ability to feel energy. When you say it comes though you like a shock it sounds similar to what I feel in my backbone.

I keep looking for books on energy and it hasn't been to productive, but what I find is interesting. If you want to learn how to help people with energy or help yourself or feel more in control Reiki is something you could research. There are some good people involved with Reiki.

You might want to look on line under chakras and see if you can feel the energy at these points.
Angelrainbow (5 stories) (15 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-12)
Warsage= I'm not sure how to produce energy or transfer to my hands. I think I do, I just feel like I'm not doing it right. Like I meditate and I focus on the heat in my hands I start to feel and focuz on producing energy or heat on my hands. Am I doing it right or not really?
Angelrainbow (5 stories) (15 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-12)
Faiz999= can yyou explain to me what you feel I'm experieincing? I have been meditating for 4 months not, and I can feel the energy so clearly now then before its crazy how meditation improves so much on intuitive abilities.
lilylove (3 stories) (362 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-11)
I was going through that too and it was only 3 years ago and meditation very helpful you should try meditating.
Faiz999 (7 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-11)
I too started like you...
I am practicing since 10 years and I have activated my healing power and I heal the people but not that high standard problems. Now, I am trying dark arts I don't have any knowledge about them but I experience them in me.
I want to go high level intuitions but, now I can see my inner demon very clearly and able to move it out of my body and send it where ever I want.
Newblood (1 stories) (202 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-10)
Hey sorry about this message it may be a little disrespectfull for it not on topic. But olease for any one who reads this I am looking for some one to talk to about angel thing who is mature and not a child and walks with god for I have been exspirencing diffrent thing I have been talking to the angels and they tell me uriel is a women were in the bible it clearly states hes a male but yet so much of the other stuff they have done around me has been amzing. I guess I'm just looking for some one who will talk to me about some of this and who will possibly get to speak to angels or already do and with in the last month I have gone through 3 diffrent angel gifts like one to command spirit guides, to heal the people around me and feel and taste and know what exactly is goin on with them at that moment, and to be able to makes things happen I ask for just by talking about it. The other day I was walking down the road to and my angel gave me the strongest preminition I ever had and I could feel it on my body and it was that I would be shot by a hunter if I didn't remove my coat for when I was walking he made it so I couldn't see out my right eye for my eye was goin to fail then I could taste the silver cross around my neck and my knees weekend and finaly I was able to feel where the bullet would have hit in my back. And when I first questiond why he wanted me to take off my coat he like shouted and said ryan please do it and all I herd was tears for they feard for my death so obviuosly I did and then he said make sure you cary your coat on the left said and I under stood why for when I felt the bullet it hit right above my right kiddny on my back close to my spine.
Faiz999 (7 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-10)
You need to try meditating and be sure the room is not dark and too flashy. Try to control the flow with your wish using your brain. Let it move through your spinal cord until the neck and tell me your experience.
warsage (7 stories) (39 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-09)
i can feel this too, I can even see it. My advice is for you to find some time, maybe at night before you go to sleep, (because it easier to see it then) meditate truly focusing in your energy and expirament with it, try to produce more, or direct it to your hands, there are also some good sites out there explaining it.

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